View Full Version : echostar 3600

09-10-2009, 02:12 PM
I wonder if anyone can help,I have inherited the above rec from my brother who had it from new.He used it with motorised dish system and he lives in Hertfordshire and had no unusual problems.
I live in Herefordshire and have set up a similar system,everything fine until I try and access the receiver menu with remote so as to do necessary settings,freqs,etc. The receiver keeps telling me to input,"security code" and won't let me,"in" until I do.My brother assures me to his knowledge he never used or had any such ,"code" and the original instruction manual doesn't seem to mention it. Anybody have any ideas how to get around this prob????
All help would be appreciated.

09-10-2009, 02:41 PM
I have the same receiver try putting in '0000' to unlock it that's what I did with mine and it worked for me so let me know if it did mate.

Best of luck. :)


09-10-2009, 07:37 PM
No i tried that and1234 but nothing but a stroke of luck it appears that the guys that did the original setup(since out of business) had etched a no on the case 7604 bingo that was the one.
Now i need a step by step setup procedure to establish all new settings,east and west end stops,sat frequencies etc.
The original installed sats/channels are still in rec all be it in wrong settings.So I think I need to do a factory reset and am a bit worried about messing it all up.Many thanks for yr interest.

11-10-2009, 12:52 PM
If you go to the Echostareurope site
you can download a manual and get all
the info. you require


11-10-2009, 04:38 PM
Here is the link to the manual guys hope this helps.:)
