View Full Version : Great news Viac*ess 3.0 hacked

16-11-2009, 07:12 PM
Viaccess 3.0 is hacked on Venton HD200S (a German stb).

Actually SCT-MCT is full working (NO CARD SHARING)

More providers are announced!!.....hoping to see the hack in other sat device soon ;)

tnx °°>ThE_HaNdSoME<°° for info :respect-048:

16-11-2009, 07:16 PM
Thanks toredo great News :respect-013:

16-11-2009, 07:22 PM
More providers are announced!!.....hoping to see the hack in other sat device soon

yes great news ,
i suspect this new h*ck will be very soon introduced in new Diablo 3.0 Cam module if these rumours are to be correct ?

16-11-2009, 07:23 PM
yes great news ,
i suspect this new h*ck will be very soon introduced in new Diablo 3.0 Cam module if these rumours are to be correct ?

I dont think so...

16-11-2009, 08:02 PM
lol what a timining for the new diablo, cant say other then i feel a conspiracy... you dont have to be a guinius to figure out which guys on this forum are from duolabs..... well you can all jump on me on this.. but think about it...

16-11-2009, 08:05 PM
yes great news ,
i suspect this new h*ck will be very soon introduced in new Diablo 3.0 Cam module if these rumours are to be correct ?

This news concern only Venton HD200S .

16-11-2009, 08:06 PM
last 2 years every time around 1. april and around christmas viaccess is hacked... and still you not learn?

16-11-2009, 08:12 PM
last 2 years every time around 1. april and around christmas viaccess is hacked... and still you not learn?

I was just trying to remember when i saw a post from you that sounded happy dude... I cant remember after reading hmm about some hundreds of your posts.. heheh You must be misserble all day long dude :)

16-11-2009, 08:17 PM
Until we have proof We cant believe!

16-11-2009, 08:18 PM
simply dont understand how peoples believes in all.... seems i am rare critic and nonbeliever... and in more then 90% case i am right....

better to be miserable then disappointed crybaby....

16-11-2009, 08:21 PM
Until we have proof We cant believe!

The truth is out there... we will just never know it.

I am guessing that a lot of Diablo 3.0 questions are going to be hitting a forum near you soon.

16-11-2009, 08:23 PM
Viaccess 3.0 is hacked on Venton HD200S (a German stb).

tell me if a wrong... is not forbidden to sells STB with EMU in Germany?

16-11-2009, 08:28 PM
tell me if a wrong... is not forbidden to sells STB with EMU in Germany?

they sell blank stb ;)

16-11-2009, 08:30 PM
but is strange to make hack for german STB... better choice then is turkish or chinese

16-11-2009, 08:30 PM
I beleive you along with quite a few others, we dont want to clog up board. We wait and we learn.


16-11-2009, 09:23 PM
simply dont understand how peoples believes in all.... seems i am rare critic and nonbeliever... and in more then 90% case i am right....

better to be miserable then disappointed crybaby....

I would say you right more then 90% of the time, that was not my point .... Just that you sound unhappy somehow...

I don't see why ppl are trying so hard to get some moviechannels in the first place, when you can with fast internet and smaller knowledge, get all the movies you want and then store thousands and thousands of them on a mediaplayer with terrabites.... I saw 2012 yesterday.... ;)

I mean... its only the moviechannels that really cost money, for a few other channels its not expensive... Am I right or what?

Dark Cloud
16-11-2009, 09:37 PM
Haven't seen ANY keys, or file updates on ANY boards, for that receiver or ANY of it's clones.

16-11-2009, 09:40 PM
@dxdy Hey rumours are not the only thing that comes out at christmas................... BAH humbug!

16-11-2009, 11:33 PM
talking with marinko (admin on SF forum) and he have this receiver.... this receiver have patched software for CS with integrated Cccam 2.0.11 (official software dont have emu or cs).... configuration for c: line is with softcam.key and usb

also SCT dont have viaccess 3 scrambling ;)

17-11-2009, 02:12 AM
lol what a timining for the new diablo, cant say other then i feel a conspiracy... you dont have to be a guinius to figure out which guys on this forum are from duolabs..... well you can all jump on me on this.. but think about it...

It seems to me you are jumping too far ahead....

talking with marinko (admin on SF forum) and he have this receiver.... this receiver have patched software for CS with integrated Cccam 2.0.11 (official software dont have emu or cs).... configuration for c: line is with softcam.key and usb

also SCT dont have viaccess 3 scrambling ;)

http://www.lyngsat.com/hotbird.html freq. 11747


Look the offer:

Card VIACCESS 1 Year validity SATISFACTION 6 Channels - Hotbird 13° + ***poker Tv + SCT

For receive Satisfaction channels is required
a disk point on satellite HOTBIRD 13°east.
Freq.:11727 - Pol.: Vert. S.rate: 27500 - Fec:3/4

They say Via 2.6 but they support 2.6 and 3.0 check it out before talking. If you mean the Venton 200HD is not supporting SCT/MCT better tell your friend to open his eyes and disconnect receiver from the net...

17-11-2009, 08:25 AM
If we assume at this point that the supported channels clear without an ethernet cable connected, how could it be established that the receiver is clearing the channels due to a Viaccess hack as opposed to having an embedded subscription card?

17-11-2009, 11:56 AM
They say Via 2.6 but they support 2.6 and 3.0 check it out before talking. If you mean the Venton 200HD is not supporting SCT/MCT better tell your friend to open his eyes and disconnect receiver from the net...

and where you see viaccess 3 on freq 11727? i dont believe lyngsat... check by yourself which encryption id is active ;) 023B00 and this is Viaccess 2.6 (Viaccess 3 start with 03xxxx)

17-11-2009, 01:53 PM
and where you see viaccess 3 on freq 11727? i dont believe lyngsat... check by yourself which encryption id is active ;) 023B00 and this is Viaccess 2.6 (Viaccess 3 start with 03xxxx)

no body cares realy if you beleive it or not ,the fact Viaccess 2.6 and 3 are realy hacked ...and soon we will all see that ,think why viaccess jumped very quickly to via 4 and 5 ,because they know someone did a full dump of the cards we are talking about

17-11-2009, 02:42 PM
i listening this stories last 2 years about viaccess hack but stay only on stories...
reason why viaccess quickly jump to next level of protection not because viaccess hacked... simple learned lesson from via 2.3 and 2.4 to offer quick upgrade to clients if viaccess hack go public.... and viaccess 4 not out for antihack, is out to stop CS...

if hack real why no any hard evidence?

i heard to santa coming at christmas eve... tell me if you believe in this?

17-11-2009, 02:56 PM
simple learned lesson from via 2.3 and 2.4 to offer quick upgrade to clients if viaccess hack go public

no more comments

17-11-2009, 05:45 PM
confirmed: FAKE
marinko tested yesterday file and SCT channels not working

Obačen FW 20091116_venton200HD_ms2_3.00.upd

Viaccess kanali


Ipak je Fake.

Dark Cloud
17-11-2009, 06:34 PM
Quote "the fact Viaccess 2.6 and 3 are realy hacked ...and soon we will all see that".

Now, lets just see when "soon" is !.

1st April 2010 we will see the same people on this forum.

17-11-2009, 06:40 PM
if mosc viaccess 3 exists so emu will too

17-11-2009, 07:12 PM
Not sure that follows. There have been MOSC's around for Seca packages like Canal Digitaal, Can@l Satellite, Cyfra+, etc, but we don't see Seca 3 packages available.

Granted Canal Digitaal is available on a couple of platforms, but I believe that is because it is simulcrypted in Irdeto2.

17-11-2009, 09:55 PM
Looks good:


Tell me what do you think of it ?

17-11-2009, 10:01 PM
I may be a cynic, but all I saw was a non-descript black box showing an FTA soft **** channel the kind of which Hotbird is full of.

17-11-2009, 10:02 PM
Looks good:


Tell me what do you think of it ?

i see black ethernet cabel plug in on back side

17-11-2009, 10:02 PM
Looks good:


Tell me what do you think of it ?

Without scart or hdmi cable? :sifone:

17-11-2009, 10:22 PM
Absolute nonsense. Nice publicity for a box that hardly anyone has heard of though.

17-11-2009, 10:29 PM
Without scart or hdmi cable? :sifone:

LOL :banghead:

this is HDMI cable

but this video nothing prove...

17-11-2009, 10:40 PM
Sorry friends the youtube clip is nothing more then some stupid commercial trick, we are watching Teleitalia 4 canali HARD S*y

PS:The box is connected with HDMI cable in the middle

17-11-2009, 10:43 PM
They are getting a lot of press though Glenn, even though it is somewhat dubious :D

17-11-2009, 10:50 PM

I do not know what to think, everything is running in my head :07:

17-11-2009, 10:59 PM
The sat scene has been pretty dire the last few months so most of us enthusiasts would love there to be some new developments..... but we do need to be convinced by more than words, fake pics, and videos that don't show a hack.

Fingers crossed that santa will bring us a few hacks this Christmas:party:

17-11-2009, 11:06 PM
Viacess 3 - will believe it when I SEE it - as ALWAYS!!:medal-028:

17-11-2009, 11:32 PM
Not sure that follows. There have been MOSC's around for Seca packages like Canal Digitaal, Can@l Satellite, Cyfra+, etc, but we don't see Seca 3 packages available.

Granted Canal Digitaal is available on a couple of platforms, but I believe that is because it is simulcrypted in Irdeto2.

This for simple reason ... 5104 on need reverse of ASIC. Only then you see no emu solution more in seca2, Not enough for have rom. MOSC much easier than full hack in this case.

On Viaccess, don't matter what card revision we talk, if hack come public whoever market hack must sell quick - and buyers want watch anything must buy quick. It not a CAS that give long-term public view no more. There are different way to make anti-piracy policy. Viaccess decide to make big part theirs since they lost some market share to other CAS that they have short guarantee window on card security. If hack come public, onus on them to replace card for provider, not provider to have to pay. And they don't just step up design on new rev card just when hacks come - it constant process to have two or three new rev ready all time. It why you see so many different viaccess card rev in use among different provider all time already.

For any wide platform commercial viaccess hack sold, for **** provider you probably got few weeks most it be open. They maybe shut ecm on any public viaccess card rev hack even before all customer get new card. They don't care so much on customer complaint. On some other larger viaccess provider, you probably get some months max on any commercial hack. It Viaccess SA strategy to make big invest in hack viaccess not so much worth it ... cos those who pay for hack don't have long window to sell it. If nothing else about available, beggar can't be chooser course ^^

Customer who think to buy some commercial viaccess hack need think if some month only of these package worth what I pay and buy straight away ... or not buy. Waiting not good in this case.

17-11-2009, 11:40 PM
but everyone seems to be busy try to solve n3,whilst other encrypts
go down,
only hacks are commercial cards,no emus.
many go to cs,soon I.P ,s will start switching there broadbands off.and they will be black listed.only a matter of time.

good news is freeview is on the internet.i suppose in any country


free service.cheers

18-11-2009, 12:19 AM
This news concern only Venton HD200S .

At all...... Just advertise ...C/s Stb network thought Satellite ...and they calling HACK to Viaccess !!!!

18-11-2009, 12:22 AM
but is strange to make hack for german STB... better choice then is turkish or chinese

I dont know any OEM STB is Produse in Germany ...thay use same manifatures in China or difent plases like the Turkish it self..But they have better style of advertise then the turkish.lol

18-11-2009, 12:31 AM
If we assume at this point that the supported channels clear without an ethernet cable connected, how could it be established that the receiver is clearing the channels due to a Viaccess hack as opposed to having an embedded subscription card?

Chip flag - Network Mean C/s not from the Lan conection iternet, but network from Satellite ..Similar of Azbox with cheopscamd.

18-11-2009, 05:09 AM
Looks good:


Tell me what do you think of it ?

I see a box with no card//no cam and no ethernet,,, so maybe its just they fancy sending the channels down free of charge lol,,,hows that a hacked viacess system.

Plus who knows could have been a channel from a diff box if that was a pay channel that is.

18-11-2009, 04:32 PM
is confirmed: software not opening any viaccess channel... tested all viacces channels on astra and hotbird without network cable....

this video seems is recorded stream (no channel info in OSD)

20-11-2009, 08:47 PM
This for simple reason ... 5104 on need reverse of ASIC. Only then you see no emu solution more in seca2, Not enough for have rom. MOSC much easier than full hack in this case.

On Viaccess, don't matter what card revision we talk, if hack come public whoever market hack must sell quick - and buyers want watch anything must buy quick. It not a CAS that give long-term public view no more. There are different way to make anti-piracy policy. Viaccess decide to make big part theirs since they lost some market share to other CAS that they have short guarantee window on card security. If hack come public, onus on them to replace card for provider, not provider to have to pay. And they don't just step up design on new rev card just when hacks come - it constant process to have two or three new rev ready all time. It why you see so many different viaccess card rev in use among different provider all time already.

For any wide platform commercial viaccess hack sold, for **** provider you probably got few weeks most it be open. They maybe shut ecm on any public viaccess card rev hack even before all customer get new card. They don't care so much on customer complaint. On some other larger viaccess provider, you probably get some months max on any commercial hack. It Viaccess SA strategy to make big invest in hack viaccess not so much worth it ... cos those who pay for hack don't have long window to sell it. If nothing else about available, beggar can't be chooser course ^^

Customer who think to buy some commercial viaccess hack need think if some month only of these package worth what I pay and buy straight away ... or not buy. Waiting not good in this case.

Seems like you are not that much informed. First of all there different versions of via out there.... and if it is trus that 3.0 is hacked very probably it covers 2.5 and 2.6 also...

Maybe you forget that the old TPS worked in viaccess for almost 2 years before they closed.

****o providers have to keep the pre-paid cards active for at least more than a year (as there can be still 12 months card not active on the shops).

There are still providers in 2.5 that got hacked and are still opened ...

Replacing cards is not an easy way..... I think there are over 20 millions viaccess cards out there version 3.0 (worldwide).... Each official card can be around 4 Euros .... 80 million !?!@!#

Think about it

20-11-2009, 09:12 PM
where you watching via hack satgoblin?

20-11-2009, 10:11 PM
Seems like you are not that much informed. First of all there different versions of via out there.... and if it is trus that 3.0 is hacked very probably it covers 2.5 and 2.6 also...

Maybe, you don't read well. In my original post, these line answer this: "And they don't just step up design on new rev card just when hacks come - it constant process to have two or three new rev ready all time. It why you see so many different viaccess card rev in use among different provider all time already." They got more rev in active use than any other CAS, and they got other in reserve also ... waiting.

Maybe you forget that the old TPS worked in viaccess for almost 2 years before they closed.

I remember well, working out original XOR table of first TPScrypt on top of original plain pc2.3 before come public. :-) Answer this part of your post is, TPS were on old viaccess contract plan. Same one as all pc2.3 providers which were open public for years were also on. Much thing change with viaccess SA anti-piracy business plan since those day.

****o providers have to keep the pre-paid cards active for at least more than a year (as there can be still 12 months card not active on the shops).

This why I say to you, they will switch off ident altogether (probable even in weeks). If you think **** provider care on customer complaint you don't watch them much in past. They rename themselves and start again so many time as they like and screw customer. When seca2 007A come on public commercial platform MCT just drop seca2 ident and leave customer to get other CAS card. Can go on and on ...

There are still providers in 2.5 that got hacked and are still opened ...

Replacing cards is not an easy way..... I think there are over 20 millions viaccess cards out there version 3.0 (worldwide).... Each official card can be around 4 Euros .... 80 million !?!@!#

Think about it

Nothing is easy way. You make a strategy and sign contract with your customer ... you live by contract or you don't keep those customer. This business for viaccess. Their strategy since pc2.4 is short contract, fast replace if hack. If they don't live by contract, other CAS get their customer.

Whether they do what they say they do if hack come public, only they know. But I can tell you reason you don't see some viaccess rev sold til now is not cos they not hacked, but cos it risky investment for buyer to make ... and everyone who properly know how viaccess work know that. It why it come last ... when nothing less risk left to market. :-D

21-11-2009, 12:30 AM
Encryption firms must be shaking!!

For the last year, there's been nothing new, suddenly a hack is reported , and everyone an expert on the matter?

If this hack materialises , in whatever form,be it from a card , cam , stb , its got to be a positive , and will spur on a bit of encouragement from other coders to inspect further.

My anti capitalisation ideals have disappeared, its looks like its a case of 'No money No honey' at least its a bit of light on things


16-12-2009, 03:19 PM
So, where were we? :rolleyes:

First step: viaccess 2.6...



Regards :respect-048:

16-12-2009, 03:32 PM
yep, only via 2.6 (not via 3.0) and only **** on 11727...

16-12-2009, 04:03 PM
yep, only via 2.6 (not via 3.0) and only **** on 11727...That is referred to Vplug.

But have a look to the other link: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showpost.php?p=681390&postcount=1

16-12-2009, 04:41 PM
Name Country Category Packages Encryption(s) SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Red Hot *** TV 2 undefined **** RRSat Viaccess 4.0 134 2321 2322 2320


16-12-2009, 05:06 PM
thats the beginning guys ;) ,,i´d like to see big gobs like DARMAN open now :D:D

16-12-2009, 05:29 PM
is confirmed: software not opening any viaccess channel... tested all viacces channels on astra and hotbird without network cable....

this video seems is recorded stream (no channel info in OSD)

Chip flag - Network Mean C/s not from the Lan conection iternet, but network from Satellite ..Similar of Azbox with cheopscamd.

i see black ethernet cabel plug in on back side

You can comment yourself now guys.

Confirmed to be working:

Omnia Card - BIS, MCT, ART
Venton - MCT
VPlug - MCT
Other Chinese boxes - MCT

16-12-2009, 05:36 PM
why is MCT and ART missing from this QBoxHD - BIS, SRG SWISS, FREEX

16-12-2009, 05:40 PM
may be as we speak the binaries are been made

08-01-2010, 08:50 PM
thanks for the info

24-01-2010, 05:30 PM
Hi , not requesting just wondering ...
bis / art / sct using v2.6 are now widely available for emu and "simple" silvercard... what about the swiss package (using also v2.6) is it a matter of time or simply not possible(however already on d2/q-box and maybe some others)?
Also like said in title V3.0 is said to be coming on this MYSTERIOUS omnia card (ONLY ? ? ? !?) ...so far released date for this card, handling v3.0, is constanly push days after days without any "reals signs"???

25-01-2010, 04:02 PM
it's is possible with the latest firmware for M-vision. i have been told the there is no such a thing as Omnia plus version. it's only a Marketing rumor.

25-01-2010, 04:07 PM
it's is possible with the latest firmware for M-vision. i have been told the there is no such a thing as Omnia plus version. it's only a Marketing rumor.

Do you get the "swiss" packages via emu on M-vision? Is it what you said?could that means matter of days for others stb?


03-02-2010, 12:46 AM
what about the spanish footy feeds, they are in Viaccess, can it be possible to hack these too?

03-02-2010, 01:07 AM
what about the spanish footy feeds, they are in Viaccess, can it be possible to hack these too?

the offical card would be needed i beleive

03-02-2010, 02:40 AM
so maybe not :(