View Full Version : positioner Problems

02-11-2009, 06:31 PM
up to Now i have bin using an old Manhatten analogue with built in positioner for years.
To move my dish which has just Knackered up.
ive never moved my dish using the the hummy.
What do i need.

03-11-2009, 08:07 PM
I've never used any system other than DiSEqC 1.2 with my Hummy. I have a Manhattan DiSEqC 1.2 motor, which is just plug and play via the RF between the antenna and STB. DiSEqC has to be enabled via the menu, but the handbook has reasonably good instructions. I don't know how the system works if you don't have a DiSEqC motor.

04-11-2009, 12:56 AM
whats knackered up your dish and motor or the manhattan?

if its the manhattan you can replace this witha 36v positioner V Box is one such device the hummy sends a diseqc signal to the v box and the v box moves the dish

there are alternatives to the v box as well just have a google

04-11-2009, 01:31 AM
cheers for reply, The Motor is ok
just the manhattan i cant go east to west
unless i reverse the wires on the the back of the manhatten
then i can go west to east if you know what i mean.
ive had it about 15 to 20 years. i think its had its day.
i was thinking about buying a vbox.

voith driver
08-11-2009, 07:38 PM
hi marco,
thats the setup i have, a vbox mrk2, does the job just fine

09-11-2009, 07:20 PM
hi marco,
thats the setup i have, a vbox mrk2, does the job just fine

Hi voith,

what is a vbox mrk2?


voith driver
09-11-2009, 08:12 PM
hi caribe,
long time no speak, it is a stand alone diseqc 1.2 positioner, my one is manufactured by superjack, it takes the diseqc commands from the humax and translates it to speak to a jack, the mark 2 does it all automatically.

hope this helps

09-11-2009, 09:13 PM
hi caribe,
long time no speak, it is a stand alone diseqc 1.2 positioner, my one is manufactured by superjack, it takes the diseqc commands from the humax and translates it to speak to a jack, the mark 2 does it all automatically.

hope this helps

Thanks very much voith for your explanation. Very clear as always. Does it help to improve performance if you have a diseqc motor or is it only for conventional motors?

I'm having some problems lately with some satellites and I don't know whether it is the motor or the receiver. Sometimes I don't get any signal and I have to do some fine tuning, with 8W, 12.5W, 15W.

Thanks again voith

voith driver
09-11-2009, 09:41 PM
hi caribe,
no, its only for conventional 36v jacks, you would not need the v box for a diseqc 1.2 h-h mount, the humax can drive this with no problem.

the benifit of the v box is it gives you the ability to work a dish greater than 90cm which is the limit for most h-h mounts, some do say they can work slightly bigger dishes but you are on the limit, and it does really depend on your windage at your position.

when i use the humax its not unusual for me to have to fine tune, but to be fair i think the swivel on the jack is a little tight, i would hazard a guess that your problem is tired gears, as its unusual for the humax to drift.

all the best

10-11-2009, 09:45 AM
Thanks very much voith. I guess I'll have to live with it. It's kind of weird, sometimes if I move from 1W to 8W it shows no signal, so I go all the way to hispasat and then come back to 8W, and I get it ok. Sort of like it works better from west to east than the other way around.

Take care.

10-11-2009, 10:44 AM
1.2 m is the maximum recommended size for my motor and, until recently, I've had no problems with moving the dish or tuning. I'm in the lee of a hill that shields me from westerlies and south westerlies, so windage isn't much of a problem.

However, my system recently crashed when the Hummy's PSU burned out. I've had it replaced and have reprogrammed the STB. It all seems to be working properly, but I can't get the dish to move. I've tested the motor, and it runs from an independent power supply. The Hummy is putting out the required voltage, so I'm not sure if the problem is in the programming or the hardware in STB or motor unit. Any suggestions?

12-11-2009, 07:39 PM
cheers for replys,vbox working ok with hummy.
did have a few problems but then went into the hummy menu and stored positions

voith driver
16-11-2009, 10:43 PM
hi wolsty,
i take it that you checked the output voltage at the socket, so the only thing I can say, is check the antenna plug to see if it has pulled free inside.

as you say some motors size limit is 1.2m but you do take a chance, i had one on my 1.2 and it was in a force 5 (not too bad) i was moving the dish, and realised i was going the wrong way, and i reckon i twanged it by choosing to go the other way too fast, and stripped the gears.

oh just a thought, check that somehow you have not switched off the motor control in the settings.

i am getting a bit rusty but these are my thoughts

all the best

16-11-2009, 11:09 PM
Hello Voith

Satellite interests have been overtaken by other distractions in the last year or so and I've only just found time to do a bit of tinkering. A techie friend did the tests and measured the voltage at the end of the co-ax where it plugs into the motor, so we're confident that the STB is functioning. What we're wondering about is the signal sent by the DiSEqC software to govern the movement of the motor. If the hardware in the motor housing is not passing a current, then it's not surprising that the motor isn't responding. I'm inclined to follow your instructions for a spring clean of the Hummy and see if starting from scratch will fix the problem.

Good to chat again.


voith driver
16-11-2009, 11:24 PM
hi wolsty,

if your techy was measuring at the end of the lead he would have been measuring the diqesc anyway, cos if there is no voltage you are on target or not moving, and if 14? or 18v (for hor or vert channels) its sending the message, so basically if you have voltage up there when trying to move the dish its ok.

another thought would be if you have used one of the new channel settings lists the dish might have to be tuned in anyway as they might not be in the same order as pets used to be, and they might not have the motor switched on anyway.

have you tried moving the dish with the manual tuning


17-11-2009, 07:39 PM
Thanks, Voith. Very helpful.

I can produce 14V or 18V by switching channels, so I'm relieved to know that DiSEqC is working on the Hummy. I can now concentrate on the motor hardware (no sign of any damage to the components or pcb) and stb firmware. I have used some of the newer settings, but reverted to your latest adapted PET version. Given your comments, though, I'm even more minded to do a spring clean. I'll make sure the motor is switched on and try manual tuning, as you suggest.


voith driver
17-11-2009, 10:57 PM
hi wolsty,
if you use my adapted settings, you will need to use the modified for mounts version, this one will make sure the motor will be switched on, its a bit old but at least it will set the box up, though you will/might still need to finetune or even fully tune some sats depending on how yours was already setup, but then again a spring clean would help in that as well.

but please remember i am rusty, as, as with you i have been elsewhere since we lost all the good bits
all the best

18-11-2009, 11:02 AM
Hello Voith

It'll be a while before I can spend time on this, as we're preparing for a family wedding on 4 December, but as soon as I can grab a free afternoon, I'll spring clean the Hummy and reinstall all the firmware and settings, including your adapted PET version. One thing about settings that does give me trouble is the order in which satellites are stored in positions 1 and 2 How should I set up the box to be compatible with the PET settings?


18-11-2009, 10:44 PM
hi marco,
thats the setup i have, a vbox mrk2, does the job just fine

voith Thanks for info ;)
All working ok m8.


voith driver
18-11-2009, 11:47 PM
hi marco,
glad its working m8, have fun

hi wolstie,

if you install the MODIFIED FOR MOUNTS version, it will install everything as per the standard diqesc list, i did this so that everyone had a basic standard to work with,if your tuned in sats are different, then it will be just a case of working though the list and retuning, you tune to the settings list and not the other way around.

though to be fair as i do not do them any more as the original pet123 are not posted these days, you may want to rearrange things to suit which ever settings you are using now

hope you have a good wedding,

all the best

03-01-2010, 06:20 PM
Hello Voith

Thanks for the good wishes. The wedding went well - that's 3 off our hands. Only one to go now!

Over Christmas, I've had a bit of tinkering time to myself and have been spring cleaning the Hummy. I took it back to out-of-the-box condition, re-patched it and re-installed the settings, but to no avail. The motor refuses to budge, so I'm left with the conclusion that the decoder board on the motor has failed. I'll have another word with my techie friend to see if he can test the electronics.

voith driver
03-01-2010, 06:41 PM
hi wolsty,
glad you are over that hurdle, just need to get it past the next couple of 7 year anniversaries,and you might be home and dry;)

anyway i does sound like there is a problem up there, i think i suggested doing a manual test, after checking the position of the dish visually, then by going into the settings menu and after changing the menu from user to installer, manually (on screen) try to swing the dish one way or tother, and then recheck visually to see if its moved, obviously carefully to make sure you do not go past the stops.

at least that will double check

all the best

22-02-2010, 02:42 PM
Hello Voith

Neither my techie friend nor I was able to find the fault but we were almost certain that it was in the motor. I was at my son's house over the weekend and, as he lives close to a ****** store, we couldn't resist the temptation to browse. On impulse, I spent £50 on a new motor and, wonder of wonders, it works with the Hummie. Whether there's anything up there to justify the expense remains to be seen. All I need to do now is re-erect the dish and reprogram the STB with latest firmware. Any suggestions as to the best files to download?


voith driver
24-02-2010, 06:31 PM
hi wolsty,
well, i must say that i have not used my box a while, but i think i would be tempted to try the 11.3 posted in the firmware bit, but as yet i have not seen what is different in it posted.

glad you have a solution for your problems, though be careful of those impulses er in doors may catch you at the wrong time,
all the best

25-02-2010, 12:29 PM
I've already had the earache! Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give 11.3 a try when I get back from holiday in mid-March.


24-03-2010, 01:20 PM
Where My dish is, on a wall, i was going west and my dish crashed into the wall.
is there any way i can limit my dish with the v-box.
i have lost a slight bit of quallity on most sats. i will tweak my dish some time.


24-03-2010, 06:22 PM
1. On the Main menu, select Service Searching option and press the
button. You should now see the Service Searching menu.
2. Select Manual Search option and press the button, you should
now see the Manual Search menu.
3. Highlight the Antenna Alternative option and press the button.
You should now be in the Satellite Settings menu.
4. Press the button to access the Motor Limit Setting menu.
5. Highlight the Limit Setting option and use the buttons to
disable this. (Warning: When this option is disabled your motor will
be able to move beyond any limits that have been stored - please
take care in case there are anything obstructing the path of your
6. To set the East Limit:
a) Select Movement and use the buttons to move your
motor East or West until the motor is at the position you wish to
use as your East Limit. Use the buttons to stop the motor
at the correct position.
b) Highlight the Store East Limit option and press the button to
store the current position as your East Limit.
To set the West Limit:
a) Select Movement and use the buttons to move your motor East or West until the motor is at
the position you wish to use as your West Limit. Use the buttons to stop the motor at the
correct position.
b) Highlight the Store West Limit option and press the button to store the current position as your West Limit.

25-03-2010, 06:15 AM
Good info wolsty
A Good Read m8.

25-03-2010, 10:16 AM
I have the IRCI 5400Z manual available as a pdf file. PM me with your e-mail and I'll send it to you. Or you can Google it and download it from the Web. If memory serves correctly, I got it from the Humax site.