View Full Version : Sly card Does it update in AZBox elite??????

24-10-2009, 10:15 AM
Sorry for this Question but it's now doing me head in.
Trying to update or (keep Alive with azbox elite)my blue sky card my old Sly receiver has died but I have my Box ID and put it in hex and entered this in the latest multicas in my AZBox reset box and left over night and nada(nothing) none of the FTV my feeling is it does'nt work any help much apreciated.


24-10-2009, 12:18 PM
I guess no one else got it working???????



24-10-2009, 12:31 PM
NewCS threads...

Or MultiCAS.


24-10-2009, 03:50 PM
I could be wrong stavross...but haven't the blue sky cards expired with the introduction of the white card?...

24-10-2009, 04:22 PM
thanks M8
I was hoping the free to view would work????? as was active over 2 months ago with sub never received the white card though maybe its stopped.
But am I right in thinking as long as I enter box key with multicas it should work providing the blue are still active that is??? or do I need something else in cfg ect.........thanks in advance


24-10-2009, 04:22 PM
When using my blue card, I had to set boxkey to auto.

24-10-2009, 04:41 PM
Thanks Icedemon
Will give it A try

Cheers M8


24-10-2009, 06:14 PM
I could be wrong stavross...but haven't the blue sky cards expired with the introduction of the white card?...

Blue cards are working away no problem.

You don't need to put a boxkey in for blue or white cards, it just works when you set it to Auto.

I had left a Blue card in it for 48 hours and none of the entitlements were updated, this would have been a good few versions of MultiCAS back though...