View Full Version : Networking DM8000 and DM500

03-11-2009, 05:29 PM
Could somebody explain how to configure these two boxes together. DM8000 will have blue cards and satellite connection. DM500 will have white card and no satellite connection. Both boxes are local and connected to router and internet. The idea it to use DM500 only as a server for white card. What EMUs should I run on both boxes and how to configure them to "talk to each other"?
DM8000 Nabilo Black Hole 0.12
DM500 Sifteam 1.94


03-11-2009, 07:56 PM
My first question is why have a blue card in the dm8000 cant see the point of that the white card will do the trick for both

Anyway newcs and mgcamd to be installed on both plenty of stickies around just use google

have a read and when you get stuck come back for some advice

one tip use newcs 1.67 and mgcamd can be anything from 1.3x and above

good luck