View Full Version : Bad News!

05-11-2009, 07:48 AM
Following on from this thread:-

OK, before I get flamed for this I normally buy my stuff form the sponsors, but he didn't have any DM8000 in stock whenI wanted one (back in July), so I bought mine from one of the main importers (Mark - can't give link but sure some must have bought from him at some time!), but I DID buy the Vbox from the sponsors to go with it as he had that in stock (come to think of it the remote didn't work with that - lol, although you don't need it with the dm8k).

The remote problem persisted across every image I tried (some of you know I now use OoZooN, finally got that image to work as I wanted, but the remote control of the box would only work when held at about six inches from the box. The problem would start after about having the box on for 1hr, first off when switching the box on, the remote worked fine, then after about 1hr, the distance the remote would work at was about six inches from the box, it would work fine at this distance with all functions working corrctly, but hey, that's going back to the days before remotes existed, getting up to switch over channels was a thing of the past (so I thought - lol). As I've said I've tried different images, Nabilo, OoZoon, with and without Barry Allen loaded, all drivers kept up to date including second stage.

I have to say, I've had a great service from Mark, no probs, :respect-059: and it was MY choice to return the box as a LAST RESORT!, he first suggested he send me a replacement Remote Control to try, OK we did that, tried that but No Good, still the same after the initial period,

next he said i should remove and return to him the front panel (pcb part only) and he would send by return a replacement part for that, fair play to him he recieved it the day after i sent it back and had one sent out to me the same day, turnaround of Mon - Wed this week, not bad eh!.
Tried that last night, but still the same,
I'm now at the point of where it looks like I may have to return the box after all, I'm gutted as the autumn internationals start this weekend and it's the only means of watching I have as I have a plasma screen (no freeview built in) and will be without tv till this is resolved,
but I must say, I will have the comfort of her indooors moaning at me all the time whilst it's gone, rabbit rabbit, cost a fortune, rabbit rabbit don't work, rabbit rabbit, phone him to check when it's coming back, rabbit rabbit...........ffs. Not quite the same as watching the rugby, but........

Anyway, I live in hope (and fear of her!) and watch this space for updates!


footnote - read the other thread before you mention batteries -lol.

05-11-2009, 09:08 AM
there is a way to restart the remote control, he sent a script and you can change it for DM500S or 600PVR for example.

I think the problem is the remote control to be reset, maybe not this scheduled for dm8000, the latter uses another code combination.

right now I do not remember how to do this, but surely the idea, some colleagues remembered.

I hope to solve it as soon as possible, this device is a good team for today and tomorrow.

I monitor all computers for home use this remote with the dm8000 and the others, tv, audio, dvd, heating ... ... and so on.


05-11-2009, 09:48 AM
I had the same problem with mine. (clone)... using bh v 0.11... I installed bh 0.12 bootloader 72 now it works like a dream.
regards lone

05-11-2009, 01:02 PM
Just got an e-mail from Mark,
He's sending me out a new box today,
so hopefully I'll get it soon. :respect-059:

Bloody postal strike due tomorrow, (not blaming posties though) hope that don't delay me too much. :nopity:

05-11-2009, 02:35 PM
If you have trouble with two different remotes in the same room, check that there isn't one (or even a third one) with a stuck button.

I chased everything a while back but found it was caused by one remote continually transmitting and blocking the others.

05-11-2009, 02:44 PM
The remote with my 8000 has opposite symptoms, for the first few minutes it sometimes does not work properly but later settles down and works fine.
I put up with this but of course this is appalling for such an expensive box.
I am using latest Nabilosat and this problem has been better or worse with other images.
What could possibly cause this? I have read somewhere that the remote signal can be upset by some LCD TV's, any truth in this?

05-11-2009, 03:33 PM
I will soon find out if it's inteference (don't think so though) as I'll be getting a new box soon.

Will update here when I get it.

05-11-2009, 03:42 PM
Hi all, not many people know this but ordinary digital cameras are able to "see" the infra red signals emitted from remote controls. Some mobile phone cameras are the same too.

So to test a remote control, simply point the camera (turned on of course) at the IR LED from the front of the remote control. you should not see any pink light on the digital camera's LCD screen. (dont use the optical lens view finder, this will not work). If you do see pink light, then there is a stuck button on the remote control or its faulty.

When you press a button on the remote control, the camera's LCD screen will show any emitted IR signal as pink light. if there is no pink light, then you have dead batteries or a faulty remote control.

If you still have problems, you can use the camera to find sources of errant IR emissions from other sources that may be stopping your reciever from detecting the signals emitted from its own remote control.

Hope that helsp soemone!



05-11-2009, 03:47 PM
PS.... if you are trying to track down any IR signals, it helps if you reduce the lighting levels in the room, closing curtains, turning off lights, closing doors, doing it after dusk, etc etc, this will make it MUCH easier to find any sources of IR that may be causing a problem with your reciever and its remote control.

05-11-2009, 04:53 PM
Thanks for your advice but if my wife sees me closing curtains and dimming lights at my age she will probably have me sectioned.

05-11-2009, 08:26 PM
I have too a dm8000, When i've changed my 32 inch ambilight lcd, for a new 42 ambiligth lcd, my universal remote (harmony 890), started to be crazy, problem is not solved, i do have the same problem with my dm8000 remote.
So, in cunclusion, maybe some lcd's can disturb the ir signals.

06-11-2009, 10:43 AM
New box arrived at 08:45, I'm off work today so will attempt to get it up and running, (her indoors wants to go to IKEA, Cardiff first though - Doh!)

Full backup running (again) at the mo coz I ran some updates last night.

Oh, and I took all the other remotes out of the room and still the problem persisted.

08-11-2009, 04:32 PM
Must admit mine is a bit dicky at times with not responding mostly. Have to play with the TV & Dream buttons to get it to respond at times.

Seems to be getting more frequent doing it as well.

08-11-2009, 04:54 PM
Mine is the same, it works sometimes but not all the time.. sometimes I have to switch my 8000 on by using my old 7020 remote and after that the remote for the 8000 works OK, but only sometimes.
I was thinking of buying a new remote as I wouldn't want to send my box back just for the remote.

09-11-2009, 08:30 AM
Must admit mine is a bit dicky at times with not responding mostly. Have to play with the TV & Dream buttons to get it to respond at times.

Seems to be getting more frequent doing it as well.

Let's hope there's not a batch of faulty ones then!
My new box is up and running now, still got Cccam to load yet and forgot where I have to put the softcam file in OoZooN image, - oh - var/keys i think.

Will check the remote over the next couple of days before I give it the all clear though - as i could swear it went funny again last night - but it couldav been the drink - lol.
Will check as i say over the next couple of days, must say (again) great service from Mark. :respect-051:

10-11-2009, 07:57 PM

..forgot where I have to put the softcam file in OoZooN image, - oh - var/keys i think
No mate.by new boxes you have not anymore var/keys.There should be usr/keys;)

10-11-2009, 08:04 PM

Yes, thanks m8, I think the simlinks form var/keys :)

11-11-2009, 12:38 AM
you started the thread!!!!!

11-11-2009, 08:27 AM
you started the thread!!!!!

lol, yeah thanks oldfart, think i'm under a bit of pressure lately what with things on the homefront etc, and on top of it all my dm playing up, both kids now out of jobs - laid off, her indoors moaning etc etc. :smilielol5: