View Full Version : DGS based in Flash and E2 on internal h/disk

01-12-2009, 12:17 PM
All the info about loading E2 talks about using flash or a USB stick.

Is it possible to share the internal disk between a DGS based install and a E2 USB download on it or will the DGS based image always reformat the internal drive on boot?

The reason is I want to install both DGS based and E2, or even multiple E2 images to play with, but still be able to go back to a DGS based one for the rest of the family while the E2 releases mature.

01-12-2009, 07:14 PM
You can have DGS in flash & E2 on HDD instead of USB stick

I think the idea of using USB stick allows you to have large space on HDD for files etc

A 2 gb usb stick can be picked up for a fiver

The way the developers are progressing with E2 on cuberevo its only a matter of time before it will be main image on box

Having E2 on USB stick means you can access all the extras such as skins, picons, etc where as flash has limited space so will only have basic functions

08-12-2009, 05:31 PM
Cheers catseye,

I've gone with the PKT 070 release on a USB stick for now, I did try the sifteam 060 and nightly 070 releases as well. Gives me something to play with :)

Main reason I was thinking of putting it on an internal disk partition was to keep the USB port on the back free as I also have a 320Gb USB h/disk. Wasn't sure when the DGS based images decide they need to re-partition/format the internal drive on startup.

As I want to play around with the DVD player & media player but still having the option to plug a drive in the back to rule out any problems with it running over nfs/cifs seemed a good plan.

If things keep progressing they way they are I don't think it'll be long before I can get rid of not only my TM 6800, Topfield freeview recorder but the TViX media player as well :respect-069: