View Full Version : BISS keys problem

07-12-2009, 12:54 PM
Hi all,
I am trying to get the BISS ecrypted channels to open on my Azbox Premium (using azbox-0.9.3932 firmware). I went into multicas and then into "edit keys" section and checked all the keys for these channels Megasport, Inter (Amos 4W) and Inter+, TET, 1+1 international (Sirius 5E)
I found the keys for TET, Megasport, 1+1 International to be correct in their lines, but I did not find any lines and keys for both Inter channels. Now my questions are: how do I get them to work and how do I add new key line for Inter and Inter+? I treid putting the keys for Inter and Inter+ in the line for othe channels but I did not get me anywher as the channels came scrambled.

Please help me to sort it out. Thanks in adavnce

08-12-2009, 06:29 AM
I was also trying to address people here with the same question. It seems nobody has routine experience with BISS editing in Multicas. The problem is the 2-cipher Index column, which usually stands for a code line, for example line 00 or 01 i Nagra encryption or 0C, 0D, 0E in SECA. In BISS system you can put almost every cipher there, and it is unlogical.

08-12-2009, 10:17 PM
Use the BISS plugin,instead of multicas
There is a rather informative thread about how to make it work in the beginners section.