View Full Version : MVision HD200 combo Help needed please!!

17-10-2009, 08:34 AM
I have taken plunge and just bought an MVision HD200 Combo but manual is not very clear. Being an absolute novice I am struggling to know why it does not recognize my TRex 4.6 Cam. Expect it is to do with not having latest Firmware?
Would anyone be good enough to take me step by step through download of software/hardware/Firmware. Been advised to load Speedy 4.43 or later but not sure how this is acheived. I have a USB pendrive formatted to FAT32. I presume I just load the zip file onto this and then plug it in? Or do I unzip to a folder first?

In notes within the firmware it states:-

"Activate your Speedy experience selecting
Accessory, key edit
UCAS Autoroll ON

Mvision PC remote tool (remote control by RS-232 port)
Go to ‘menu’, ‘rs-232’ and select ‘settop control enable’
Use the ‘mvision pc remote.exe’ for control from computer"

Is this something I do before using the pendrive or is it an instruction once the firmware has been loaded into the machine?

Some clarification would be really helpful.
Many thanks.:respect-053:

17-10-2009, 09:29 AM
Ive never used a cam with my Hd200 so I can't help you on that one.
Unzip firmware first before sending to memory stick, then insert memory stick in STB go to USB in menu, highlight firmware you want to load and press OK, then OK again thats it. My memory stick is formated to FAT (not FAT32) don't know if it makes a difference on not. I dont have a rs232 port on my laptop so I use speedy 4.43 the 2 later versions wont let me load channel lists using USB

Just had a thought, they might work if I formated my USB to FAT32 - must try that sometime.

17-10-2009, 12:13 PM
Thanks for the info Satcat.
Loaded 4.43 in and it now recognises my TRex 4.6 cam BUT it still says

Scrambled signal

Cam initialising.

and does not move on from there.

I know keys are correct within Cam for viewing scrambled.

Anyone able to help please?

17-10-2009, 01:22 PM
have you tried inserting you cam on a clear channel then switch to a scrambled one

17-10-2009, 02:57 PM
Tried that but when I install Cam and go to check it dsays Cam not inserted then back to channel it keeps saying

Scrambled program
Cam initialising.

Any more suggestions please.
