View Full Version : MultiCas and new 3.877 firmware

21-11-2009, 02:56 PM
Which version of multicas works with this firmware best?

This is my first firmware upgrade since 2371 as my box behaved well on this but im trying to clear sky IT which my CS server im with now clears but cudnt using 2371 and cccam 2.1.1

So i want to try the latest FW and the best Multicas version to use with this.


21-11-2009, 02:58 PM
Which version of multicas works with this firmware best?

This is my first firmware upgrade since 2371 as my box behaved well on this but im trying to clear sky IT which my CS server now clears but cudnt using 2371 and cccam 2..1.1

So i want to try the latest FW and the best Multicas version to use with this.


The latest seems to be working great at the moment MultiCAS_v161C-A02_2k91119.

21-11-2009, 03:09 PM
thankyou chris

could you please help me set it up if you have time?

I have downloaded that version on to the desktop of my laptop.

I use DCC, where on the Az do i FTP it over to?

Do i add my c lines into there aswell?

21-11-2009, 03:43 PM
anybody plz help me out im really wanting to watch my team at 3pm


21-11-2009, 04:27 PM
anybody plz help me out im really wanting to watch my team at 3pm


Install openxcas then install the older multicas executable from AZBoxworld.com and then install config for multicas from same point. Then restart, then ftp the latest multicas extracted folder to /plugins/openxcas/multicas and then just edit your cccam.cfg file with your server details.

I use Maz to ftp and when transferring the extracted multicas folder it didn't replace everything as I was expecting, which you don't want it to do anyway.

Hope this helps.

21-11-2009, 05:07 PM
Like AZ I have been running 2371 as previous upgrades haven't been reliable for me, anyway I have been trying to get Multicas to work with the latest firmware all day without success. I have formatted and installed from scratch twice and now have ftp'd so I have plugin/openxcas/multicas the latest 160 0A 02C.

I have tried inputting ccam.cfg through both the azbox and also in the multicas folder without success. where is the correct file to edit and where should it be ftp'd to? Does it also need to be chmod to 755?

21-11-2009, 05:09 PM
Use multicas-edit 1.4

21-11-2009, 05:23 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, just tried it, but on the box it just tells me its loading data, looks like another install.

21-11-2009, 05:27 PM
Do it all from scratch, m8: even format the apps area. Then, apart from the editor mentioned, here are two more options that work - GUARANTEED!!!

0) Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> no more Manual Install option, guys! It is now DOWNLOAD EXECUTABLE -> you will see the links of support servers to get your plug-ins there, guys...

1) Downloaded and installed: MultiCAS 1,61... well, the latest - always!

2) In Config - you will get the configuration files for EMUs/CS SW, guys... In "Others" - nothing yet... From DOWNLOAD CONFIG one must download MultiCAS CCcam config files.

3) So, off we go to Home -> Plug-ins -> [...] -> MultiCAS -> using your remote control -> Smart Card Splitter and CS.

4) Change the following, using your REMOTE:

-change the Mode to Client CCcam [if, like me, you have no smartcard to play with and share] - you can connect to other people's servers

-choose Server No. 1

-choose Host Name Use - write something like: something.dyndns.org [whatever the data you get from your server/peer is, like gorski.dyndns.org or whatever your server is called like - I DO NOT HAVE A SERVER, THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE!!!],

-choose the Port - 12000 or whatever it is that your peer tells you to use

-User Name - whatever it is [you must have a username that normally your peer gives you and put in his server to allow you access to his server]

-Password - whatever it is [like above]

-Server - Enable

-Connect - test it

It should say "login success"...

Repeat for all the servers you have, up to 32, for now... Enough?

Red Button = Save.

5) But still: as soon as I wanted to get out, it first asked me, in a little pop-up window, if I want to login to all my servers now. Press OK, of course. It will connect to your peers aaaaaand....

Well, I only have 3 servers but all was working just fine, loadsa stuff open, more-or-less stable...

[B]Here is how to install it from a file you get on a forum like this one:

FileZilla -> into AZbox HD -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> MultiCAS -> delete all "example" files, openxcas.conf and multicas emu_module.

Put in openxcas and emu_module files from this post [attached].

Give emu_module CHMOD to 755.


The right version showing in AZbox HD. All servers should be preserved, if you put them in before!

Server details are in MultiCAS in /tmp file: ccc_serverstatus.info


21-11-2009, 06:03 PM
Thanks goran, I have used the method you describe before, i just got freezes and went back to 2371 as it was more stable. I just did everything again except format and this time cfg showed up where it should do but still black screen, so now 4th format today and hopefully it works this time. i am concerned though it is because server is ccam 2.3

21-11-2009, 06:07 PM
You must be careful, though... In every respect. Linux is case sensitive, on top of that... ;)

If mistakes ac***ulate - and you cannot get it right [black screen] - DO NOT DO THE SAME OLD SAME OLD!!!

Try something different! Format the apps area!

Do everything from scratch!

Good luck!:respect-051:

21-11-2009, 06:25 PM
having the same probs as luis, even with ChirsUK's hlp on MSN today.

I formatted the app area and thought i do a complete scrath install and reapply the latest FW from USB while i was at it.

However it has got stuck on 8% on the audit.so file. What can i do?

21-11-2009, 06:40 PM
Delete the one you did before. Download it all from scratch.

Put it on a USB memory stick -> update/install -> Format Apps Area etc.

Do not just C&P from your backup - mistakes may be copied as well!

Re-do it all properly, from scratch! All the config and share files.

Good luck!:respect-048:

21-11-2009, 06:53 PM
Delete the one you did before. Download it all from scratch.

Put it on a USB memory stick -> update/install -> Format Apps Area etc.

Do not just C&P from your backup - mistakes may be copied as well!

Re-do it all properly, from scratch! All the config and share files.

Good luck!:respect-048:

all sorted ive got it back up and working, just going through settings again now.

I was worried about turning the reciever off mid flash but touch wood ive done no lasting damage!

now hopefully i can get Multicas working!

21-11-2009, 07:43 PM
Do it all from scratch, m8: even format the apps area. Then, apart from the editor mentioned, here are two more options that work - GUARANTEED!!!

0) Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> no more Manual Install option, guys! It is now DOWNLOAD EXECUTABLE -> you will see the links of support servers to get your plug-ins there, guys...

1) Downloaded and installed: MultiCAS 1,61... well, the latest - always!

2) In Config - you will get the configuration files for EMUs/CS SW, guys... In "Others" - nothing yet... From DOWNLOAD CONFIG one must download MultiCAS CCcam config files.

3) So, off we go to Home -> Plug-ins -> [...] -> MultiCAS -> using your remote control -> Smart Card Splitter and CS.

4) Change the following, using your REMOTE:

-change the Mode to Client CCcam [if, like me, you have no smartcard to play with and share] - you can connect to other people's servers

-choose Server No. 1

-choose Host Name Use - write something like: something.dyndns.org [whatever the data you get from your server/peer is, like gorski.dyndns.org or whatever your server is called like - I DO NOT HAVE A SERVER, THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE!!!],

-choose the Port - 12000 or whatever it is that your peer tells you to use

-User Name - whatever it is [you must have a username that normally your peer gives you and put in his server to allow you access to his server]

-Password - whatever it is [like above]

-Server - Enable

-Connect - test it

It should say "login success"...

Repeat for all the servers you have, up to 32, for now... Enough?

Red Button = Save.

5) But still: as soon as I wanted to get out, it first asked me, in a little pop-up window, if I want to login to all my servers now. Press OK, of course. It will connect to your peers aaaaaand....

Well, I only have 3 servers but all was working just fine, loadsa stuff open, more-or-less stable...

[B]Here is how to install it from a file you get on a forum like this one:

FileZilla -> into AZbox HD -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> MultiCAS -> delete all "example" files, openxcas.conf and multicas emu_module.

Put in openxcas and emu_module files from this post [attached].

Give emu_module CHMOD to 755.


The right version showing in AZbox HD. All servers should be preserved, if you put them in before!

Server details are in MultiCAS in /tmp file: ccc_serverstatus.info


YEY, finally got mine to work, couldnt do it without doing what Goran said to do here though!!

Massive respect to ChrisUK76 and Goran - missed the football though as started peeing around with this at 2pm!! lol

**claps hands**

21-11-2009, 07:45 PM
and Sky IT now working!!!!!

Goran and ChrisUK76 are my hero's!!!!!!

Thanks guys

21-11-2009, 07:47 PM

Working well, isn't it? ;) :)

21-11-2009, 07:59 PM

Working well, isn't it? ;) :)

hhmm not to sure yet, its very glitchy on Sky IT and UK.

I did everything ChrisUK told me to by d/l the Multicas version v.161c-a01.tgz on azboxworld and then overwriting with the latest 1.61C-A02 version files from here

I notice though that if i go into Plugins-openxcas-camd setup-multicas it still says MultiCAS v1.61C-A01 accross the top!!??

Is this correct even though i have overwritten the 1.61C-A02 files onto it?

21-11-2009, 08:10 PM
openxcas.cfg has to be slightly modified for that. But it's NOT important!

name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.61C-A02

S*K*Y IT is OK with MultiCAS, actually - pretty watchable! My peer doesn't have it in his receiver but it's somewhere further away, even... ;) HD working, too - but one has to wait a bit longer to open it... :)

Next time read my "Alternative guide" in the Stickies - no need for hot water invention, guys... ;) :)

21-11-2009, 08:25 PM
and Sky IT now working!!!!!

Goran and ChrisUK76 are my hero's!!!!!!

Thanks guys

Sorry guys but i 've many question for you...
Sky it's working how????
Are you able to do just with multicas and your own card in azbox cardreader or just as a client ???
Please suggest me how have light also in pm....
I've my original sky card and i really want use my azbox again...

21-11-2009, 08:30 PM
Read - then write, m8!:beatdeadhorse5:

If you have Smargo external reader - maybe... See Hans' thread!

Otherwise, be patient and eventually...

Just don't read hfmls' or Neotionbox's posts with promises... :rolleyes: :D :D :D

Sorry, hfmls, for putting you in the same line... :D :D :D

21-11-2009, 08:41 PM
Read - then write, m8!:beatdeadhorse5:

If you have Smargo external reader - maybe... See Hans' thread!

Otherwise, be patient and eventually...

Just don't read hfmls' or Neotionbox's posts with promises... :rolleyes: :D :D :D

Sorry, hfmls, for putting you in the same line... :D :D :D

Yeahhh sure first prease the guy and then hang um:leaving:

21-11-2009, 08:42 PM

21-11-2009, 09:05 PM
spanish di@ital+ channels opening extremely slow. Could anyone confirm it?

21-11-2009, 09:22 PM
Goran thanks again still odd here A01 works pretty well with minor freezes but A02 doesn't want to work. Will keep trying, certainly doesnt seem worth going back to 2371 and ccam now, fingers crossed:D

21-11-2009, 09:44 PM
I have one Q regarding the biss key in multicas.
I want to watch B92 on Atlbird 12.5w and this program has not present in key table.
how I can add this key in multicas key table?
thanks in advance

21-11-2009, 10:25 PM
latest multicas still has freezing problem every few seconds and or mins, no matter in what order cam cong file and multicas is installed. bugger. pitty.:redface:

21-11-2009, 10:28 PM
spanish di@ital+ channels opening extremely slow. Could anyone confirm it?

yes i confirm you and also freezes.

22-11-2009, 01:18 AM
latest multicas still has freezing problem every few seconds and or mins, no matter in what order cam cong file and multicas is installed. bugger. pitty.:redface:

I've been watching all night long and no such thing happened.

N D S, Conax, Via - all fine with MultiCAS!!!

Mbox is even better!

22-11-2009, 03:41 AM
Yup watched nds 28.2e most of the day and only a couple of slight glitches, of which I would put down to the connection/server.

This is the best combi yet.

22-11-2009, 11:54 AM
It seems to me that at least CS-wise [watching telly as a client] AZbox HD is close to what it can be. Now, we need a Server + Client WHOLE package to kinda close that chapter, at least temporarily... ;) :)

22-11-2009, 03:35 PM
Last night i managed to get A02 working and it was pretty good although some occasional minor glitches, big mistake before though tried to record, I did a sample for a few minutes which was ok ish but few freezes, but when i tried to record a from epg it seems to have lost all multicas settings, back to drawing board.

01-12-2009, 11:03 PM
I have one Q regarding the biss key in multicas.
I want to watch B92 on Atlbird 12.5w and this program has not present in key table.
how I can add this key in multicas key table?
thanks in advance

Could somebody answer to this question, please?
It would be also of interest. Thanks

02-12-2009, 12:30 AM
Have you used the SEARCH function. We already wrote about it in this section... ;)

Good luck! :)

02-12-2009, 12:50 AM
Yes Goran,
I used the SEARCH function, but I could not find a hint on how to open channels encrypted in BISS with Multicas. I have been reading through this topic, but I cant see an explanation for Multicas, the answers are either regarding mgcamd or the BISS plugin, only.
Nobody discussed on how to manage BISS in Multicas. I opened MulticasEdit, and can see two columns of interest: PROVIDER column containing 6 ciphers and INDEX column with 2 ciphers. I dont see a place to enter SID, APID, VPID, PCR PID, PMT PID, SDT etc. previously discussed here. So I think editing BISS in Multicas is totally different from that of Mgcamd for example. So far my experiences.

Thank you and I am waiting for any positive answer

02-12-2009, 12:59 AM
Not sure, really...

Who mentioned that some channels encrypted in BISS work? So, we need to study those, I suppose....

Good luck!

02-12-2009, 01:46 AM
Of course other receivers can open them, but I am not sure how to open them on AZbox, and especially with multicas.

29-12-2009, 09:07 PM
Anybody figured this one out yet? Tried allsorts myself but can't get BISS to work with multicas. As mentioned above, using multicas edit, there is no place to change SID & PID info. I opened the new_biss.key using WinSCP and all the SID & PID info is displayed there (quite a bit of which is wrong, possibly why it won't work properly!), but can't seem to send it back to the azbox after editing. Would be nice if anyone has any ideas on this one.