View Full Version : Possible remedy for playing high bitrate mkv and wmv files

05-11-2009, 12:04 AM
Just been able to play a 9.8 gb wmv 1080 movie from usb hard drive without any stutters or audio dropouts.

I then went on to play a 720p mkv with dts 6.4 gb perfectly off my pc's hard drive over wired network.

I have not been able to do this in any firmware to date, but today I went back to firmware 3661 and tried to play the 1080 wmv file, It played flawlesly to the end without loosing audio.

Later on, after I had installed openxcas, multicas and mbox, I tried to play the exact same file, the video and audio stuttered terrebly.

It made me think that the Cams were interfiering with the playback of the file, so I disabled both mbox and multicas. Lo behold they both play perfectly again.

With the Cams disabled, I can play files previously unplayable.

Please can other Azbox users try this out for me on their boxes, Then post their results.

It might not be a cure, but hopefully find that it helps.


05-11-2009, 12:12 AM
watchinh this one with interest lol

05-11-2009, 08:43 AM
Looks promissing...

Im going to try this with the famous birdscene...........

05-11-2009, 11:24 PM
Damn - no difference here. The audio is still glitchy and the video still breaks up and stutters (even after switching all plugins off and a reboot).