View Full Version : S4000HDPVR How To

19-11-2009, 06:08 PM
<S/W download>
1. Download the lastest firmware version for your machine model to a USB memory stick (the USB memory stick should have only one .ird file inside, other types of files are okay)
2. Insert the USB memory stick to the PVR and proceed downloading
3. After downloading complete, reboot the PVR with power switch on the rear panel if it is not rebooted automatically.
4. Go to menu > Installation > System Information to check if the PVR has the updated version in there.
At this stage, you can use Multi***.

<To use Plug-in>
5. Connect PC and PVR through Router (Router should be connected to internet)
6. Go to Network setting of PVR and check the IP address of PVR (for example,
7. Open your internet explorer in your PC and insert \\ into the address bar (you should input \\ before the address and do not add www)
8. You can see Storage and Root directory.
9. Unzip the var.zip file, and copy and save all the files in Var directory (Root > Var > ).
This is Plug-in for Newcam* and Mgcam*.
10. Save your config file in Keys folder (Root > Var > Keys > ). You have to get a config file from Newcam* or Mgcam* server.
11. In the PVR, go to Menu > Utilities > CAS and press 1407 to see Internal card reader ON/OFF;
ON: Internal Multica* is working, and Plug-in (Mgcam* & Newcam*) stop, it is default.
OFF: Plug-in is working, and Internal Multica* stop
After selecting OFF, reboot the PVR with power switch on the Remote or Front panel.
To start Plug-in, press Menu button and then Red button on the Remote.
You can stop Plug-in by pressing Menu button and then Blue button on the Remote.
(Red button and Blue button is working for start/stop Plug-in only after pressing Menu button)

<Access to the PVR via FTP>
If you want to access to the PVR via FTP, please follow the below.
ID: root
PW: no password, just press enter key in your keyboard

If you access to the PVR via FTP with ID and PW, you can also access into Root directory.
Now you can follow the same process from 9. Unzip the var.zip file ~~~~ described above to use the plug-in.

_________________________________ ___________________________

22-11-2010, 06:27 PM
HOW TO,s :-

reinstallation or udating

1) back up the channel lists (service data) to usb

2) update to the latest firmware (or firmware of your choice) by placing the firmware on the root of the usb stick

3) factory reset ( important part )

4) imported back the saved channel lists from the save list , again on the root of the usb stick

5) already have put the plugin folder on the root of the usb stick ( it wont be read anywhere else )

6) formatted user data area which will show due to the usb stick being plugged in

extra info:-

when you stick the usb stick into the box , and goto plugins, a green option appears to format user data area.

its safe to do this (as long as you can remember which plugins you use and will need to reinstall afterwards)

When you unzip plugins you need to move the plugin folder to the root of the usb stick. Otherwise they don't show up. E.g. e:\plugin.
You need to press right on remote until plugins is displayed, download and format user area options are on that screen.

7) installed latest ice_cam_mcas plugin (or one suitable for your firmware) from the usb stick plugin folder

8) started and set to auto in the plugins menu

9) installed mcas updater tool from the usb stick too

10) ran the updater tool from the plugins menu , it updated both mcas and coconut files ( mcas for ucas using softcam , coconut for biss )

bulsat should now open due to the softcam having been updated

add your own c line or n line etc according to the tutorials on the forum that accompany the kinkdink v1.6 installer , this can be via ftp or add the details into the xcam plugin before installation from the usb stick

15-04-2013, 10:11 PM
bootloader v1.54 is here


v 1.10.32 firmware is in this thread here


cleaner tools etc in here


alternative flash firmware and bootloader details in here


glossary of terms in here
