View Full Version : Strange problem with channel switch recognition

04-11-2009, 07:24 AM
Hi Guys,

I would appreciate your help and advice on following problem I am experiencing from 2 weeks already. It is really giving me hard time……
I am using MultiCAS 160D-D08 (have tried with 160D-D01, 160D-D05, 60D-D07 as well) and FW 3686 (tried with 3661, 3501….) on my AzBox Premium.
The server on the other side which is giving me the card share is CCCam 2.1.2 on a Dreambox (FW as far as I know is Gemini Project 4.5)
Here is the case (2 thinks):
1. I am getting all the time scrambled channels. We have identified that info (on the server side) regarding the current channel I am trying to watch is wrong for example I am on a Jetix TV on 13E and on the server shows I am watching i.e. TV4 on 5E…completely different.
If the person on the server side do a refresh, the correct channel opens.
Seem the CCCam server doesn’t recognize/catch the channel switch
2. For some channels or actually all that are CRYPTOWORKS I am not able to open at all although showed properly on server side. After many restarts of the MultiCAS or just going up/down on the channels they open (happens very rare) but on next restart all is gone….VERY unstable.

If I try a C line from other different server (again Dreambox) I don’t have those 2 problems at all (had a test/temporary C line from a friend for few hours)

Other think in whole story is that before I have used CCCam client 2.1.1 + FW 3281 (and below) with the same DM server and had no problems. Now if I try to go back to that setup, CCCam client seems doesn’t start at all-(if I run ./dvbapi_module says “Waiting for connection…..something like that) and scrambled all the time

Last detail is the on the “problematic” DM server only I am having that issue (all other clients are DM users and able to watch w/o problems)

Well thats all.
I will be really happy if someone can give me solution or direction where to dig….

Dig Deep
04-11-2009, 09:58 AM
I suggest that You do a clean (formatting) install as there could be a problem with some old files in the box.

04-11-2009, 11:45 AM
Yes, I have done clean instal:

1. Did format of the application area (3 times)
2. Did reset to factory defaults, delete all settings (channels, etc...)
this have been done with any single FW....
Same case:
I have mentioned I have problem with a specific DM server....with alternative all is OK (I dont want to use the alternative one...)
I.e. If I add both servers (2 C lines->blue button and load under server 1and 2) and alternative Enable/Disable 1 and 2, it works only with 1 of them, other is Scrambled....and facts are mentioned in my first post)

04-11-2009, 12:16 PM
Yes, I have done clean instal:

1. Did format of the application area (3 times)
2. Did reset to factory defaults, delete all settings (channels, etc...)
this have been done with any single FW....
Same case:
I have mentioned I have problem with a specific DM server....with alternative all is OK (I dont want to use the alternative one...)
I.e. If I add both servers (2 C lines->blue button and load under server 1and 2) and alternative Enable/Disable 1 and 2, it works only with 1 of them, other is Scrambled....and facts are mentioned in my first post)

Edit Cccam.cfg on the servers and remove the parameter "MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION"

05-11-2009, 02:32 PM
pippopappa thanks,

My friend on the server side confirmed there is no parameter "MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION".
Unfortunately the issue still exist....We are not able to identify why the DM server is not recoqnizing the channel I want to watch:
- Is it that my Azbox is sending wrong request (i.e. I want to watch TV4 but sends wrongly as Jetix for example)
- My Azbox sends correctly TV4, but on some reason DM server recognize it as something else...
Somehow mappings are not matching....sorry not specialist in the area
I have been told that I have to edit/add cahnnels in the priocaid file properly....but I dont know what to edit/add...., if yes in what format...
I would appreciate a sample of that file containing whatever have to.
What I have in that file is:### 0100 : SECA
### 0500 : VIACESS
### 06xx : IRDETO
### 0dxx : CRYPTOWORKS
### 0bxx : CONAX
### 09xx : NDS
### 17xx : BETACRYPT
### 18xx : NAGRA
### max 8 of caid 0100 0500 0600 0900 1800 0d00 0b00 1700
### CASE OLD #1 0600 0d00 1700 1800 0900 0b00 0100 0500
### CASE OLD #2 0100 1800 0500 0600 0d00 1700 0b00 0900
0100 1800 0500 0600 0d00 1700 0b00 0900
i.e. no any channels....
Also how it works with 1 C lin and not with other (as it is same file....???)
I am confused.......

05-11-2009, 04:40 PM
Hmm do i understand it correctly that you use multicas to connect to the cccam server...????
I think that's the problem..multicas has problems with cccam 2.1.2. As you can read on threads about multicas..
About the other cline see in multicas edit on what cccam version it connects to...