View Full Version : Ethernet problems with router ??

02-11-2009, 07:33 PM
Hello there !

I just got my DB 800 box, and have put Nabilo on it, it runs fine except the network.

I have a Zyxel Zywall 2wg router, and I cant get the DB to work directly connected to this router ?

I replaced the DB 7000 I had with my new DB 800, and on the DB 7000 I had the same problem, I contacted Dreambox in Germany, but the said it was a known problem, that there was problems with the ethernet card in the DB 7000, so I just put in a 3COM 10 mbit HUB between the DB and the router , and then it worked.
When I bought the new DB 800 I expected that it would work with my router.
But no, its just the same as with the DB 7000 :eek:

When I connect the DB directly to the router, it seems like the network stop working, I have tried both a normal cable and a crossover.
In the DB it tell that there is link, and on the backside I have yellow LED, but no GREEN one.
When putting the DB on my OLD HUB, it puts up a green like right away, and gets an ip adress.

A PC put on the same port in the router works fine.

Really hope that someone in this forum can help.

It ****es me off to have this old HUB online to getting the DB to work.

I have tried to replace the HUB with 2 different switches, and this dosent work, only the HUB do the job ?????

Please help :bowing-036:

Kind regards HG

02-11-2009, 11:18 PM
I know this isn't really the answer you're looking for, but how about just buying a new router? That way, you're sorting out everything?!

03-11-2009, 12:23 AM
google linux configuring network card 10mb full duplex

Have a play with the configuration

03-11-2009, 09:25 AM
What is the product range?
[ ] ZyNOS
[ ] SSL
[ ] USG (ZLD)

03-11-2009, 03:31 PM
Don't you have access on dreambox to the network card device?
what brand and model of card is in it?
specs of the box saying: 10/100MBit Compatible Ethernet Interface
can you not set how it should behave: half/full duplex, 10/100/auto Mbps? Change these to full duplex and 100 Mbps, see if this helps?

03-11-2009, 04:02 PM
Your post is confusing.

You are saying that dream multimedia confirmed a "known" problem, however thousands of people have their boxes running without placing a hub between the router and the dreambox. So i can't get what this "known" problem is.

Simple networking knowledge says that a dreambox, a router, a straight cable (watch out as a crossover cable won't work) and the correct settings are enough to get you going.

Check out if your router has dhcp enabled. If it is enabled, then enable dhcp in your dreambox as well. If it isn't, find your routers static ip and assign a static ip to your dreambox accordingly. If you have no idea of what i am talking about, then you need to spend some time reading where to find these settings and the basics of setting up a simple home network. There are plenty of tutorials in this forum as well.

Forget about the full and half duplex posts, your ethernet adapters are smart enough to establish the correct connection.

03-11-2009, 04:04 PM
It sounds like you are using DHCP therefore have you tried to setup a static IP address on your DB?

Might be worth a try as I too had a problem with multiple routers on the same network with a DB and got it to work by setting a static address. Never got round to fully trouble shooting it but will do eventually!

03-11-2009, 04:30 PM
firstly its a direct and straight wired connection from the dreambox to the router

I always , always , always set up a static ip address on my linux boxes , so that the tools and ftp programs etc always go to the correct ip address , so I always turn off dhcp and assign the linux box ip address manually

so if the router was say I would use say for the dreambox , or some other ip at least 10 or more away from the router ip address , in fact all the pc,s on my home network are assigned their own ip addresses , not one is using dhcp

03-11-2009, 05:47 PM
Your post is confusing.

If you have no idea of what i am talking about, then you need to spend some time reading where to find these settings and the basics of setting up a simple home network. There are plenty of tutorials in this forum as well.
Forget about the full and half duplex posts, your ethernet adapters are smart enough to establish the correct connection.

Hello Jiimrare and everybody else !

Ok, I have read all your answers and will try to answer the best I can, and to clear out the confusion in my first post.

I have had db7000 for several years, with a Interjak router , the network dident worked without a hub inbetween.
Dream told me that there was problems with some db7000 so I dident try to get it solved.
Because of a router breakdown, I bought a new router+firewall this is Zyxel Zywall 2WG, and the problem with the db7000 was excatly the same on a single port on the router.
When I mean excatly the same, I am talking about setup out of the box, I an NO LINUX expert, and therefor I haven tried to change network settings on the DBs.

But I am fully aware of static ip and dhcp, this is not an issue.
The problem is that neither static or dhcp works with the neither DBs attached directly to the new router.
I have tried cross cable and straight, but a PC on the same cable works fine.
Therefore I conclude the problem is between the DBs and the router.
A UBUNTU PC on the same cable works, therefore I conclude that the problem ISENT Linux.
Both DB 7000 and 800 works on the straight cable with both dhcp and static ip, if I put an hub inbetween the DB and the router port.
The router have 4 LAN ports and its the same in all ports.
If I put an newer switch inbetween it dosent works.
So the only thing that works at the moment is my old hub between the DB and the router.
I know it sounds odd, but this is how it works, and I thinks it sucks.
As I said I am not an expert i n linux commands, but I myself think its a problem with autonegotiation between the router and Db.
But I cant setup anything at the router so it has to be on the DB.
So maby someone could assist in this ?
Or come with some ideas if my new description of the problem helped in describing the issues.

Hope to hear from everyone about it :respect-059:

Thanks to all for the answers.
Kind regard HG

Ps. tried to enter this linux commad to see the specs.

root@dm800:/home# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 10Mb/s
Duplex: Half
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Link detected: yes

When I am trying to change the setting to auto off it wont work see belove.
root@dm800:/home# ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off
Cannot set new settings: Operation not supported
not setting autoneg

03-11-2009, 05:59 PM
doesnt seem like a dreambox issue to me

and as there are thousands of ppl using a dreambox with various routers then it seems more of a networking issue or a router issue

I would suggest you test it with somebody elses router , and if that works then its not the dreambox , and I personally do not think the dreambox is at fault , and as I said earlier one of the taks in setting up a dreambox is the communications , its simply not good enough to assume the dreambox can sort itself out , and it does have communication tests etc when you are setting up an image

03-11-2009, 06:11 PM
Could be a rule based router security issue?
check if router allows the IP set in the DB
if there is some kind of MAC Filtering Settings allowing/disallowing the box

Try with the ip settings of the other UBUNTU PC in the DB?

03-11-2009, 06:26 PM
This is probably a something simple causing this issue...

If you answer the following I am will try to help you as I work on networks all the time

Can I ask are you using DHCP or static addresses?
If you are using DHCP what device is handing out the addresses your router?
What switches have you tried?

I'm thinking there's a chance that if you haven't rebooted your router, clearer the arp cache and powered your switch on/off at the same time but been changing things without doing the above that you may have an IP address/MAC address conflict in the cache of the switch/hub or something like that and that could possibly give you this issue

03-11-2009, 07:17 PM
This is probably a something simple causing this issue...

If you answer the following I am will try to help you as I work on networks all the time

Can I ask are you using DHCP or static addresses?
If you are using DHCP what device is handing out the addresses your router?
What switches have you tried?

I'm thinking there's a chance that if you haven't rebooted your router, clearer the arp cache and powered your switch on/off at the same time but been changing things without doing the above that you may have an IP address/MAC address conflict in the cache of the switch/hub or something like that and that could possibly give you this issue

Hello all !

I recon that it might not be the DBs fault.

But I just notice that it has been the same with 2 different routers, and 2 different DBs.
The only common things is the cable.
Kimik I am greatfull and would like to take your offer, I am NOT AN EXPERT int this, but I understand what you are suggesting and asking for.
I have NOT rebooted every time, so you might have a point.
At the moment I am using.

DHCP at the DB.
Static DHCP at the router, the DBs machadress is listed in my static DHCP table at the router, to enforce I gets the same ip every time.
Off course I can clear both to run " real " dhcp if you suggest ?

I am using the routers dhcp server, this is working great with computers at the same cable which is plugged in the DB ( The cable for the DB is working fine with a computer attached instead of DB )
When connecting the cable to a HUB and from the HUB to one off the spare ports at the router it also works great.
No matter if I set it up with static DHCP og just DHCP, I i put the hub between, if I connect the DB directly it dosent work at all.
I have now tried to reboot the router when changing as you suggest, and also when reconfiguring the DB, but the result is the same :-(
At the moment the DB starts, I can see the green led is blinking, but the DB dont get the ip adresse, and I cant see anything in the log at the router, like I can when booting one off my pcs.

I dont get it.

Kind regards HG

03-11-2009, 08:29 PM
Static DHCP at the router,
Static and dynamic are two opposite things, the D from DHCP means Dynamic. You need to learn how networks work if you want to get things working.

Start with these simple steps
1. Assign a static ip to your router for example Make sure that you are not using any filters blocking your db (mac filtering for example)
2. Assign a static ip to your dreambox for example
3. Assign a static ip to your pc for example
4. Connect router and dreambox using a straight cable.
5. Connect router and pc using a straight cable.
6. If you are a windows user go to start->run, type cmd hit enter. A command prompt will open. Type ping and hit enter. If you get a reply, then your pc and router are communicating.
Type ping and hit enter. If you get a reply, then your pc and db are communicating.

Tell us if you have tried these exact steps before.

Make sure you understand how to assign a static ip to your router, pc and dreambox. If you do, then the above steps will get you working, provided your cabling and adapters aren't faulty.

03-11-2009, 08:44 PM
Don't forget to restart your dreambox when you assign the static ip, just in case.

03-11-2009, 09:08 PM
Static and dynamic are two opposite things, the D from DHCP means Dynamic. You need to learn how networks work if you want to get things working.

Start with these simple steps
1. Assign a static ip to your router for example Make sure that you are not using any filters blocking your db (mac filtering for example)

Make sure you understand how to assign a static ip to your router, pc and dreambox. If you do, then the above steps will get you working, provided your cabling and adapters aren't faulty.

Hi ! Its not to be rude or anything, maby my written english is to misunderstand.

I do know the difference between a static ip and a dhcp :respect-065:

What I meant was, that in my router I have reserved an ipadress for my DB800.
So at my DB the setting is DHCP, but at my router the machadress is put in the " static dhcp table "

So yes, static and dhcp is to different things but not in this case as its configured.

All the settings at the router should be in place otherwise the things would not work with the hub right :-)

I have several PC using the WLAN at the router gettig ips from the DHCP server, and the 2 different DB is also getting there ip adresses from the DHCP , only not directly connected but via the HUB.

So again, its not to be a smartass or rude in any way, but I do know the difference between dhcp, static ip, cross over cable and so on, and all things are working at the cable ending at the DB if its not the DB sitting there ( when the cable is connected directly )

I appreciate your effort trying to help me but, but I think its maby a little more coplex than a bad cable or a misconfigured router ip adress.

This because everything else is working.

I hope its ok to answer this way ? otherwise just :smash: my head and tell me loud if its not :banghead:

Kind regards HG

Ps. ping between pc and router works great, and also when DB is connected via the hub.
When the Db is put on a port in the router no ping on the PC is recieved.
And reboot of Db dont change anything, and neither do a reboot off the router.
This is the same with static ip, and dhcp.
Its like the DB is trying ( the yellow and green led is blinking at startup ) but after a while the green LED stops and the DB has no ip, when i do a network test from the menu all is ok, except the ip adress is unconfirmed and also the nameserver setting.
As soon as i connect the DB to the HUB instead all test are ok, and my picture is back.
So in the direct connection there is
1.Lan adapter : internal ethernet : ok
2.Local network : connected : ok
3.DHCP : connected : ok
4 IP adress : unconfirmed : not ok
5. Nameserver : unconfirmed : not ok

4 and 5 is ok when using hub

03-11-2009, 10:05 PM
my advice is change the router to use dhcp so the ip addresses are assigned automatically in increasing number after the main router ip address

then go into each pc , laptop , dreambox etc and assign the ip,s you want to fix on the actual device itself ( not the router ) and untick dhcp as well

this way the devices tell the router which ip they are using , you should now find that after a reboot each device logs onto the router using its own unique ip address that you have manually set on each device , and they should all appear as such in the router admin panel


the router is say

the pc is say

a laptop is say

something else is say

the dreambox is say


04-11-2009, 02:20 PM
Hello Echelon and Jimrare !

I havent tried to let the router run DHCP only.
I have always set it up to check the machnumber and apply a specific ip, under the starting ip of my dhcp server for devices like my DB
At the moment my router is setup this way.
Ip adresse
DHCP from
My pc's is getting ips from 100,101 and so on.
At the moment the DB is set to running DHCP and it has the ipadress
But only if the hub is put inbetween.
If I try to unplug the DB from the HUB and place it directly in the router at the port where the HUB is connected, I can ping it anymore and after a reboot of the DB, it still dosent gets an ip.
Replacing the DB with a PC at the end of the cable , gets the PC an ip adress right away.
Is it possible to change the network setting manually in the DB ???
I have looked at the config files, but the all say " dont change manually "
And trying to use ETHTOOL dosent work.

Kind regards HG

04-11-2009, 02:31 PM
It is possible to change your network settings from the dreambox menu

Press the menu button on your remote, choose setup then network settings. From there I would suggest you try to set a static IP address

04-11-2009, 09:54 PM
I havent tried to let the router run DHCP only.
I have always set it up to check the machnumber and apply a specific ip, under the starting ip of my dhcp server for devices like my DB
At the moment my router is setup this way.
Ip adresse
DHCP from
My pc's is getting ips from 100,101 and so on.
At the moment the DB is set to running DHCP and it has the ipadress
Although you say you are familiar with networking terms, your first sentence makes no sense. You say you haven't let your router run dhcp but then you say dhcp is enabled handing out addresses from .100 and on.

Keep things simple. Dont use mac filters because you might be using them the wrong way. Assign your db a static ip, would be ok according to what you have already posted. Give it a subnet of, gateway and nameserver should be your routers ip Read how to assign these settings. Ethtool is a command which you cannot use with a dreambox and even if it worked it wouldnt do what you want.

06-11-2009, 07:55 AM
Although you say you are familiar with networking terms, your first sentence makes no sense. You say you haven't let your router run dhcp but then you say dhcp is enabled handing out addresses from .100 and on.

Keep things simple. Dont use mac filters because you might be using them the wrong way. Assign your db a static ip, would be ok according to what you have already posted. Give it a subnet of, gateway and nameserver should be your routers ip Read how to assign these settings. Ethtool is a command which you cannot use with a dreambox and even if it worked it wouldnt do what you want.

Hi !

Jim yes I write I am familiar with networking, but the way I write it, its misunderstood I see.

What I mean by dhcp, was off course not, that my router is running dhcp at its own ip ?

I have setup at DHCP server at the box, but is forcing a specific ip at the db box, via a static dhcp table.

Today I wil reconfigure the box, make an factory reset and start all over with all rules and so on.
And I am also going to buy new cables and connection, so I am 200 % sure that all is ok on the site.

Then I let you know if this helps.

Thanks for the help until now :respect-040:

Be talking.

Kind regards HG