View Full Version : Playing Technomate recordings on DM800

26-11-2009, 12:43 PM
I have quite a few gigs of movies I had recorded on my TM6900, and was looking for a way of playing these on my new DM800. The DM can't handle the TRP files directly, but as they are just basically TS files, there had to be a way of making them playable.

The TRP files are not fully formed TS files and need to be remuxed into proper TS files, for this I used TSRemux.


Simply open the TRP file, then the individual video files 001, 002 etc... and save as TS files.


Select the audio stream you want, and save as a TS file. Takes a few minutes but not too long.

The resulting files will be around 1.5gb each (that is how TM6900 saves the files due to FAT32 restrictions) so you may want to combine these files into a single movie. This is where TSmuxeR comes in.


TSMuxeR allows you to join the TS files together. Open the first converted TS (TRP) file, then use the Join button to add the rest of the converted files (001, 002 etc...). DON'T use the Add button as this is used to combine streams (for example adding a different language track) and does not join them together.


Note that you can only join these files together on a NTFS volume as FAT32 has a 4GB limit. Alternatively if your drive is EXT3 formatted (Linux) you can use a windows EXT3 driver to allow you to mount the drive (Google).

I tried mounting the drive that had these files on the network and running the movies from there, but my network isn't fast enough (85mb homeplugs, works fine on SD material) so the only option was to connect the drive to the DM800 and run them from there. The whole process takes a while to complete, but you can do it while you are doing something useful like posting on pimps, or working... ;)

My next task is to convert all my movie rips to TS so they are accessible on the network share, and playable properly on the DM. I find that streaming AVIs using VLC is not very satisfactory (tried every possible setting) and MKV files, while playable, do not allow fast forward or remember where you stopped them, which is a pain. MeGUI is the tool I'm using to turn the AVI's into MKV (then TSMuxeR to TS) and it works a treat :)

Hope this is of some use :respect-052: