View Full Version : thor 6 launch today to replace thor 3 on 1west!

29-10-2009, 02:30 PM
hi guys to do with all sats not just azbox i suppose but thor 6 is launching today between 8pm - 9.40pm and is due to replace thor 3. seems to be to send stronger signals more centered on nordic and eastern europe. Does that mean that it will be less available to pick up from uk and ireland? As its mainly with canal on telenor who are responsible for the launch.

Incidentally anyone who wants to watch the launch ( and maybe watch it blow up lol) its open and available to watch on 1w on following frequency:

0.8 west Thor-5
ID = Thor-6 launch

7pm - 9.40pm GMT


29-10-2009, 02:44 PM
@ irishchris

Try posting this info again in the " General satelitte chat " section as its not just an az thats affected, you will get more readers in that section.

Hope this helps
