View Full Version : To activate Aljazeera Sport 1...8+ Viaccess

12-11-2009, 09:54 AM
Hi all,

I have an old Aljazeera card, and I want to activate it, therefore I ordered from the dealer the prepaid option for 1 year, so I put the card in the DM8000 slot and I left the card for a while on the Aljazeera Sport 4+ channel as the dealer sent the activation code.

In the subscription menu from the card info of the cam it shows that the card is valid now till nov 08th 2010, which is ok, but no picture...

I do have all sorts of cams, but not a genuine Viaccess cam, as I think the problem it is related to this, I tried all cams I have, Matrix Magic Diabolo TREX but no joy.

Any Ideas ?

Thank You

12-11-2009, 07:26 PM
Use MGCamd to receive the updates, it works great. CCcam is loosing a lot of data.


12-11-2009, 10:56 PM
Use MGCamd to receive the updates, it works great. CCcam is loosing a lot of data.


Yes Mgcamd newcs working great

14-11-2009, 08:47 PM
thank you guys, I am sure that was the right way to activate the card, but sometjing else must happen, I contacted the dealer and she told me that she had already six cards with the same problem, so she is going to replace the card...

Will let you know ... to be continued.

Thanks for your quick reply.
