View Full Version : Embedded decryption official v patched

30-11-2009, 01:23 AM
Hello to anyone who knows the answers;

I currently have my receiver loaded, apparently correctly, to use the official TM firmware from their site. (The TM site and downloads are unclear, but it appears I currently have version 7.00 and previously I had 6.88)

However, my Viaccess ***View card is letting me watch those channels without a CAM in the receiver. This confuses me, as I thought the embedded decryption in the receiver is only Conax?

So, am I wrong about my assumption about Conax, or, once you patch the receiver with an unofficial patch, can you in fact never fully remove it and any 'emulation'?

Thanks a lot,

30-11-2009, 09:47 AM
is it no a multicrypt? (mediaguard3/seca3), conax, ... the 7.00 has no hack, the p has hack and these added features can be switched off. If you want to prevent adult cards working in the box on the Technomate firmware, you can achieve this with the password setting:
Age Limit: Free/8 above/12 above/15 above/18 above.

If this answers your question?

Technomate firmware have no legal issues. (6.88, 7.00)
The patched firmware have nothing to do with Technomate and their website (6.88p, 7.00p, ...)

30-11-2009, 04:27 PM
Hello Giga,

I'm only wondering out of curiosity, because I've been loading different firmwares as experiments. I'm not 'complaining', although I can appreciate why you might think that, in the light of my recent posts.

Is the card reader really a multicrypt one? Do you or anybody else know for sure? The specs on the TM website don't specify, unless I've missed it.
The main reason for asking, is to make sure I am correctly loading firmwares. I think I am, but I had the belief that the card reader by default was only supposed to read Conax cards, hence my uncertainty.


30-11-2009, 05:54 PM
only found part on conax.
on page 42 CA depends on the smartcard in use.
The official TM software works for (mediaguard/seca 3) with the official subscription card CanalDigtaal (NL), TV Vlaanderen (B, dutch) & maybe Télésat (B, french). The receiver is not certified for these 3 providers.

01-12-2009, 02:17 AM
I'm still not sure, then.
I have been using a Viaccess CAM to work with my Viaccess card, but currently it seems I don't need to with the official firmware. In the absence of full knowledge, I do suspect this shouldn't be the case.

Does anybody reading this have any experience of not being able to fully remove a patch? There are various suggestions on here and other forums on how to load firmware, but they are generally unclear, partly due to translation, and also vary a little.
I understand however, that official and patched firmwares from 7.00 onwards are of a different nature to earlier ones.
I have also run the TM 6.88 'Go back software', so maybe somewhere amongst all this, I have done something wrongly.

So, for simplicity, let's take firmware earlier than 7.00 out of the equation;
Does anybody reading this have a method of loading firmware on my specific receiver (see my 'location' line above) from version 7.00 onwards, both official and patched, which they are confident completely replaces the previous firmware on their unit?
I suppose I may as well post my current method here ...

Turn the unit off at its rear switch.
Open the Darkman TM Loader version 187 on the pc.
I am connected via RS232 / null modem cable.
Browse in the loader to select the firmware, then press Connect.
A prompt appears on the loader telling me to turn on the receiver.
I turn on the receiver at its rear switch.
The transfer then starts; the loader reports progress including writing, erasing etc. The TM's front panel displays similar details including RX xx%.
The transfer eventually seems to finish, and the Loader shows the message 'Version x.xx detected.' (I am using x.xx there as a generic phrase)
I click Finish on the loader.

Now, I am unclear on exactly what to do.
Should we do a full Factory Reset in the receiver?
Or switch it off and on at its rear switch?
Or both?
In a specific sequence?
I suspect this final stage may be critical.

Thanks again,

01-12-2009, 10:59 AM
wait until the box reboots.

2-do factory reset/turn off from rear for 30 seconds
Main Menu
System Settings
Factory Reset press OK
Enter Pin 0 0 0 0 if you did not change this!
Factory Reset
Saving Wait
Menu Language: English OK (or your choice)
Country: Europe OK (or your choice)
Main Menu exit on remote
No Channel: Switch Technomate off with rear Switch and wait 30 Seconds

3-restore your channels .
Switch back on (Rear Switch)
Press power on remote:
Main Menu
Data Transfer
If you get a choice [/USB1][/USB0] and left the USB stick on Technomate select [/USB0]
you should see the patches and the channellist you saved:
20091129-134035.CNDF select it and press OK
Select DB to Save: Default DB ok
OK again
Select DB to Save: Normal DB ok

from: How to install latest patches on 6900 super hd (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=185)

02-12-2009, 05:37 AM
Thanks Giga,
I appreciate that you, like me/others, probably have to initially somewhat guess how best to do such things, because the details we get on patches and on the TM site itself (for official products) is quite vague and ambiguous.

I have just tried following the method on that topic (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=121811), where I assume the 'quotes' are not to be read as part of your sequence of instructions.
You specify using USB rather than RS232. Is that important or should either method work the same? I used USB, as per the instructions.

I loaded the official firmware, then, after the receiver rebooted itself, I did a Factory Reset, set language to 'English' and country to 'Europe', exited, then switched the receiver off at the back switch for over 30 seconds, then back on again.
Is 30 seconds important, rather than just switching the receiver off and almost immediately back on again?

I then loaded my channel list using USB.

Anyway, having done the above to load the 7.00 official TM firmware via USB (or when previously trying the TM 6.88 Go Back Software), I find I am still able to view my Viaccess ***View card without a Viaccess CAM in the receiver. (I don't believe SV is currently FTA)

The receiver's menus show Technomate branding, and System Information shows the following, only the first two lines of which I am familiar with:

Model TM-6900HD+ Super
S/W Version 7.00 (Oct 28 2009)
H/W Version 1.00
Boot Version 3.00
CH Version F012 + STD001 (I think that is 'F' then 'number zero' rather than 'F' then 'letter O', and 'STD' rather than 'STO', but I find it hard to be sure)
Then Technomate contact details.

I would ask Technomate for clarity on exactly which cards can be read without a CAM, but previously they have ignored or failed to adequately answer a few email enquiries, so I suspect it would be a waste of time to try again.


02-12-2009, 09:20 AM
the rs232 method can be used, the method must be used when the receiver hangs and is only showing "Technomate" on the front display. Personaly i'm not in favor of using the loader with the smiley: with this you can force load other firmware on the Technomate, if by accident you have a wrong patch? ....

find one odd thing: can you verify the 7.00 you use is not patched? can not see official 7.00 on the Technomate website?
Main menu: is it showing the Technomate Logo?
System Information
on the remote: 2 0 0 4 do you see (dis)appearing the 2 orange buttons?

Viaccess ***View card without a Viaccess CAM in the receiver. (I don't believe SV is currently FTA)
As you have to put the card in, it shows it is not FTA. When selecting the channel it shows in the On Screen Display on the Left: $ symbol indicating it is pay TV.
with card in the slot: Main menu: Smart Card
what is showing on the Right?

03-12-2009, 07:52 AM
Hello again Giga,

Thanks for following this with me; my motive is to be sure I am correctly loading firmwares. Then I can more confidently assess their quality and any bugs, although it does seem no release corrects the various little bugs I find annoying.

can you verify the 7.00 you use is not patched? can not see official 7.00 on the Technomate website?
Main menu: is it showing the Technomate Logo?
System Information
on the remote: 2 0 0 4 do you see (dis)appearing the 2 orange buttons?
The TM site is quite poor and vague, as you may know. I assume I can't type links here, but look at the download page for 'Downloads for TM-6900 HD Super Usb Pvr Ready'. The 3rd download on that page 'TM-6900 HD Combo Super' is labelled 'ver 688', which gives:
TM6900HDSuper.zip.zip (??)
I can't open it with the Vista unzipper, but I can extract its contents with 7-Zip to give
When loaded as I explained, and I have just repeated the process to be sure, the receiver reports it as version 7.00 and I see TM branding on the menus. '2004' gives nothing and I see no key editing menus.

with card in the slot: Main menu: Smart Card
what is showing on the Right?
On the right is 'Viaccess'.
Clicking on that shows some menus and details I find rather cryptic, but I can see it is my 12+ ***View card.

Thanks again,

03-12-2009, 09:06 AM
OK, damn they did that before, replacing firmware and not advertising it. Looks like official firmware is supporting 'Viaccess'.

03-12-2009, 03:31 PM
Looks like official firmware is supporting 'Viaccess'.
So you think there is no chance I still have a patch 'partly' installed? I have wondered if we can never fully remove a patch once loaded ...?
Otherwise, I suppose it indeed suggests the official firmware supports decryption of Viaccess cards as well as Conax.
I wonder how many other card encryptions it may support? People might be buying CAMs when they don't need to.
TM should make this stuff clear!


03-12-2009, 05:29 PM
Do think firmware overwrites the program area and don't leave anything behind. Different case in the data area, that is why factory reset and reload of channellist and eventually a auto navigation rescan of these.

03-12-2009, 06:09 PM
Hi Guys,
After reading your posts, I tried my Viaccess card (Bis TV) in the card slot of my TM6800 super, instead of my T-Rex cam and Lo and Behold it works no problems! I am running the latest patched firmware at the moment.
If as it seems it can decode Viaccess, I wonder to what version it can work/do?


03-12-2009, 06:28 PM
I tested the card reader
with seca/via /conax/g@mma/ gold card for rai and so on
they all work for me,in some cases you don't need a cam
the card reader it is a multycrypted ,before i bought my TM the dealer explain that to me,I find the best part of this receiver,if it wasn't for the bugs ,this could be a nice receiver

before i forget S====view down even with original card I heard ,maybe they try to improve the picture quality,as it was realy bad,remind me the old analog days
regards dxman

04-12-2009, 02:10 AM
Thanks for the further replies.

dxman, so the card reader is indeed officially multicrypt? Did I miss this detail somewhere? I'm sorry then if I led Giga and others on a pointless trail here.

I wonder if I ever originally needed to buy my Viaccess CAM ... I did however have 2 Viaccess cards at one time, so one had to go in via a CAM rather than change the cards to change channels.

A patched receiver however does emulate Viaccess decryption amongst others doesn't it? Maybe this is why those of us playing around with patches and CAMs wouldn't necessarily have noticed any inbuilt capability.


Off topic regarding ***View you, dxman, mentioned:
Picture quality has been awful for a month or so. Today, all channels have been replaced with a promo saying 'Theme X ***View' has acquired them all, to be launched with an 8 channel service from December 10th.
Their promo boldly claims 'poor picture quality is a thing of the past' ... it will have to be, for me to resubscribe when my card expires in about 3 weeks ....

04-12-2009, 04:05 AM
I know it is little late ,and sorry for the delay
I can tell you that all the cards i tested ,with the card reader they all working here,as I mention before ,the card reader it is definately a multicrypt,when i bought the receiver the man said almost every card as sub original would work,but no NDS,,,,, that was without the patch,the patch , i think will let you use NDS now ,i got no sky card so i can not confirm it,I tested via3 and it is working,a year ago I had a conax card and it was working too,if for some reason you want use a cam ,like dragon or diablo you mite have an issue in same cases ,it doesn't happen often,then what you have to do just disable the patch ,in the menu,because sometime there is a conflict,if you immagine windows for example ,as the receiver run a software in same cases you mite find some bugs,which i hope they solve one day
that how it works
I find card reader faster then any cam ,well this is my opinion,far better
must go sorry it is getting late
regards dxman

04-12-2009, 05:31 PM
I believe all the Technomate Receivers whit cam are all multicrypt