View Full Version : Damn maturity rating. Any other way than conax cam?

18-10-2009, 03:20 PM
Yeah new digit alb card and the damn things set up by blocking the xxx channels. Is there any other way of altering the maturity rating than having to buy a damn conax cam. Using dreambox 7020 or 800 here so is there a softcam that can do it?

18-10-2009, 03:45 PM
With Newcs you can try pincode and protected sid.

I know it works with Tring but I have not tested with Digitalb
I would use version 1.66 as I have some problems with 1.67 and protected pin.

18-10-2009, 05:40 PM
I'm not familiar with that cam but I'll give it a go. Thanks for the tip.

18-10-2009, 06:58 PM
Nah cant get it to work with that. Damn thing.

18-10-2009, 08:33 PM
you can do it in a clarke tech hd50000 receiver

18-10-2009, 08:36 PM
I'm not familiar with that cam but I'll give it a go. Thanks for the tip.

What are you using to view the card at present ?

18-10-2009, 08:43 PM
Yeah new digit alb card and the damn things set up by blocking the xxx channels. Is there any other way of altering the maturity rating than having to buy a damn conax cam. Using dreambox 7020 or 800 here so is there a softcam that can do it?

Here you go

Configure Win-explorer to work with your phoenix interface (3,57MHz).

To do so set the comport, the baud-rates to 9600, parity even and 2 stop bits with direct byte convention. Check both 'Flush...' fields and check if 'ISO Reset' on the 'Advanced' page is enabled too.
Now put your card in the reader and do Card->Analyse ATR. If you get 3b240030423030 your can finally change the maturity rating level.
If you still have probs you maybe have to adjust the timeouts. If you get an ATR but it doesnt look right, check the freq of your phoenix - should be 3,57 MHz.

Depending on the pin of your card, take the appropriate line and copy it into the 'Script file:' window - execute and that's it.
PIN 0000:
dd26000007 r01 1f053030303008 r02
PIN 1234:
dd26000007 r01 1f053132333408 r02

You should get something like this, last line depends if the PIN was correct or not.
RX ATR : 3B 24 00 30 42 30 30
TX Data : DD 26 00 00 07
RX Data : 26
TX Data : 1F 05 31 32 33 34 08
RX Data : 90 00 <- PIN ok, code set to new value (08 == X- Erotic)
RX Data : 90 17 <- PIN wrong

Regards compass

18-10-2009, 09:15 PM
What are you using to view the card at present ?

CCcam2.0.11 at present.

I have tried Newcs1.66/CCcam_2.1.1 and configured the xml file with pin code and protected sid and it wouldn't open the xxx channels but worked ok on everything else.

Yep tried this and it didn't work on this card. Its a new card. I have tried your suggested method before on an older card, probably a couple of years ago and it worked fine. Would the reason be it won't work now cos Digitalb have since gone to a different version of conax card? It read the ATR of the card fine but wouldn't execute the script. I kept getting error timeout 2A message.

18-10-2009, 09:20 PM
Are you trying to open the mpeg4 channels ?

If yes then you will not succeed, there is no know public fix for this at present.

18-10-2009, 09:23 PM
No m8. Just the x1 and x2 which are the ones that are receivable without card/receiver pairing. Its to do with the damn maturity setting of the card. Looks like I'll have to buy a conax cam just to switch it. I don't like having a card and have some stupid maturity rating stop me getting channels I should be getting!:rolleyes:

18-10-2009, 09:24 PM
CCcam2.0.11 at present.

I have tried Newcs1.66/CCcam_2.1.1 and configured the xml file with pin code and protected sid and it wouldn't open the xxx channels but worked ok on everything else.

Yep tried this and it didn't work on this card. Its a new card. I have tried your suggested method before on an older card, probably a couple of years ago and it worked fine. Would the reason be it won't work now cos Digitalb have since gone to a different version of conax card? It read the ATR of the card fine but wouldn't execute the script. I kept getting error timeout 2A message.

Well it's possible,

I will do some digging around & if i turn any think up will add it to this thread.

do you not know anybody with a Tm receiver as you could use the card slot to change the maturity rating this way.

Regards Compass...

18-10-2009, 09:48 PM
I decided to play with my card and changed the Maturity rating in my Tm receiver.

Then i tested the method i posted above

using my cas 3 in Phoenix 3.579 mode

and WinExplorer v5.42

PIN 0000:
dd26000007 r01 1f053030303008 r02 Failed

PIN 1234:
dd26000007 r01 1f053132333408 r02 OK!

Trying to reset card...
Reset Successful

ATR: 3B 24 00 30 42 30 30

Convention: DIRECT
Protocol: T=0
TB1 = 00

Historical Bytes: 30 42 30 30
0 B 0 0

Programming Voltage = 0.0 volts
Programming Current = 25ma
Maximum Clock Frequency = 0.0MHz

This card uses an internal clock:
Work ETU = 0.0001041667 seconds
Guard Time = 0.0012500000 seconds
Baud Rate After Reset = 9600

Executing Script: Script File:

Trying to reset card...
Reset Successful

RX ATR : 3B 24 00 30 42 30 30
TX Data : DD 26 00 00 07
RX Data : 26
TX Data : 1F 05 30 30 30 30 08
RX Data : 90 17

Script Script File: Transmission Completed

Executing Script: Script File:

Trying to reset card...
Reset Successful

RX ATR : 3B 24 00 30 42 30 30
TX Data : DD 26 00 00 07
RX Data : 26
TX Data : 1F 05 31 32 33 34 08
RX Data : 90 00

Script Script File: Transmission Completed

Put my card back in and hey presto :respect-059:

maybe you could try it again and copy & paste the Script into this Thread,

Maybe we can find a solution!

Regards Compass...

18-10-2009, 10:01 PM
Thanks m8. I'll give it another go. Is your card a new card or older card?

18-10-2009, 10:29 PM
Thanks m8. I'll give it another go. Is your card a new card or older card?

2 to 3 years old

18-10-2009, 10:40 PM
Mmmmm thats maybe mine won't work. Mines a new one. I'll give it another go later see if it works. Can't try it on this computer as it has no serial port for my card reader.

18-10-2009, 10:52 PM
when Analyse the ATR

You should see the following

Trying to reset card...
Reset Successful

ATR: 3B 24 00 30 42 30 30

Convention: DIRECT
Protocol: T=0
TB1 = 00

Historical Bytes: 30 42 30 30
0 B 0 0

Programming Voltage = 0.0 volts
Programming Current = 25ma
Maximum Clock Frequency = 0.0MHz

This card uses an internal clock:
Work ETU = 0.0001041667 seconds
Guard Time = 0.0012500000 seconds
Baud Rate After Reset = 9600

If you don't! please change your Phoenix frequency or (you maybe have to adjust the time outs)

Until you get the correct ATR.

Regards Compass...

19-10-2009, 12:21 AM
Yeah got it working. Had to fiddle about with the settings on the Advanced tab of winexplorer before it would take the script. Tested it on an old card and got it working before trying it on my new card. Anyway all good, thanks for your help. :respect-048:

19-10-2009, 09:39 PM
Great stuff,

We got there in the end :bravo-009:

30-10-2009, 10:22 AM
you seem very knowledgable on conax/digialb setup I wonder if you can solve the following problem.
I have had three digialb cards in past and want to get new one but i have always suffered from following problem:whenever I watched a film channel the audio was always out of synch with the picture,"the lip movement and spoken word were not together.The audio comes seconds after the lip action???
I have queried it with suppliers but none came up with any help.
I have official conax cam and card.
any help would be appreciated.

07-12-2009, 11:46 PM
This might have come a bit too late, but any way--> have you tried rebooting you receiver or TV set if that happens?