View Full Version : saving setting with discq and fw3501

12-10-2009, 11:33 PM
hi has anyone managed to save there channel/sat pos settings with the new firmware 3501 with disecq,tried maz 2 but it lost all sat positions after uploading to maz2 not altering anything then downloading back to azbox,then tried latest azboxedit and found after uploading to azboxedit the disecq positions were all off,so never tried downloading back to azbox,seems like both maz2 and the latest azboxedit have trouble with disecq

13-10-2009, 11:17 AM
I didn't notice that but you could be right. I pulled the list from the Azbox, deleted some channels saved it and sent it back to the Azbox, the existing diSeQc information was still there, my dish still moved between satellites and my switch seemed to be working ok. I'll play with it more when I get home this coming weekend. Using 3501, Maz 2.0

13-10-2009, 03:33 PM
thanks starman so youre saying your disecq positions were ok after downloading back to azbox then?

13-10-2009, 05:09 PM
thanks starman so youre saying your disecq positions were ok after downloading back to azbox then?

Yes, it seemed to work fine, after uploading my edited list(deleted some channels in Maz 2.0) back to the Azbox those deleted channels were indeed gone and my settings seemed to still be intact. I wish I were home so I could verify by doing it again, but I won't be able to do that until the coming weekend.
There must be others who have tried this? Any input?

13-10-2009, 05:31 PM
i've only three sats on a disecq and i've nearly always had trouble with this. Quite often after i reloaded the channels, the diseq info was gone, but since i have just the three sats, no big deal.

with maz2 i tried deleting all other unnecesary sats, but in the all-channels list, tehy were all greyed out and in the fav list, they had 0 for disecq and i couldn't change it.

i always make two copies of my channels now, maz and azboxedit.

13-10-2009, 05:36 PM
yes ive two same as you but dont think ny work on reload??

14-10-2009, 10:29 AM
iwols please, send me the files antenna_list.dat and DVBS.dat to check.

18-10-2009, 02:08 PM
Ok, I finally got home for a day and have been playing with Maz2.0. I guess I was wrong....my DiseQc settings are hosed after sending the list back to the Azbox. It doesn't matter if I edit the list or leave it as is, when I send it back the DiSeqc positions and switch settings are changed.
Iwols, did you get a chance to send the .dat files requested by Morser? He is the author of the Maz program so can probably fix things. I would but have to leave for another week so won't be by my satellite setup.

18-10-2009, 05:17 PM
hi starman yes i did he sent me a file back but even then it had loads of the settings changed on reload to azbox...what i did find was when i uploaded the files to either maz2 or azboxedit ,when they were opened in either the settings were wrong especially on the feed sats i made they were all 0,s,it looks as much an azbox problem as the editors we arer using,is there only us two that are having this problem with disecq and trying to back up settings

18-10-2009, 05:56 PM

I have seen that the problem is in the order of the satellites. The Azboxedit and MaZ need satellites within the file DVBS.dat and antenna_list.dat are in the same order. I am working now to resolve this. I think the file worked perfectly in Azbox but the changes made in the MaZ in a satellite is actually written to another by having different order.

Can you say how you've changed the order?

18-10-2009, 07:02 PM

I have seen that the problem is in the order of the satellites. The Azboxedit and MaZ need satellites within the file DVBS.dat and antenna_list.dat are in the same order. I am working now to resolve this. I think the file worked perfectly in Azbox but the changes made in the MaZ in a satellite is actually written to another by having different order.

Can you say how you've changed the order?

How can the order be changed? If I delete a satellite from my list from within Maz, then send the list back to the Azbox, is the info written to both DVBS.dat and antenna_list.dat or just one of them?

I checked the time stamp on those two files before and after changing info in Maz and they are both updated

18-10-2009, 07:03 PM
hi morser you could be right as i noticed a couple of the american satellites actually finished up with the disecq settings of my feed sats imade...and also 42e finished up as 18w?? i cant think how i changed the order sorry,are you saying if i did all the editing with maz on a new install it would work thanks for all your efforts

18-10-2009, 07:12 PM
does deleting a sat cause a mismatch then

20-10-2009, 04:47 PM
I too have this problem. I also have a problem just using the AZBox itself. I started by trying to configure 25 satellite positions (diseqc 1.2). Every time I tried I ended up with initial ones getting corrupted position data (orbital and diseqc store number I think). Since each time it took me hours to get there, I decided to try some different approaches. AZBoxEdit and MaZ see 2.0. Both of these didn't work properly either, with issues as described here.

Since I also wanted to clean up the satellite list itself I also tried deleting adding renaming satellites. I couldn't do this in MaZ as it always gave applications errors editing the satellite data.

When I transfer files back with different satellites AZBox always merges it with its own list, and I appear to get even bigger mess.

20-10-2009, 07:07 PM
I find it safer to delete sat positions via remote. Fast, too!

You can easily do other things via remote, also.

Then, combine editing via MaZ and voila!

Favs creating, adding, deleting...

Best results!!!

20-10-2009, 07:50 PM
are you using disecq goran

20-10-2009, 08:02 PM
Yes, you have it in my "Alternative guide" thread. All the details are there.:coolgleamA:

23-10-2009, 06:20 PM
New version of MaZ.

Please test if these problems are solved with the new MaZ 2.1.


23-10-2009, 07:12 PM
hi morser looks promising at least editor is reading my disecq settings even the feed sats ive made just gonna delete some sats then send back to az ,fingers crossed

23-10-2009, 08:01 PM
ahhhhh just deleting loads of sats i dont use,but when i get further down the list ie the feed sats ive greated . they have all changed their names, and sat positions are wrong,even though before i started deleting the unused sats there name and positions were correct ah well its a step in the right direction thanks morser

23-10-2009, 08:31 PM
I've removed satellites without problem on your list. Tell me the satellites that you have deleted. You went one to one? in which you had the problem?

24-10-2009, 01:01 AM
hi morser seems i may not be able to edit the sat/channel list(original one i sent to you) that is on my box correctly ,when i tried to edit the list with the file you cleaned up for me it seems to be ok,although i havent sent it back to the az yet.just wondering why the file i have on my box doesnt work properly,but i will edit and download with the file you did for me tomorrow,may i thank you very much for all your time and effort youve spent on this,thanks

24-10-2009, 02:26 AM
Morser, I've been playing with Maz2.1 this evening and it seems to work much better. I have 65 satellites in my list, both c and ku band, they are separated with a Spaun Diseqc switch. The Diseqc information is not lost now as it was before when transferring the list to and from the Azbox. I moved the list back and forth several times making a few edits each time and it keeps the information without fault.
I deleted a lot of channels and found once or twice I got an "out of bounds" error. I continued on through the error each time and it uploaded to the Azbox fine and the deleted channels were gone.
I would like to be able to add a satellite and insert it into the list in its proper orbital position but can't see how to do that. I can add a satellite but it is added to the end of the list. Would it be possible to have an option to "reorder satellites" by degree(oribital location)? Either ascending or descending? Or, would it be possible to allow the user to change the "net index" value, thus placing it in whatever order he wished?
Thanks for your work, the editor is very nice, I'm using it a lot now.

24-10-2009, 02:39 AM

24-10-2009, 09:55 AM
x iwols
Do not use the original file that your send me, he had a mistake in the record length.

x starman345
Yeah, I've thought about putting an option to sort then satellites by orbital position or index but will in future verions.

27-10-2009, 01:23 AM
Morser, when I read the list of channels from AZbox HD and choose Radio channels, then choose/pick/highlight all of them - I cannot do anything at all. It is stuck.

I was going to delete all the radio channels but it didn't work. "Access violation at address 00688519. Read of address 0000005."

It seems good programmers need more help from Opensat/Celrun: new FW 0.9.3661 changes to blame?

With Telesat's editor you can't even try to do it, of course...

They should give you better assistance!!!:smash:

27-10-2009, 08:39 AM
I love this MAZ Tool from Morser, its great, but it killed in earlier Version(1.0) my Setting.
My Astra 19,2 is now nonamed and when I sort my Channels, all channels on Astra dont have a Satellitname.
Have spend some Hours for my List, but I think I must make a new List.

Also when I try to change one Channel in Transponderdata (here MotorsTV has changed to a new Position), transfer then my Settings to Box and zap to this Channel, my Box reboot complete(Error occured and reboot).
So the only Way to get this new Channel was a scan on this Transponder, delete the old Channel and put the new one in my Favorites.
If I must use this Way I dont need a Tool, I can do this on my Box, so there must be a Mistake.
I have get all correct Data from Provider, also Sids and Vpids and so on, but only the new scan helps me to look this Channel without Boxcrashing