View Full Version : Dvb-t epg

29-10-2009, 12:18 PM
I have just bought a DVB-T card for my azbox premium - idea was to get rid of another (freeview) box from under the TV.
Installed the card and after a bit of teething problems it finally recognises the card and scans in all the freeview channels.
one HUGE problem - there is no EPG. All 68 TV channels in UK are coming up as no information available. Am i missing something here or is this a massive bug to add to the list.
Any ideas i would welcome a suggestion to get even now/next.

29-10-2009, 02:14 PM
Do you have fw. 0.9.3661 or later? On further firmwares EPG was broken on DVB-T.

29-10-2009, 03:31 PM
Found this very strange.
Due to the problem of having large bandwidth being used up even when not using the machine i unplugged the network connection back at the router.
I plugged it back in and would you believe it the epg is now updated???
Thought all the info would be transmitted through the freeview signal?
Firmware is an older 0.9.3501

29-10-2009, 05:24 PM
Change to new fw. 0.9.3186 and EPG will run in DVB-T mode.