View Full Version : Do older DM800's update ok?

13-10-2009, 05:26 PM
I know that the DM800 clones have a problem if you try and flash them with the latest images or drivers, which is determined by the bootloader which they will accept, but what about older DM800's (originals, of course).

Can you still update your DM800 if it has an older sim?

Is it right that the clones have cracked sims which fool the checks built into bootloader 72 (and lower) images and drivers, but lack the ability to process the encryption calls coded into later packages?

Just curious ;)

13-10-2009, 10:08 PM
my dm800 (build date of june 2008 iirc), still updates ok no probs. I think that there must be some sort of algorithm built in to the sim, which the clones just have 1 single version of (same as older clones just had 1 mac addresswhich hundreds of the clones had the same mac etc)...