View Full Version : Time setting sets via transponder and doesnt change back

17-11-2009, 01:10 AM
I'm used to satellite receivers setting their time via the transponder and when you jump to a CET channel you expect to see that time go forward an hour. However when I change back the channel to a GMT channel such as BBC 1, the time does not go back the hour. This is on BH 0.11 and I can't find any options to control the time other than timezone and this is set correctly. Any advice?.

17-11-2009, 10:41 AM
What image you using?

Currently, I'm using gemini 4.5 in multiboot, with oozoon in flash. From what I've seen, my time is set to the correct timezone I am in (i.e. currently, around 9.39am). I set my box to zap to 19.2e to get the epg data from csat fr, canal+ nl, premiere, d+ and upc at 7.15am, and I know that this used to cause the above problem to happen. But from a quick look remotely (not at home to check), it appears that my box has the correct time set. So maybe it's an old driver/enigma issue?!