View Full Version : HD recordings - what receiver, file format, can u edit and playback?

23-11-2009, 09:47 PM
hi guys,

i currently own a Fortec Star Passion + - it does the basics, inc recording HD, but what drives me nuts is the recording system it uses. (it has no editing facilities on the recordings)

First of, it uses FAT32 (so files for one show are split into several segments) - ANNOYING

When i record say LIFE (nature doc) currently shown ON BBC HD.

It will created a FOLDER on the disk, inside that folder it records the program in chunks of 1.5gb .TS files.

Along with the .TS files, are an .IDX and a .INF file.

If i edit these files in anyway, i usually end up with a file(s) that wont play, or if ive edited them successfully, the .IDX file it uses and NEEDS, show in-accurate info, ie if ive edit out 15 mins of crap, it would still say the file is 15 mins longer than it really is.

So im thinking of ditching it as i cant build up an libraries without lots of head ache....

Im therefore wondering - what HD recievers you're using, and what file FORMATS they're recording in, and are they in one nice file, and over 4gb? Can you edit the files directly on the receiver?

Let me know.

MANY Thanks!!!

24-11-2009, 11:50 AM
I record on two diffrent HD receivers,but none offers editing facilities. One is the Humax iCord, afairly useless receiver but good for its in-built HHD and ease of recording.Coming to terms with this box was an endurance test so I got myself a Tecnomate 6900 and hooked it up to a Western Digital Passport portable HHD and it works a treat.Unfortunatly no way to edit files but I have both boxes connected to my Sony DVD recorder with its own built in HHD and transfers anything I want in here and do my editing here. I am not too into computors etc,so I dont know anything about file types or the terminolagy connected to them.TMULL

24-11-2009, 02:50 PM
whatever you try to do:
if you have a split recording in .ts, join these together with TS-Doctor or other program
find a program that is capable of working with these:
like DVD Flick
or convert them to work with your video editing program.
some more info:

25-12-2009, 08:09 AM

15-02-2010, 09:57 PM
cheers i ended up buying DVRSTUDIO HD