View Full Version : I want to make a Actuator test, need expert advice

25-10-2009, 10:26 AM
Hi all,

I wonder if there is someone who can help me with the following:

I have a dm8k, a v-box positioneer and a reed sensor 18" motor on a 1,35m dish polar mount. The set works fine and I can reach easily from 45w to 45e.

But now I would like to run a permanent test on this drive be letting the dish move from 45 deg east to 45 deg west permanently by stoping 5 seconds on each side.
I am sure there is a way to program the secuence... but how.
Can I write a script to do this? how to sart, how to stop?

Would be nice if someone could help me out.

Thank You

26-10-2009, 12:42 AM
Setup 2 fake channels for each satellite and then add 2 zap timers ..