View Full Version : Confused about recent 'patches'

06-11-2009, 01:25 AM

I've seen the following topics / posts but the given details do not allow me to understand their full purpose or reasons for use :-

6000 HD Super 7.00p



I am currently thoroughly confused and have no real idea what to use for the TM 6900 HD Combo Super, or indeed why in the first place.

Can anybody who understands all this please spell it out clearly for me and presumably others?

Many thanks.

06-11-2009, 10:06 AM
as always putting a new patch in place is something new and you find out if this works for you or not.
form version 7.00p the patches are in an other format: these are compressed kind like zip files you can put a bigger patch in doing so (more software)
By loading the patch 700p the boatloader changes to handle these patches: meaning you cannot put back the older patches with the USB Stick.
you need to put the goback patch in with a null modem cable (serial port) and the patched loader as per instructions of the Goback posting.
Some of us wanted to go back to 688p for various reasons:
card+ feature missing or not functional
c a s menu not stable and blocking the receiver

06-11-2009, 11:01 AM
hi Giga good morning
I just find out another bug with the 700 patch
While recording after 2 hours recording stop ,i don't mean with epg but manual
as for the new feature add on 8281 don't work anymore for me,so it was a waist of time for me,the only thing it was improved was the receiver sensitivity ,maybe little bit stable then before,but unfortunately as i mention before the receiver got to many bugs,and it is up to developer of the software to cure it
Maybe that is the reason why many people moaning about this receiver
Up to today this receiver it is still faulty ,the patch try to solve some problems ,but the original software it is buggy
I don't want to offend anyone but it is my opinion

regards dxman

06-11-2009, 02:34 PM
Hello Giga and thanks.
I think I was partly confused because '7.00' doesn't seem to numerically follow '688'.

So to clarify then, have I got the following points correct:-


is the new patched firmware to follow the 688p one, with 'tm 6900.rar' being for the 6900 HD Combo Super.

6000 HD Super 7.00p

is simply describing a little what is in the new patch download; if we download it we find a 'Magicpatch' and an 'ADDON' patch.


is for attempting to revert/remove the new patch if problems result from applying it.

If I don't use the receiver for recording or CS, I have nothing to gain from trying the new patch.

Have I got those points correct?

Many thanks again,

06-11-2009, 02:58 PM
correct on all 4 points, and as 700p is not stable on C A S and recording, I would let it pass.

06-11-2009, 03:04 PM
Great, thanks Giga.

PS Re: my recent posting elsewhere in the site about my Sky box PIN problems; still a mystery. I assume my digibox is faulty. It is an old one.

06-11-2009, 03:39 PM
Regarding the "Go-Back" patch. I installed it from a USB stick and it worked fine. I think you only have to use a null modem cable to install it if your box has locked up completely, i.e. not booting up and just showing "Technomate" on the display. I've done this about three times trying to get the patch working properly, each time from a USB stick.
I still have the epg bug, and I seem to have lost the audio on a couple of HD channels. The Audio problem may be fixable with a re-scan, I haven't tried it yet, but the big advantage for me is that all the connections in 8281 now work, channel zapping is faster, and the softcam opens channels a lot faster. I don't use any cards, so that part does not effect me. I can live with it as it is untill a fixed patch comes out, which I'm sure will happen.

Regards, JT.

06-11-2009, 05:06 PM
Hi Johntee50,

I ask Giga about using my USB to use to put my 6900 super back to 688p.
He said u cannot do by this method, if it is O.K. I will do it this way.
I have a Macbook and I don't think I can use a null cable from the Mac and I even have in Windows with Bootcamp as well.

Cheers in Advance


joe 1234567
06-11-2009, 05:47 PM
the recording is good on 7.00 p just pres on the record butteon 2 time change 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.+. hours . and it is good recording 2 ch.at same time ie .s1 and s2 on 13hotbard !

06-11-2009, 05:52 PM
I got the software from the Technomate site. It reverts the firmware to the 688 unpatched version. After that you can choose the patched software that suits you best and install it. I am fairly sure that this will only work for boxes that have not locked up. If it has, you will have to use a nul modem cable.

Regards, JT.

06-11-2009, 06:03 PM
Many thanks to all for this thread. It pulls together all the salient points of this patch. I think I'll follow GIGA's suggestion and "let it pass".


joe 1234567
06-11-2009, 06:09 PM
or just wate for 701.p . and all bugs to be fix't

06-11-2009, 06:20 PM
Cheers Johntee50,

My box has not locked up so may give it a go or wait to see if there is new patch on the way to fix bugs.



06-11-2009, 08:00 PM
i've just got my mits on a 6800 hd , it fits the bill ideal for what i want it for . but whats got me a little baffled is the amount of different versions of the 6000 series has and as and when updates appear would the one's like this 700p work (if it had no bugs that is), although it says 6900 super. at the mo. it's got the 688p on and working great , so i'm not gonna touch it until a newer stable patch appears.
in short would all patches aimed at the 6900's work in the 6800 hd .
please be gentle with me i'm still in mourning from the death of my dear old humax 5400.

06-11-2009, 09:08 PM
See Magic has issued a 'revised' patch 700 which allegedly sorts out all the hiccups - have to try it out asap!:respect-048:

06-11-2009, 10:51 PM
Installed the fixed patch. Seems to do what it says on the tin. Epg is fixed, 8281 much more stable, recording fixed. Still had no audio on one or two HD channels but a re-scan fixed that. All in all, a very good job by Magic and 10/10 for a quick responce to the prior problems. Can't test the card fault because I don't use one. I'm well pleased with the rest of it. Thanks again to Magic.

@ Taffykid.
Be careful that you download the correct patch for your model. It can cause all kinds of problems if you try to install the wrong one. Be aware that the super and non-super patches are not interchangeable. The 6800 and 6900 patches are different as well.

Regards, JT.

06-11-2009, 11:24 PM
Many thanks to all for this thread. It pulls together all the salient points of this patch.
I'm glad you found it useful. I was quite confused before starting it, and I assumed some others might be as well.
I would have been able to hazard a guess at what was going on, but it seemed stupid to assume when I could just ask.

I know some sites, not necessarily this one, like to shroud certain things in riddles and mystique which I often think is juvenile and/or a baseless attempt at staying within the law. This topic however had all the details in the open but in my view unclearly.

I have pretty much lost my interest in dabbling with European satellite anyway, but just had a passing curiosity in what was apparently available here.
I'll probably stay with patch 688p, not that I personally get anything significant out of it.
As I understand it so far, the new patch, fixed or otherwise, only brings some CS and recording improvements, none of which I use.
