View Full Version : Nabilo 12 EPG v Cross EPG

30-10-2009, 10:57 PM
Really need to sort the EPG out on my DM before the missus will fully accept it over and above my Sly box

So wanting to get peoples thoughts on the new Nabilo EPG or whether I should install Cross EPG


31-10-2009, 08:43 AM
the download from transponder option from nabilo epg doesn't work very well at all imo. I don't get most of the itv variants (hence not my local itv), and a lot of the summaries are missing. With the download from internet option in nabilo, I get virtually what I got with crossepg, but it wasn't updated very often (I ran it for 3 days, and it wasn't updated within those 3 days). However, it was quite nice for the box to not have to restart to get the epg showing!

However, am back to using crossepg. I set it to update everyday at 7am, so I always have a full 7 days epg. Works great. Only drawback, is that the box has to be restarted in nabilosat image to get the epg integrated into the channel list. Wish they'd do the enigma patch to allow it like oozoon did! But I guess that they want people to use their own epg versions...

02-11-2009, 02:53 AM
Thanks loveman

Can I ask a few questions as I've installed CrossEPG and it seemed to install ok but I'm not its working fully

How do you access the Cross EPG as opposed to the normal Nabilo EPG? and does you EPG view look anything like the one on the Cross EPG website with the mini preview screen in the top right and the EPG along the bottom half?

Only my EPG seems to look like the normal Nabiol one still which is a full screen with no preview window and light blue shading across all the program info


02-11-2009, 10:06 AM
With crossepg in the dm800, it looks just like the nabilo epg does... The one on the crossepg site (iirc), is the one which is used on the sha4 boxes, not the mips boxes.

Basically, to set it up, I removed the access to the opentv protocol in the nabilosat blue button setup. Tell it where you want it to read the epg data from (in my case, I set it up to the usb drive). Then, go in to crossepg, and set that up (I told it to do it in the usb drive, and to run everyday at 7.05am - this was just in case I recorded something until 7am like I do with some of the kids tv programmes). Then, you need to edit the engima2.sh file in /usr/bin/ to use the crossepg.sh file. This basically moves the epg.dat from /media/usb/crossepg/ext.epg.dat to /media/usb/epg.dat on box load up). I then added a cron job to restart enigma2 at 7.10am, and then to put the box in to standby at 7.12am.

02-11-2009, 10:13 AM

with a unix compatible editor edit the file /usr/bin/enigma2.sh and before the line

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libopen.so.0.0 /usr/bin/enigma2

add this line


02-11-2009, 12:44 PM
...I don't get most of the itv variants (hence not my local itv), and a lot of the summaries are missing...


You can add channels to /usr/share/dict/channels.*


02-11-2009, 03:22 PM
Yes, you can. But it's a hassle having to edit the file, especially when channel info changes quite often. At least with the crossepg, it always gets the latest channel info...

Plus, if you have a look through that thread you provided, the posters actually think crossepg is better also :p hehe.

One thing that I'm glad about though, is that I didn't know there was a new sky indie hd, which I do now :)

06-11-2009, 12:33 PM
Plus, if you have a look through that thread you provided, the posters actually think crossepg is better also :p hehe

:p Just wanted to add to the discussion.

I'm finding the nightly run likes to blank out my good data. :o10: Why doesn't it bloody merge them! So I'm looking at Crossepg as well.

Just found a patch that means you don't have to reboot/restart


06-11-2009, 02:11 PM
:p Just wanted to add to the discussion.

I'm finding the nightly run likes to blank out my good data. :o10: Why doesn't it bloody merge them! So I'm looking at Crossepg as well.

Just found a patch that means you don't have to reboot/restart

Only trouble is, you need to rebuild the enigma2. And since nabilo have made a few changes in their enigma2 coding, we can't rebuild the enigma2 (since we don't have their source...)

Patch enigma2 for load epg without rebooting is really simple.

inside epgcache.h move the prototype of function load () from private section to public section and rebuild enigma2

after that you can call it from python:

reloadEPG = new.instancemethod(_enigma.eEPGCa che_load,None,eEPGCache)

reloadEPG(eEPGCache.getInstance() )