View Full Version : NewNigma2 v2.8.1

27-11-2009, 05:38 PM
Newnigma2 team proudly presents:
Newnigma2 v2.8.1
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•driver: 25.11.2009

•secondstage: 75

•add: enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videoenhancement on 800/8000 feed

•add: enigma2-plugin-extensions-quickbutton

•add bootup to execute /usr/script/user_script.sh

•add Crossepg start on enigma2.sh

•add: gst-plugin-autodetect

•add: AppleMovieTrailer plugin

•add: libgio

•picon: new picons available

•removed Newnigma2QuickAccess so users can now use quickbutton plugin

•skins: fixes in many skins

•configsaver: add info restore screen, save user_script.sh

•fix Media/Videoplayer LCD

•deviceManager: ext/ext3 format without reserved blocks for root

•extensions-2sub_3.00.11 for subtitling

•webradio: fix BSOD in Expert-Setup, fix infotitle bug

•startservice: fix startservice setup screen

•new version of devicemanager

•update tpmd

•cfinstaller: some fixes (formatting)

•nfs-editor: fix input of netmask

•fix openvpn and add tunctl

for DM800 and DM8000 users it's possible to update from 2.8 to 2.8.1, for DM7025 & DM600pvr users without CF-Installer it's strongly recommended to flash 2.8.1 (risk of flash overflow)

27-11-2009, 05:47 PM
Is there a version of the AppleMovieTrailer plugin for other images?

27-11-2009, 06:16 PM
have you tried to download it from the newnigma feed site and use it
somewhere else ?

on newnigma it works great , the plugin is awesome ,