View Full Version : Reading a local card from the box

Dig Deep
29-10-2009, 10:45 AM
I have one card in my 500 sharig it to my AZ.

Have a Viasat card as well , loaded into the box, multicas sees it and knows what it is but will not use it. Think that CCC takes over ? How to make the box read the local card and the ccc ?. CCC should work as reader ?

29-10-2009, 03:02 PM
Yeah, CCcam is only a client at the moment.

The "Server" bit is its own protocol and that's what I asked you to test, the two of us - AZbox HD to AZbox HD... :D

This is only possible, at the moment, between 2 AZboxes HD, as its own Server CS protocol is not compatible with other CS protocols, apparently...

Not sure what "Server and Client" mode would do, you see... :)

So, when you're ready we'll check it... ;)

29-10-2009, 05:20 PM
I have one card in my 500 sharig it to my AZ.

Have a Viasat card as well , loaded into the box, multicas sees it and knows what it is but will not use it. Think that CCC takes over ? How to make the box read the local card and the ccc ?. CCC should work as reader ?

My Tip
Leave Multicas as it is(its not really ready for some CS with Cards) take NewCS 1.20R13, configure it right and take a Client with line from this NewCS.
This works good, and some better works NewCS 1.67rc1 with Smargo

Dig Deep
29-10-2009, 08:34 PM
Yes Hans, that is one way to go but I would like to do it without any extra stuff around the box:D

Must be sorted, one way or the other. I will have some test with Goran and see if we can solve this problem.

Your way (except for the smargo) is a way to go. :respect-054: