View Full Version : Quick question . AZBOX or Dreambox

17-10-2009, 06:13 AM

started years ago with my sammy, had great fun and viewing for years. Switched to an Octagon - great fun and viewing for ....well a few months.

So with my hard cash in hand do i buy a dreambox or AZBOX. Im in this forum so im leaning towards an AZBOX.

Picking my signals up in Sweden - i have offical cards for can#al dig, Sly UK, Digitalb, looking to expand on these packages of course!!!! - will these official cards work with all the latest FW,multis etc that these great people give to us.


17-10-2009, 10:36 AM
Dreambox don't waste time, money and effort on AzBox... not worth it. Even a clone box is better than this... unless you need 4:2:2 feeds something I didn't. Opensat support killed this nice hardware.

17-10-2009, 11:37 AM
I rarely disagree with Tinos, as he is quite knowledgeable and very helpful!! But this time I have to [sorry, m8! :D]!

Never a DB in my house!

But others might not be so scrupulous [read: prejudiced :D] like me! I hate the buggers, lock, stock and barrel! Destroyers of other people's HW - and only for convenience, as they don't feel like doing the RIGHT thing but always the easy thing! I feel like vomiting every time I hear that name.

It doesn't stop me from appreciating what they have done/achieved, in terms of getting fantastic support for their machines [Opensat/Celrun should study it and learn, make it their own strength!!!] but...

We need other competitors supported, so the competition does what it's supposed to do!

Now, my suggestion: at the moment there is f**k all happening on HD channels that one can't see on SD ones.

So, if you're not desperate and you can wait a bit - wait!

Not only for AZbox HD to become what it can become, as Tinos said, in relation to its great HW but...

Other machines are getting ready and coming onto the market.

It should speed up the development of AZbox HD, too!

Investment is the key word!

And carefully choosing!

The team, that is...

Good luck!:coolgleamA:

17-10-2009, 11:47 AM
started years ago with my sammy, had great fun and viewing for years.

'Ello, m8!

Likewise, as you may know, hehe... ;) :)

Picking my signals up in Sweden - i have offical cards for can#al dig, Sly UK, Digitalb, looking to expand on these packages of course!!!! - will these official cards work with all the latest FW,multis etc that these great people give to us.

Heh, I'm there, too! But I have no originals for now... Waiting...:angelsad2:

From what I have read [SEARCH function], new, white UK cards can be read by NewCS but... read more here...

Got any CI CAMs? You will need them, as AZbox HD has only 1 built-in slot and it will read Conax cards. Not sure if an old Matrix CAM with NDS FW, made by "our" guys, can support your card. Write a few messages on various boards and see... ;)

However, one has to say, in all honesty, that they are working on it and it's getting better - every week now, since Mower took over the MultiCAS development.

So, an educated guess: get a couple of Conax CI CAMs for you Conax cards, provided you learn here that the UK card can be handled by MultiCAS in the internal reader.

Even if it can't right now - report it on Opensat website, send them the logs and - wait a bit if you can, as I said.

Use your old rec for the time being and - maybe...

We'll see soon enough, I reckon...:sifone:

Good luck!:cheers2:

17-10-2009, 01:18 PM
Hi Goran, agree... but Opensat now is worst than DMM... so many lies and false hopes... at least on Kathrein when firmware was bad they open choice by letting Enigma2 come out. On Opensat is bad firmware or bad firmware...

If you don't want DMM you can always buy a cheaper (some say better) Dreambox clone. Or wait as you say for Coolstream HD1 to get ready or maybe other future boxes... IPbox is also cheap and incubuscamd works better than any CCcam solution on AzBox.

This is my personal opinion after waiting for decent firmware since March... now I got tired so look elsewhere...

17-10-2009, 03:07 PM
Yo, T! I trust you're good and dandy!!! ;) :)

I never had a DB and never dealt with them on a day-to-day basis, so I don't know what kind of lies and false hopes they were serving their customers [and I do know about some of those from the AZbox minnows kitchen, yeah... unfortunately...]...

But I do know about their vile nature and readiness to destroy other people's HW, for greed and nastiness based in profit only. Ergo, no DMM for me, thanx...

One more thing, re. DMM: they were attacking the clones before, hence, I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy a clone, even if forgot all of the above!

As for the other boxes: yeah, I heard a few possibilities are in the pipeline, so we wait and see...

Take care, guys!!! ;)

17-10-2009, 03:17 PM
Buy DreamBox Original or Clone, at least they work! and do what they put in the manual and specifications!

AZ lie, and lie again, and each time the lie is bigger and more full of garbage Firm!

Competitors such as these do not want, we have been disappointed in all rule!, I feel cheated and not using my machine has lost all its value in the market!

Early programmers are no longer firm, they were the ones that should continue with the project.

If the new want to follow, starting from 0 that do not learn anything!


17-10-2009, 03:38 PM
Buy DreamBox Original or Clone, at least they work! and do what they put in the manual and specifications!

AZ lie, and lie again, and each time the lie is bigger and more full of garbage Firm!

Competitors such as these do not want, we have been disappointed in all rule!, I feel cheated and not using my machine has lost all its value in the market!

Early programmers are no longer firm, they were the ones that should continue with the project.

If the new want to follow, starting from 0 that do not learn anything!


I think it's more like PAR both DMM and AZ.

There are things AZ won't do in SW and there are things in DMM HW.
SO actually to get a super box DMM and Celrun should start making babies...

I am just waiting news about blowing up DM800/8000, because there has been too many DMM boxes needing soldering iron.

17-10-2009, 04:05 PM
I have a DM8000HD with 4 Tuner, 4-channel recording HD and seeing a different one in another PC.

1080 MKV see perfect, giant pictures perfectly

Audio AC3 / DTS perfect

timeshift perfect

EMUS perfect!

Perfect images and multiples options images !

PIP perfect!

etc etc etc etc etc etc

It's expensive, yes!

When I will last ... 6 / 8 years

It's expensive?, NO!

17-10-2009, 04:10 PM
havent heard from these for while. untill today

17-10-2009, 04:48 PM
i would recommend you to buy azbox.at least for me cccam through multicas last two releases is working great.mbox is also working great.there are some minus in fw but they will be fixed soon i believe.thats my opinion and i dont take back any word .i own also dm7000,dm800,dm500 and ipbox 9000 and i still believe that azbox has nothing less from them.

IPbox is also cheap and incubuscamd works better than any CCcam solution on AzBox
i dont believe that incubuscam works better than multicas with cccam.tested them both extensive

17-10-2009, 05:16 PM
i dont believe that incubuscam works better than multicas with cccam.tested them both extensive

I can tell you wrong just by looking into the config files of incubuscamd versus MultiCAS but happy to see that it works for you. Maybe you are using splitter stuff that I don't.

Mbox works really bad on AzBox compared to other boxes... tested both too...

17-10-2009, 05:41 PM
Hmmmm... Mbox works really well on mine... Not sure what you mean, m8?

It all depends, in the end, on your mates/servers/peers...

I have only 3 servers in Mbox and CCcam.

I can see it all, more or less.

Not perfect but cool.

At least for me...

;) :)

[Btw, what happened to Kalero?]

17-10-2009, 05:52 PM
well i have azbox hd and clone 800hd which one would i choose dreambox,the azbox has maybe had 2hrs use if that in the last 5-6months i find the box to be crap,hoping out of my redundancy pay to get a 8000 if i can afford it

17-10-2009, 06:20 PM
As i remember in september terroman wrote about a meeting with opensat officials . Any news about it ?

Cheers ,
Val .

Dig Deep
17-10-2009, 06:36 PM
Quick answer is : Yes:cup-006:

You better ask for Why should I choose DMM or AZ.

DM is fully working az is on itīs way.
Compare price tag and decide.

Anyway, I am like Goran, dislike the dream since they decided to kill all clones, just like that !. Stupidity shows on You behavior :18:

So, I never let them decide what I want, clone or not.....

I am happy with this AZ, works fine. Problem is that every upgrade fix one problem and mess up something else. Think they donīt have the time they need. New boxes are around the corner and they need to rush,

Anyway, in the end it will be sorted. So, realax, and make up Your mind later on......

20-10-2009, 05:44 PM

great replies from all, its really appreciated and it has meade it a tough choice....so much good experienced feedback.

I should go for the DB, lots of development already done and sounds less torture than the AZ. :reddevil:

I nearly spent my cash on a DB last year, and probalby wished i had after the dissapointment of the Octagon, but just to annoy the missus spending hours in front of the PC and satbox i think im goona go AZ!:applause-003:

I have also respected Gorans threads and advice in the past, and he wouldnt have a DB in the house then thats good enough for me.

AZ premium ordered at the sponsors..........long live...the pimpss, long nights and shi# loads of newbie post readings!

Cheers to all

20-10-2009, 06:05 PM
Azbox hardware is much better than any Dreambox I have owned.

Az HD tuner is very good on weak signals.

Firmware needs improving, but it is perfectly useable now.

I don't feel like I am losing anything from not owning a DM8000. :)

DM8000 cost 3 times what I paid for my Azbox HD. :beatdeadhorse5:

20-10-2009, 06:17 PM
yes, 3 times more if ... BUT EVERYTHING WORKS!!

CCcam: record 5 Channel Perfect

20-10-2009, 06:53 PM
I don't have the money, even if I didn't hate the buggers...

And I don't need that many channels recorded at once...

Just a stable thingy with 2 Sat TV tuners...

Server and client CS sorted.

Playing all kindsa formats.

OK for LAN streaming.

I hope it comes...

20-10-2009, 07:03 PM
...but just to annoy the missus spending hours in front of the PC and satbox i think im goona go AZ!

I have also respected Gorans threads and advice in the past, and he wouldnt have a DB in the house then thats good enough for me.

AZ premium ordered at the sponsors..........long live...the pimpss, long nights and shi# loads of newbie post readings!

Hehe, made me chuckle!!! :D

Well, don' say I told you to do it when you get annoyed with it or frustrated because you may have to wait longer than you would've hoped for!!! :D :D :D

Mind, the EMU side is OK by now, they are improving in all directions, so hopefully the learning curve won't last that much longer...

But!!! There is this fear that it just might... So, hold on to your sofas... we're not going anywhere fast... just yet... ;) :D

On the bright note: it's definitely easier than Dreambox! I have a long thread to prove it! Even I can do it! :rolleyes: :D :respect-013::respect-applause-00

20-10-2009, 07:10 PM
yes, 3 times more if ... BUT EVERYTHING WORKS!!

CCcam: record 5 Channel Perfect

Something that most people would never use.

As long as the Azbox firmware and Multicas get better then for the money the Azbox wins hands down.

Add up the pros, runs cool, firmware starting to perform, MultiCAS updates being released weekly, EPG is starting to get better and thats with beta firmware.

The future is looking great for the Azbox and you will save Ģ600.00 yes you will have to put up with a few niggles but hey thats what this hobby is all about.

I would hate to switch a box on and everything was perfect, but I would expect just that if I paid over Ģ1000 for a box.

Add the help from people like Goran on this box and its win win win... all us azbox users are learning together and its great fun so join the club.


20-10-2009, 08:39 PM
I love my Azbox, I was reluctant to buy one due to reading so much negativity surrounding the box.

In the end I gave in and I'm glad I did. It does everything I want it to do and it can only get better. :respect-048:

20-10-2009, 10:32 PM
Hi all,
I've red all posts... negative & positive threats.
But feel that RIGHT NOW it is unfair to compare DMM with AZBOX HD for many reasons:
First DMM has been released more than 5 years ago, which is not the case for AZBOX.
Second, DMM has improved & definit FW, AZBOX is still running in beta phase.
Third & last: DMM actually has many professional support teams improving platform.... software.... plugins.... emus and many other stuf - AZBOX or (Opensat) is still looking for expert supporter for improving & developing all these stuf.
BUT: in case of comparing hardware only we all know that AZBOX for the hardware configurations deserve really what you paid for.
So finaly if you wanna make a fair comparaison... just wait not years like DMM (hopefuly some more months) then do it.:respect-055:

21-10-2009, 12:39 AM
just l ike to add my twopence worth
i took the plunge and bought azbox hd premium from sponsors a month back now im not technically clever as other people on this az forum but using gorans alternative guide i successfully upgraded the firmware and added plugins so im quite happy with my choice i thought it was a daunting task to start with but now it holds no fears i also had to buy a vbox to steer my 1.2m dish which i still have to setup properly but at the moment i'm renovating the living room so it will have to be on hold at the moment im sure you will annoy the missus with the hours you put in setting up your box but it will be fun so enjoy automan2:respect-055:

21-10-2009, 01:09 AM
Any alternative cheap box with Enigma2 is a lot better than AzBox... I know... I waited more than 7 months for that great firmware but it never came... people talking good about current firmware are marketing people, or do not really use it too much, or have never seen an Enigma box, so don't know what is really good to be fair and compare... sorry...

Only reason to use AzBox is if you really need 4:2:2 feeds...

I respect people that are happy with it, but wonder how much you want it to be good as you paid money and hopes on it... It took me a long time to realize I was wrong and firmware was never going to be good with current developers... hope they some day change their efforts but might be too late. Too many mistakes... still no real dual tuner, no highbitrate, unlocked usb/ethernet, good pvr or epg...

Just want to make sure people hear other side of the story... about people tired of waiting on false promises... they never came true... so got tired of waiting.

21-10-2009, 02:21 AM
Only reason to use AzBox is if you really need 4:2:2 feeds...

Not really, I use a lot my azbox for media player, specially to watch Xvid movies with subtitles, dreambox 800HD can't touch that. DM8000 could, but at what price?
Nowadays it's so easy to download a movie from a download center that really makes a media player more important.

Sure dreambox might be the best receiver for encrypted transmissions, but once again, at what price?

Nothing can't touch the options that I have now with my azbox to watch DVB-S2, DVB-T/C and be a good media center in one receiver with 1080p for only 250-280 euros.

Sure it does have its problems with the firmware, but for me it does almost all what I want with it, so I can wait.
With time I see improvements in the firmware, that gives me hope.
I wander how the firmware will be in a year from now...
One thing is for sure, OpenSat will not stop supporting the azbox HD.

Don't get me wrong, I have a DM500S, it's a great receiver, but it's just for DVB-S.
Now we need more, we need HD and media center in one receiver, can the future DM500HD do that?
We have to wait to see...

Best regards!

21-10-2009, 07:30 AM
yes, 3 times more if ... BUT EVERYTHING WORKS!!

CCcam: record 5 Channel Perfect

ha ha
well well well
that s a very important feature:)

i must say that if dm8000 was cheaper than az i would still be buying the az


for many many reasons

first of all
1. picture quality
those cheapish bast....... never concerned about PQ
the dm500 s rgb output didnt work and needed soldering a capacitor
the db7020 component output didn t work well and needed soldering a capacitor
then they released dm600 and rgb output was still not working and needed soldering a capacitor
i compared dm8000 with azbox on the same tv pioneer 509 and dm8000s picture quality was awful
completely awful
pixellation all over the place
and i ve tried all the settings available
azbox was better by miles
and... come on ...... a 1000 grand receiver without hdmi?
just dvi?
that s laughable

azbox is not just a sat receiver.. it s a media center..
i ve read reports that dm8000 cant handle mkvs well
it can only play 2 out of 5 mkvs...
az never had a problem playing mkvs
(and i ve tried a lot)
and you are telling us that it can record 5 channels?
who cares?
who needs that?

3. nicer easier and simpler UI
on az everything is just a couple of clicks away
even my grandmo can navigate azbox's menu
she can also stream an mkv from the pc without a hassle

4.much more quality on hardware
dreambox was, is and will be a box as cheap as a cocacola can.

i m not going to buy a cocacola for 1000

azbox is very stable right now even in beta stage...
never crashed
(only when i tried to play a 1080p video)
everything works smooth....
ok it still have some bugs but surely worth the wait
Now with multicas, CS is at a stage that can satisfy 90% of the users...

why buy a dmm?
the only reason i can think of is,
if you like soldering....

21-10-2009, 10:31 AM
Well i have th DM800 running here and have had no problems with it in nearly 1 year (mine is a genuine 1) that said im about to go for an AZ elite for upstairs now it supports cccam and see what happens as i think the build quality is much better and im bored now because my 800 is fine and i don't have anything to play with anymore (lol).

21-10-2009, 11:55 AM
Azbox isnt that good multimedia center. This is fact. Look what popcorn or egreat can do and they have same chip...
Did i mention new sigma and realtek chips? They eat old sigma chip that azbox has.

Best combination would be Dreambox 500HD + Xtreamer or similar realtek based deviced.
Or new Azbox with new Sigma chip that has 500mhz or 667Mhz CPU. With this new chip Azbox would be very fast.

Bottom line is, that Azbox is mediocre on all areas...! I now have Dreambox 500s and Xtreamer. ATM i dont miss HD channels at all.

21-10-2009, 12:43 PM
Any alternative cheap box with Enigma2 is a lot better than AzBox... I know... I waited more than 7 months for that great firmware but it never came... people talking good about current firmware are marketing people, or do not really use it too much, or have never seen an Enigma box, so don't know what is really good to be fair and compare... sorry...

Only reason to use AzBox is if you really need 4:2:2 feeds...

I respect people that are happy with it, but wonder how much you want it to be good as you paid money and hopes on it... It took me a long time to realize I was wrong and firmware was never going to be good with current developers... hope they some day change their efforts but might be too late. Too many mistakes... still no real dual tuner, no highbitrate, unlocked usb/ethernet, good pvr or epg...

Just want to make sure people hear other side of the story... about people tired of waiting on false promises... they never came true... so got tired of waiting.

Marketing is not allways, if you believe that all were false promises is your problem, Although I still think that azbox can become a big box, work continues, I am satisfied with it


21-10-2009, 12:49 PM
I am Realist and no Phantast.
If I had a DMM 8K I would never change to a AZHD or anything like this. I could test this Box for 14 Days, all is working(when I say all, I mean all what I need, this is Streaming,CS, record also from more then one tuner and playing Videos, and its all working perfect!!), it is working without any Bugs, but it is too expensive( for me ).

Also I have a DMM 7k and an DMM 500, also this little Baby is much much faster in all what I can do with this Box than any AZHD.

For zapping on encrypted Channels I need on any DMM not a Second, on AZHD I feel 10 times lower.
And zapping is the major Thing I do on any Day, so for me its one of the major Points for a good Box.

AZHD not crashing?
Sorry, but I can reproduce this in 2 Minutes, crashing ALWAYS when I want to do this with not only one Menuepoint.

All the other big Bugs I dont like to tell again and again, take a look in Bugtracker.
Then delay between new Alphafirmware, always four Weeks minimum, very great. And fixing what? Often little unimportant things and most Time new Bugs and this for four Weeks programming, kaput :)

Sorry Guys, but you must be honest, its a long long Way up to now from january and its also a long long Way for a good Box in Future.
This Box is a Nightmare in Livingroom for any Wife, and if you want to lose your Girlfriend you can do this best with an AZHD ;)

As I said often here, its a good Peace of Hardware, a good Price, but a Nightmare Peace of Soft.
Equal if Shaing is working or not, all People which are coming to me and see the Box in Action are very disappointed about the low zappingspeed.
My Dream is standing near the AZHD and also running, so I can compare it life ;)
Yes, my DMM has no HD, but I have also tested some other Boxes, also Octagon and Coolstream, they are ALL much much faster then AZHD, also on HD Channels.

A Word to "Mediacenter", at first I ve bought a Receiver and this major Feature is so buggy that a "Mediacenter" cant comfort me about the Rest.
And this Mediacenter is also buggy, on films, on Musik and also on Pictures with high Resolution, so there is nothing 100% working.
And you will compare this with a DMM 8k ? sorry for a big lol, but this can only be a Joke or you never had a DMM8k

A compare between AZHD and Dream 8K is like a compare between a bicycle and a big Car

21-10-2009, 01:35 PM
Marketing is not allways, if you believe that all were false promises is your problem, Although I still think that azbox can become a big box, work continues, I am satisfied with it


Not anymore... as I said... no more problems with AzBox... got a different box and happy.

AzBox hardware is great, but software and support :puke:

Anything different is just false hopes, lies or marketing... if they were not able to make a decent firmware for this box in +7 months I can tell you everything was a lie. Other boxes are currently working great in HD like old DM800 now has very decent firmware and most issues are gone... you can find cheap HD boxes now with Enigma2 and they have features AzBox just can dream... on multimedia side any popcorn with same chipset will give you better features than AzBox... and there are even better more updated chips out there now... AzBox hardware was great 1 year ago... now is old stuff. Soon Sigma will make it go, probably if you ever had a KISS player you now what happens then... so people please think twice if you really need this :9898:

If they open firmware and drivers or allow Enigma2 to come out they could still save this box or invesment for many... but if they don't you could be looking to other boxes soon... not even multimedia works right. And every feature like network and USB is slow... sorry, but this is reality.

21-10-2009, 02:11 PM
Not anymore... as I said... no more problems with AzBox... got a different box and happy.

AzBox hardware is great, but software and support :puke:

Anything different is just false hopes, lies or marketing... if they were not able to make a decent firmware for this box in +7 months I can tell you everything was a lie. Other boxes are currently working great in HD like old DM800 now has very decent firmware and most issues are gone... you can find cheap HD boxes now with Enigma2 and they have features AzBox just can dream... on multimedia side any popcorn with same chipset will give you better features than AzBox... and there are even better more updated chips out there now... AzBox hardware was great 1 year ago... now is old stuff. Soon Sigma will make it go, probably if you ever had a KISS player you now what happens then... so people please think twice if you really need this :9898:

If they open firmware and drivers or allow Enigma2 to come out they could still save this box or invesment for many... but if they don't you could be looking to other boxes soon... not even multimedia works right. And every feature like network and USB is slow... sorry, but this is reality.

The Problem is, Opensat dont have complete Source, so any Speculation about E2 is nonsense for now.
Hardware isnt old, its taff enough for to make a very good Box with it, but not with this "Firmware"
And my fear is, they will never get out a good Firmware without bugs, not in a acceptable time.

I know its not easy to build an all in One Mediaplayer, but i dont see really good headway for almost a Year

21-10-2009, 02:12 PM
Tinos is right insofar as the time is passing fast in technological terms... And new boxes keep coming out...

Opensat should listen to that!!!

21-10-2009, 02:15 PM
A compare between AZHD and Dream 8K is like a compare between a bicycle and a big Car

Well, you may get some fancy, superficial bit*hes with the car but you know that bicycle is much better for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:respect-065::number-one-043::sifone::cheers2:

22-10-2009, 06:59 AM
I am Realist and no Phantast.
If I had a DMM 8K I would never change to a AZHD or anything like this. I could test this Box for 14 Days, all is working(when I say all, I mean all what I need, this is Streaming,CS, record also from more then one tuner and playing Videos, and its all working perfect!!), it is working without any Bugs, but it is too expensive( for me ).

Also I have a DMM 7k and an DMM 500, also this little Baby is much much faster in all what I can do with this Box than any AZHD.

For zapping on encrypted Channels I need on any DMM not a Second, on AZHD I feel 10 times lower.
And zapping is the major Thing I do on any Day, so for me its one of the major Points for a good Box.

AZHD not crashing?
Sorry, but I can reproduce this in 2 Minutes, crashing ALWAYS when I want to do this with not only one Menuepoint.

All the other big Bugs I dont like to tell again and again, take a look in Bugtracker.
Then delay between new Alphafirmware, always four Weeks minimum, very great. And fixing what? Often little unimportant things and most Time new Bugs and this for four Weeks programming, kaput :)

Sorry Guys, but you must be honest, its a long long Way up to now from january and its also a long long Way for a good Box in Future.
This Box is a Nightmare in Livingroom for any Wife, and if you want to lose your Girlfriend you can do this best with an AZHD ;)

As I said often here, its a good Peace of Hardware, a good Price, but a Nightmare Peace of Soft.
Equal if Shaing is working or not, all People which are coming to me and see the Box in Action are very disappointed about the low zappingspeed.
My Dream is standing near the AZHD and also running, so I can compare it life ;)
Yes, my DMM has no HD, but I have also tested some other Boxes, also Octagon and Coolstream, they are ALL much much faster then AZHD, also on HD Channels.

A Word to "Mediacenter", at first I ve bought a Receiver and this major Feature is so buggy that a "Mediacenter" cant comfort me about the Rest.
And this Mediacenter is also buggy, on films, on Musik and also on Pictures with high Resolution, so there is nothing 100% working.
And you will compare this with a DMM 8k ? sorry for a big lol, but this can only be a Joke or you never had a DMM8k

A compare between AZHD and Dream 8K is like a compare between a bicycle and a big Car

For Ģ900 I would expect a farrari of a box so as far as a comparison goes it dont really square up considering the price tag that gready DM have put on the 8000 compared to the AZ.:bowing-036:

22-10-2009, 08:36 AM
A compare between AZHD and Dream 8K is like a compare between a bicycle and a big Car

That sums it up.

Apparently a manipulation of reality to show that OPENSAT not work enough.

Sorry but it's my opinion.

Why not compare with DM800?

22-10-2009, 12:06 PM
you cant also compare. There is nothing on the Market you can really compare with it.

For a real compare you need:
A Machine with near equal Price
all Funktions from AZ there
minimum 2 Tuners, equal how they are working

22-10-2009, 12:24 PM
Compared to DM800 if you don't need 4:2:2 or semi-dual tuner (switching tuner) then AzBox loses big time... software is most important part of a good receiver, only hardware doesn't cut it. It is better to keep wife happy with good PVR and functional interface, EPG. PVR+EPG must work Ok. Beta firmware since March is too much to ask... specs on box should be true! Not even Gogo-list work!

22-10-2009, 01:22 PM
After this "almost one month" suspicious silence..
without any new releases.....
i believe the next firm will be so GREAT that it will shut many mouths....
i may be wrong though... LOL


maybe they ve realized nothing more can be done
it s a dead end
and they are slowly and silently shutting down the shop.... lol

i ve heart that sigma has provided them with NEW drivers
but they were having troubles adapting them to the firmware...
is that true?
maybe they are trying to adapt them now?
And thats the reason of the one month silence?
maybe next release will be with the brand new sigma drivers?
.......... and brand new api (without openxcas)?

I think i m dreaming...
somebody wake me up :)

22-10-2009, 06:48 PM
It is better to keep wife happy with good PVR and functional interface, EPG. PVR EPG must work Ok. Beta firmware since March is too much to ask... specs on box should be true! Not even Gogo-list work!

IT IS TRUE!!!!! :respect-055:

22-10-2009, 06:59 PM
U are not the only ones!
ipbox hd also has major software problems but are getting a little more stable but still since december last year not so many improvments especialy enigma2 wich is still beta.

i will also be going for the dm 500 hd it is better than loosing youre wife and kid.

23-10-2009, 12:13 PM
I don't understand the Enigma2 Holyniss??

But OK if you want to have Enigma2 just by a DMM product.
Don't "wine" that it isn't there for Azbox or it' s running with probs on IPbox or others!!

It's designed for DMM models on all other boxes it will just be a "port" with it's shortcommings.

Yes I can know I have Enigma2 DMM model too

23-10-2009, 12:33 PM
Is not that,carp95
The problem is all newer boxes come out boosting they are better and cheaper,with kick ass firmware and super hardware,but at the end,the whole idea is to BE a dreambox,and it means to the point to use the same dreambox firmware.
So far,no box have proved to be better than dreambox,they only proved they are cheaper.

23-10-2009, 12:33 PM
After this "almost one month" suspicious silence..

maybe they ve realized nothing more can be done
it s a dead end
and they are slowly and silently shutting down the shop.... lol

I agree with your second comment. Its dead..

23-10-2009, 01:20 PM
I agree with your second comment. Its dead..
do u have any info for it ?
or is your wish ?

14-04-2010, 01:02 AM
I agree with your second comment. Its dead..

I think it's the end too. And I wonder if they're preparing to close their doors.
At least until the day they realize that it's time to hire real programmers. I mean other than Mr.hug0's family. :o15:

14-04-2010, 05:52 AM
Dreambox don't waste time, money and effort on AzBox... not worth it. Even a clone box is better than this... unless you need 4:2:2 feeds something I didn't. Opensat support killed this nice hardware.

Completely agree with you.
This is the real problem!

No doubt now go on a Dreambox if the problem is money I would buy a clone that cost as a AZBox.

14-04-2010, 12:16 PM
Is not that,carp95
The problem is all newer boxes come out boosting they are better and cheaper,with kick ass firmware and super hardware,but at the end,the whole idea is to BE a dreambox,and it means to the point to use the same dreambox firmware.
So far,no box have proved to be better than dreambox,they only proved they are cheaper.

so far the only with a pair of balls are marusys vu +, are the only ones who can work 100% in E2, everything else is cheap emulations.

with the speed we're going in azbox, I'm sure will have my wrist-watch before E2, vere certainly SAT TV on my watch

14-04-2010, 01:20 PM
i would like to see enigma2 in azbox ....but tell me one thing, ALL of you.
Did u buy azbox hd expecting to have enigma2 (lol) ?

latest betas are stable, took way way too much time to get there yes.
this receiver has like 16 months (only)..i was going to buy vu+ ...dm500hd...i allways quit this idea because azbox hd in general and for 200€ is a good box. I can watch movies and cccam client. So i am good. Why spend more € to do something that azbox does, again!! *for my use*

14-04-2010, 01:23 PM
I don't understand the Enigma2 Holyniss??

it not that we particularly wanted E2, its just that the Opensat software and support is crap. If we were to get E2, then its likely we will get images from the other teams who are obviously much more capable than the Opensat developers.
Having software releases that introduce as many bugs as it fixes is indicative of badly developed and controlled software. Just look at the way the EPG suddenly disappears, the throttled network speeds.
Even with the existing firmware, it was others that found out playing networked files via NFS and tweaking the process priorities was way better.

I certainly dont need E2 for E2's sake but i cant see any other solution to get the best out of the very good hardware.

14-04-2010, 02:02 PM
i would like to see enigma2 in azbox ....but tell me one thing, ALL of you.
Did u buy azbox hd expecting to have enigma2 (lol) ?

no, i bought it because it was supposed to be a twin tuner, was going to have proper CCcam , etc etc

14-04-2010, 03:01 PM
i would like to see enigma2 in azbox ....but tell me one thing, ALL of you.
Did u buy azbox hd expecting to have enigma2 (lol) ?

latest betas are stable, took way way too much time to get there yes.
this receiver has like 16 months (only)..i was going to buy vu+ ...dm500hd...i allways quit this idea because azbox hd in general and for 200€ is a good box. I can watch movies and cccam client. So i am good. Why spend more € to do something that azbox does, again!! *for my use*

No, I have bought because I thought the firmware was adequate to the hardware, but the original firmware still has many gaps.
It seems strange to have to remind you that, until just a few days ago You would like sell your AZBox and buy another receiver...
some of bugs or gaps:
- EPG (although thanks to some users we are starting to see the light)
- Settings
- PVR section "infested" with so many bugs: DST change all reserved events, reset of the defined name for periodic reserved recording, not allow to record a second audio, not allow to record subtitles)
- Multitasking is not possible to go into movie section if you register an event.
- Lack of many tools to manage remote decoder from PC
- Lack of a valid webif interface (with all due respect to people who have tried to remedy)
- And many many other bugs or gaps

unfortunately the problem is not even this series of bugs, in case of a serious company would be solved within a short time.
Instead are months that we required to correct this bus without success, in fact every time an error is corrected it is added a few more.
Unfortunately Opensat is unable to make substantial changes to the firmware or because they not have the tools to do so or because it has not the right people.

Unfortunately, the lack of growth of the firmware is linked to the platform Opensat chose and this leaves no hope for the future, the inability to release the firmware source means having to rely only on its internal resources that in recent months had proved inadequate.

This is why many people hope for E2.
Do not beat about the lies, for now AZBox is a lost bet :-( (

Justin Time
20-04-2010, 09:02 AM
looking at both the AZ & DB500HD.
Playing around with the DB500HD right now, apperantly it has probs with updating Via HD channels. I'm using Pli as I can't find any gemeni for it.
Think that 1 of the HD AZ boxes will be under my TV soon...
On the other hand, the Vu+ DH twin... look nice from the sponsors!


21-04-2010, 09:41 AM
I couldn't recommend an Azbug due to Opensat's total incompetence and lack of support.
But one thing I will say is DON'T BUY a Dreambox - my experience says they are poorly made and over-priced. Picture quality of mine was dreadful too and you needed the dredded drem-up to update it (25 mins by serial!) No thanks!


29-04-2010, 11:51 PM
guys what are the difference bw 500hd and 800hd boxes?

30-04-2010, 02:20 AM
guys what are the difference bw 500hd and 800hd boxes?

Chipset with a Dual core CPU @400Mhz
(slightly faster than a DM8000HD and Vu+ Duo)
Chipset supports MPEG4-ASP (xvid, divx) decode
1 x mini USB port just for firmware update, or with a hack it can be used as a normal USB port.
(DMM crippled the DM500HD with this)
500HD's chipset runs cooler that the chipset of an DM800HD, because its fabricated on a smaller silicon process (65nm)

Chipset with a Single core CPU @300Mhz (same as azbox)
Chipset doesn't support MPEG4-ASP (xvid, divx) decode
Have normal USB ports
Can have an internal HDD
Plug&play tuner
LAN drivers/hardware can't handle many connections (bad for CCcam with many lines)

I guess this differences are the most important ones.

30-04-2010, 12:34 PM
so far the only with a pair of balls are marusys vu +, are the only ones who can work 100% in E2, everything else is cheap emulations.

with the speed we're going in azbox, I'm sure will have my wrist-watch before E2, vere certainly SAT TV on my watch

You are great,terrorman,LOL
At the time I posted that,there was no VU+ duo available.
Of course you come 6 months later and everything changed.
Next year we could be posting how well E2 is working on azbox

01-05-2010, 02:53 PM
@FME_fta's Thanks for answer mate, do you have any info what
bit rates these boxes can handle with DVB and DVB-S2? I can't find any info even on Azbox. Can some of these boxes receive high DVB-S2 streams on 27.5W?

01-05-2010, 05:41 PM
Although i own vu duo only a day now i got very good impressions till now.This box is years front of azbox and ipbox which i own before

01-05-2010, 08:50 PM
really interesting.
Is the picture quality equal to ipbox. So far I havenīt seen any box with the same outstanding picture quality as ipbox.
In that case I maby swap my azbox to a vu duo. My ipbox is until now the best box I seen. For me the picture quality is 80% of importanse

01-05-2010, 09:34 PM
had my dreambox 8000 now around 7 months and it blows me away does every thing i could ever want it to do,looking back now i wish i had not botherd with azbox and put the money in to a 8000 but you learn by your mistakes

01-05-2010, 10:47 PM
@FME_fta's Thanks for answer mate, do you have any info what
bit rates these boxes can handle with DVB and DVB-S2? I can't find any info even on Azbox. Can some of these boxes receive high DVB-S2 streams on 27.5W?

I don't know that, but any DVB-S2 tuner should be complaint with the DVB-S2 standard.
And any DVB-S2 transmission should be complaint with the DVB-S2 standard.
I only remember one receiver that had problems with high symbol rates, which was the kathrein.

AFAIK @27.5W there aren't TPs with high bit rate (>30000 KSymbols/s).

01-05-2010, 10:56 PM
AFAIK @27.5W there aren't TPs with high bit rate (>30000 KSymbols/s).

There is 11495 V DVB-S2 44100-9/10 (BBC)

01-05-2010, 11:04 PM
There is 11495 V DVB-S2 44100-9/10 (BBC)

You're right I saw that now on lyngsat.
It will be a good test then...

03-05-2010, 03:58 PM
had my dreambox 8000 now around 7 months and it blows me away does every thing i could ever want it to do,looking back now i wish i had not botherd with azbox and put the money in to a 8000 but you learn by your mistakes

+1 ;)

03-05-2010, 05:32 PM
really interesting.
Is the picture quality equal to ipbox. So far I havenīt seen any box with the same outstanding picture quality as ipbox.
In that case I maby swap my azbox to a vu duo. My ipbox is until now the best box I seen. For me the picture quality is 80% of importanse

yes pq of vu duo is brilliant both on sd and hd on my philips 42 inch lcd. for sure i didnt regret a moment that i bought it. in fact i relax that i got rid off azbox and ipbox.
it worths every cent i paid for