View Full Version : Problem Updating Vantage HD-7100

06-12-2009, 01:38 PM
I can not update my Vantage anymore :-(
When trying with RS-232 it says "Timeout error"
When i try with USB, red button works like UP/Down key
not an update key like before.
Any suggests how i can update it?
I have also tried to set back to factory defaults but same errors when updating. PLEASE HELP!!

07-12-2009, 10:43 AM
Dear Alan Smith,
Please try to do like this.
1. Null-modem cable (Connectors: DB9 Female x DB9 Female)
Connector 1 2 ……………. 3 Connector 2

3 ……………. 2
4 ……………. 6
5 ……………. 5
6 ……………. 4
7 ……………. 8
8 ……………. 7
The cable you can buy in usual computer shop. Check cable contacts by tester.
2. COM port configuration for PC and Channel Editor 3.11 (or 3.1):
Bits per second: 115000
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: Hardware (or None)
3. All devices (for example, mouse) must be switch off from RS-232 (PC port) through control panel and restart Windows.
4. Please change .hdp on .dlp for your software (for example, SW 025701.dlp).
5. Save your settings if it’s necessary, then remove cards, CAMs and receiver plug from electrical socket and set receiver selector on the rear panel in position off.
6. Connect PC and receiver by null-modem cable then insert two plugs in sockets.
7. Switch on PC (Windows starts) – Vantage stays switch off
8. Please start Channel Editor 3.11(or 3.1) and push the button
”RS-232” for port control checking.
9 Push button “UP” to select software then press button “Open”
10 Immediately switch the rear panel selector in position “ON”
11. Please watch to receiver display next information:
- Downloading- DL Main- 0 to 100% - about 10...11 min;
- Flashing – 0 to 100% - about 4 min.;
- Loading 1;
- Booting;
- Welcome;
- Name of any Channel.
Remove receiver plug from socket (don’t touch rear selector)
Upload is finished and my best wishes for you.

07-12-2009, 10:57 PM
OK,i finally got it working again.I did not remember how it was, but this example were great!! Thanks.

Is it exactly same way if i want to update ****.key also?

09-12-2009, 05:48 AM
Dear Alan Smith,
You have 3 ways to update keys:
1. To install new software with 01 on the end (for example 025701) but it's long time to wait.
2. Fast method to use USB Flash Drive (USB stick):
- On the USB Flash Drive device (of your PC ) necessary to create folder (directory) with name media
- Place file softcam.key in this folder media
- Install USB Flash Drive on the receiver Vantage HD 7100S and switch on
- Then Menu - Multimedia - USB1- OK - media -OK - select softcam.key and press OK - you must see information "Saving information and rebooting." Please wait for finish this procedure.
3. If you know keys:
- Menu - Channel Setup - Edit Keys

31-01-2010, 03:09 PM
Is it possible to add a new key list to a previous one?
I noticed that a previeus softcam key list had about 220 key-entries and the newer one only 26! What is hapenning?

13-01-2012, 07:58 AM
I can not update my Vantage anymore :-(
When trying with RS-232 it says "Timeout error"
When i try with USB, red button works like UP/Down key
not an update key like before.
Any suggests how i can update it?
I have also tried to set back to factory defaults but same errors when updating. PLEASE HELP!!

I Have This Problem In My Resiver (Vantage HD-8000) After upgrading to This Firmware (MediaStar_027500.dlp)
Before upgrading i could use upgrading by Ok on the file or red button but after that no
i tryed every firmwares i fond for my resiver but they dont working When trying with RS-232 it says " Timeout error " and
When i try with USB, red button works like UP/Down key and if i press ok button it say Diffrent Model S/W or Damaged sellect Correct
I dont Know what Shoud i do please some one helpe me :bowing-036:
thank you

14-01-2012, 11:06 AM
Maybe this "rückkehr" file will work..

Neue firm zur Rückkehr auf vantage. Many Thanks ersin70

14-01-2012, 03:40 PM
Maybe this "rückkehr" file will work..

Neue firm zur Rückkehr auf vantage. Many Thanks ersin70

Unfortunately it didnt worked too :banghead:
i dont understand what is going on ? there should be a Reason for this :banghead:
is there any think else i forgote abaut upgradig with usb flash memory ?
i formated it fat32 and maked a folder " media " name and copyed the files in that
is there anythink else ?

24-01-2012, 09:02 AM
is there anyone answer me what shoud i do with this problem
hey mr alansmith what you did with your problem ?