View Full Version : S4000HDPVR: wehere is web interface?

16-11-2009, 04:56 PM
Cannot find the web interface for S4000. Can somebody help out? By entering the IP on firefox I just see the command: Welcome to 9000HDPVR

This seems pour to me...

16-11-2009, 05:35 PM
do not try hard matey
there is no Web interface on this boxes
there are many many boxes that are produced from Fortis in Korea, and they all have one thing income , they have not much support and they have not much plugins , and they have no web interface.

But one very good thing about this boxes is the picture quality, and the speed, they give a very very good picture quality and they are easy to use, biside they are very quick in channels zapping, speedy to look thru the menus and so on,

One thing i must say about this is that they all have one thing incommon, they have the same hardware inside, but software is diferent from reseller to reseller, you cannot use a software from Octagon on you,r Icecrypt or vise versa.

There are models , Fortis 9000 models /resellers
Octagon SF 1018 HD-ALLIANCE Germany
Rebox RE-9000HD PVR Netherlands ?
UltraPlus F-9000HD PVR New Zeiland

There are models , Fortis 9200 models /resellers
HD Box FS-9200HD PVR Czech
arcon Titan 2010 HD PVR Geramny
OPTI*** XD S850 HD
OpenBox S7 HD PVR Ukraine
Tiviar T1 HD PVR

16-11-2009, 05:44 PM
Hmmm does anyone know if you can use the firmware from say an Octagon on the Icecrypt?


16-11-2009, 06:02 PM
thank you friendly face for the comment. There should be some linux SW usefull for the receiver. Itīs a pity about the web interface. The TM9100super ist really good, but no HD.

17-11-2009, 11:22 AM
Hmmm does anyone know if you can use the firmware from say an Octagon on the Icecrypt?


sure it must be possible, but you will need some skills to do that.
as it seems this receivers have diferent bootloader and diferent bytes build into the softeware is self

i have not try this with my box, but i have read that it is possible
i have been reading on fortisusers dot com that it must be possible and change to a diferent model.

have a look at fortisusers dot com forum the official forum maybe you can find some information that can be of use to you.

@ leoalex
dont worry, im sure it will come, i know Octagon is working on this and maybe we will see the web interface soon, who knows realy
and one other thing that i know is that they are trying to make EWnigma2 run on this boxes. so there maybe hope for us.

17-11-2009, 06:29 PM
Lets hope Enigma2 wont be long, there is a youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zrKDgUoG7A) video showing the Octagon SF1018 running it.

17-11-2009, 10:48 PM
I heard that the tools and SW from octageo SF1018 can be used for S4000 as well. Can somebody confirm that?
Actually, I would also like to have a double confirmation if S4000 is a clone of SF1018?

17-11-2009, 11:17 PM
I heard that the tools and SW from octageo SF1018 can be used for S4000 as well. Can somebody confirm that?
Actually, I would also like to have a double confirmation if S4000 is a clone of SF1018?

Tools maybe can be used but software NOT
Do not be fulled to try that, as i told you before the Bootloader and some bytes in the software are diferent from box to box,
if you dear to try be ready that you may kill your box

Before you even atempt this, make sure to make a backup of the Loder you have on you,.r box , in case you need to go back

No one is clone, they are the same Hardware produces from the same factory Fortis manifacturer, but they make diferent loades for all their boxes

Both Octagon 1018 and S4000 have the same hardware , the same based software / expet the skin, but im totaly confident they have diferen software header and 10000% sure they have diferent loader
so do not kill you,r box

try to read at fortisusers dot com there are few guides there about this problem

18-11-2009, 02:44 PM
use firefox and connect to: \\192.168.0.x\root (the web address of your satellite receiver) over the network where your receiver is connected to

19-11-2009, 11:33 AM
Whats that supposed to do volvos80, I dont get anything using that address?

use firefox and connect to: \\192.168.0.x\root (the web address of your satellite receiver) over the network where your receiver is connected to

20-11-2009, 08:35 PM
Hi friendly-face!
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, the fortisusers dot com seems not working. will try later again.

first I need to find out how to install a cccam and how to edit a channellist. Still havenīt found out howto.

It would be great to be able to install enigma 2 on the box.

Tools maybe can be used but software NOT
Do not be fulled to try that, as i told you before the Bootloader and some bytes in the software are diferent from box to box,
if you dear to try be ready that you may kill your box

Before you even atempt this, make sure to make a backup of the Loder you have on you,.r box , in case you need to go back

No one is clone, they are the same Hardware produces from the same factory Fortis manifacturer, but they make diferent loades for all their boxes

Both Octagon 1018 and S4000 have the same hardware , the same based software / expet the skin, but im totaly confident they have diferen software header and 10000% sure they have diferent loader
so do not kill you,r box

try to read at fortisusers dot com there are few guides there about this problem

21-11-2009, 07:50 PM

change buyer sw to another stb (clone sw)
complicated so be patient :)

21-11-2009, 10:03 PM
same here Fortisusers dot com not working in the past 2 days, seesm they have database problems

or maybe they are clening the post that made publicly the things they was trying to hide, liek many of this boxes are the same thing just diferetn names

as for CCcam , well you cannot do that, you cannot insall CCcam directly on any of this boxes

but take a look at Kinks post with Incubuscamd 0.95 , install that and you can connect to CCcam

Im sure if you need any help we are here and will help you out, post made by Kink is self explained acctualy, but if any dificulties arrise many will help you , including me

about the channel list, have not donne much with that my self either.
but i gues that if you try a bitt you will find out

18-04-2010, 09:40 PM
sure it must be possible, but you will need some skills to do that.
as it seems this receivers have diferent bootloader and diferent bytes build into the softeware is self

i have not try this with my box, but i have read that it is possible
i have been reading on fortisusers dot com that it must be possible and change to a diferent model.

have a look at fortisusers dot com forum the official forum maybe you can find some information that can be of use to you.

@ leoalex
dont worry, im sure it will come, i know Octagon is working on this and maybe we will see the web interface soon, who knows realy
and one other thing that i know is that they are trying to make EWnigma2 run on this boxes. so there maybe hope for us.

how can I install enigma 2 ?

18-04-2010, 10:35 PM
there is web interface for octagon 1018