View Full Version : hd200 combo questions

25-10-2009, 09:27 AM
Hi All,

Been a while since i've had need to post, but cir***stances have changed....

I'm about to drop sly so have ordered a hd200 combo for freeview/freesat.

After reading around the web it seems i made a fair choice. I have a couple of questions that I haven't seen a 100% definative answer on.

So if anyone could confirm that would be good.

1)With the latest FW you can clear FTV channels with my current sly card in the built in card slot without the need to buy another CAM?

2)As as I put the card back in an original box every so often on ch998 it will stay re-activated? Can I let it run out, then do it, or do you have to keep on top of it?

3)Can you use the mvsion loop thru to the sly box, as I intend to have a small lead made up save continually unplugging the mvision?

4)USB Drives. Can the box USB port provide enough power to support my usb power 2.5" drive (I know my ps3 can't but laptop can). IF not does anyone know where an AC adapter can be purchaced (checked **** they all seem to be 5oomA and I suspect you need abot 2A?)?

5)I understand the recordings are in TS format. Can these be fed through TSremuxer or multiavchd to create avchd discs to play on ps3 (for easy sharing)?

Many thanks in advance
