View Full Version : Re Icecrypt Channel Changer

25-11-2009, 05:54 PM
From PM

I'm new here and don't sem able to post a reply to your message re the channel changer DrEdit re Icecrypt S2000CCI. I downloaded this (twice now incase of error) and when I conect up I download my system info to my PC (it shows as bin files etc in the DrEdit directory) but they don;t show in the DrEdit screen so I am unable to either edit or then upload additions etc.
Am I doing something wrong? or is this correct? Although I can't see any use for it only as a backup device which is already part of the Icecrypt receiver in the USB menu.
Thanks for any help you can give.
I am actually trying to get the receiver to accept channel 11048 H 14400 on Intelsat 905 (24.5W) to which i want to subscribe Multivision Latino but as I can't get any signal on this at the moment I haven;t as yet purchased the card.