View Full Version : Dm800hd

07-11-2009, 07:59 PM
HI M8's
My DM is now starting to play up!
I have the DM connected via a 4way Diseqc switch and it has worked perfectly for about 12 months, however if I now switch from 19o to say 7o then the channel will not load and the box say's tuning error. I then have to either reboot or sometimes it will work by going into standby,(but only by using the standby/restart menu) and then the channels are OK until I swop satellites again. It's getting very annoying, as if I have to reboot then it takes a good 3to4 mins.

Any Ideas,



07-11-2009, 08:13 PM
witout mentioning the images on the box and any on a stick you wont get much help due to the fact nobody knows what firmware and software and drivers you are running

08-11-2009, 09:09 PM
Hi Echelon,

Didn't think, I was under the impression that it must be hardware/DM related.

I am running Enigma PLi 19/7/2009, which was installed by a chap here in Tenerife about 3 months ago, when I had a problem with my Ccam setup and other spurious rebooting problems. He also installed a new chip which did stop the DM from rebooting for no apparent reason.

Do you need any other info on the DM?



08-11-2009, 09:22 PM
You say you had a new chip fitted, I assume it is a clone ?

08-11-2009, 09:51 PM
Hi Sonic,

Strange you should say that as the chap here in Tenerife says he thinks it's a clone as a program he's got does not register the the DM as genuine but I bought the DM from the sponsers of satpimps so I am somewhat confused!!


08-11-2009, 10:03 PM
Simple test Dave is load OoZoon image posted today posted by canthackit.

If it loads and boots it is not a clone.

Also the image is the first version of cvs 2.6 which is announced as stable so you should see this as the next official release from DMM.

Test and let us know how you get on.

08-11-2009, 10:49 PM
Many Thanks Sonic,#
Will try but I'm still unsure as to how! will read up again and give it a go

Should I do a full backup with DCC first and will I lose all settings when I load Oozone and will I have to reload all Ccam and channel lists.

Even if it's a clone or not what do you think is causing my initial problem?

Another question, I have a server but S** keeps freezing and after a lot of complaining the Server guy reckons that Ccam is not up to dealing with S** and we will have to wait for another Ccam version!! True or False??



08-11-2009, 11:02 PM
breakup all depends on internet connect,is he down loading as he servers?is he sharing the card local or just resharing?

08-11-2009, 11:44 PM
Hi Paul,

Sorry but no way of knowing what his config is or what he is doing but is it Bull**** that the latest Ccam cannot handle S**



08-11-2009, 11:49 PM
im getting sly with cccam,with a tiny stutter once in a blue moon

09-11-2009, 12:06 AM
Cheers Paul,

Many thanks for your replies. I will have another go at server guy, overall I'm reasonably happy with the server but would obviously prefer the prime package, even though I can only get about half of the transponders here in Tenerife.



09-11-2009, 12:33 AM
the various cccam versions work fine m8 , although the new white card may need the newest cccam and boxkey on the server , but at your end a recent ccam will probably be fine , and the card issue is irrelevant to your box as its on the server

so if your box is running a recent cccam with a c line , and you get a low ping rate , then it will be fine , typically around 0.2 secs , whereas 0.4 to 0.9 secs is bad ( so check the ping rate ) , assuming his end and the net connections are both ok

obviously its only as good as the server and the net connection etc , which has probably got nothing to do with your image or cccam or dreambox

if goldwafers supplied the box it wont be a clone but if a chip has been replaced ( or if its the same box even ) then replacing a chip will have voided any warranties , you can use a plugin tool to interrogate the box and then put the details into the dream site and see if its genuine , I know I have already done this and mine is genuine

I run last months oozoon in the flash and nabilo 0.11g2 on a usb stick and I get a low server ping rate and all seems fine , and I am probably not using any up to date images at the moment either

cant comment on your jade pli image but obviously it could have some issues as the drivers and images are constantly improved like nabilo and oozoon

if you did reflash it you would lose all your settings including cccam and sats etc so you really need to back them up first

in my experience on forums its usually the servers being overloaded that is at fault , and sometimes its the net , but server guys usually blame everything else including the kitchen sink !!!

so sceptical I am , definitely

ideally you should be running one of the latest images , and probably one of the latest cccams too , and my opinion is your flash is corrupted anyway and so needs reloading with one of the latest images , assuming you dont have a clone of course ;)

ps:- in post 01 you say its been running ok for 12 months , and yet in post 03 you say its running a july 2009 image , the two do not equate , as the latter is only 4 months old and not 12 months or more !!! definitely a conflict in information there :)
must have been a different image previously eh ?

09-11-2009, 09:14 PM
Many thanks for your reply as always Echelon,

As soon as I can get a couple of days "free" I'll try to reflash with a different image.
I've never tried to have an alternative image on a USB flash drive but I suppose it would be very handy if the Flash drive can hold an alternative image complete with all settings, ie Ccam etc. is this possible?

What I meant in my first post was that when I got the box from Goldwafers it was running a Gemeni image and was "OK" for 12 months apart from what I gather is "normal tempremental" behaviour but then it started to reboot for no apparent reason and I had to take it to a local "dealer" who diagnosed a chip problem and he installed what he said was a very good image!

I will look around the forum for help with installing a new Ccam and image but would appreciated your comments re using a usb flash drive and wether I understand correctly that when you reboot the DB with the usb inserted it will ask which image etc you wish to install/use and also wether the usb holds all of my DB settings as well as the alternative image.

Hope you can follow my post.

Kind Regards,


09-11-2009, 09:21 PM
barry allen will ask you which image on the stick you wish to use , always has done

so you can have whatever flash you wish and the rest on the stick , or not , your choice

I would either use the lean oozoon in the flash or the flash version of nabilo (if you are going to use a usb stick like me)

cant help you on any local dealer issues though or the fact he has reflashed it or changed a chip (doesnt sound kosher to me)

the usual niggles on original boxes are well do***ented here and relate to cooling problems , which is why there are several threads showing methods of adding fans etc to improve cooling , as overheating is a common problem on these boxes , and if you look at the pictures of my modified box you would be amazed at the difference , especially as mine never reboots or has any problems

as mentioned previously you could always check yourself if yours is original by running the genuine checker as a plugin , getting the box number and checking on dream`s website , which is exactly what I have done

10-11-2009, 01:17 AM
Do you have the original serial number from the sale from goldwafers if so check it with the db so they are the same just in case, as you have had a local dealer look at your box you never know,

10-11-2009, 11:32 PM
Many Thanks for all your replies. I will check the serial numbers etc. but ultimately it looks as if I need to change at least flash and possibly the Ccam.

