View Full Version : Dreambox WebControl ??

06-12-2009, 10:44 PM
Works fine on my PC, but refuses to load anything on the laptop HUH??
Just sit there with 'loading' circle going round & round.
Running Firefox v 3.0.15 on both - same network - any ideas??

07-12-2009, 05:32 PM
Hi Oldfart,

I had exactly the same months ago...

in my case it helpt to reload the newest ActiveX control from michrosoft...
hope it helps, let us know...

08-12-2009, 12:15 AM
ActiveX is Microsoft - doesn't work with firefox!
should have said - laptop connects OK to my son's DM, but not mine .......

08-12-2009, 02:12 AM
check your router settings if in the section Wireless/security "AP Isolation" or similar is turned OFF,
If this option is ON, then the clients in the Wirelessnetwork wont be able to connect to eachother. This clients will be able to connect to each othir if:
AP Isolation is OFF or one of the clients is connected directly with the ethernet cable to the router.

Hope this helps, Lets us know...



08-12-2009, 08:35 AM
Download google gears , works great with firefox and dm web IF

08-12-2009, 09:19 PM
check your router settings if in the section Wireless/security "AP Isolation" or similar is turned OFF,
If this option is ON, then the clients in the Wirelessnetwork wont be able to connect to eachother. This clients will be able to connect to each othir if:
AP Isolation is OFF or one of the clients is connected directly with the ethernet cable to the router.

Hope this helps, Lets us know...



No wireless involved - everything wired!

09-12-2009, 10:52 PM
I went back to the one PC I had the same problem, (from my office one) and guess what...

It happen again, when I put in the address bar the box-IP the main page of web control appears, but the loading-circle is running round & round... so we are two now.

My system: windows XP-Pro 64-bit. IE 8, all wired... ActiveX ok and firewall (just in case) off.

20-12-2009, 05:42 PM
I had a go with Firefox and it worked...
very extrange with IE8 it didnīt.

07-08-2010, 08:28 AM
Is there a solution for this problem yet? I have a PC running XP pro and just get the loading circle continually, both with firefox and ie8 yet a laptop running XP home works OK. (with firefox)

08-08-2010, 04:30 PM
most internet providers try to keep the routers on there unique own channel but with more and more coming throught you can get othe routers close on same channel witch will clash .
that was the advice of my o2 techi

i phone my internet provider and told him problems i was having with streaming etc he set my router onto a new channel and i havent had any problems since
also the stupid idiot who played with my router 3 months ago left the internet on a low noise signal the guy at 02 couldnt beleive it .
since changing i can now see my hard drive with images no problem and streaming i havent had one issue all week

10-08-2010, 08:59 PM
sorry guys most routers operate on there own channel not port if another router of the same provider is close by it a good chance they will be on the same channel which will effect things i have edited the above post