View Full Version : Hi, new to Sat

08-12-2009, 12:53 PM
Hi all.

I have had a few looks at moving to Sat over the last few years, but was always put off by it appearing to be mostly foreign, football and ****, which I am not overly interested in. For my faults, Rugby is my favourite sport, but due to Setanta messing everything up and then Sky Sports not picking up many of the options going spare, there is very little Rugby to watch at the weekends now.

I am looking to move from DBoxII on cable, for obvious reasons, in a hope that I can at least pick up some of the French Rugby matches. Having had experience on the DBox I am hoping the transition to a DM600 or DM800HD will not be too traumatic.

I tend to read a lot and then try things out for myself, as you learn a lot more that way, and only ask questions when I hit a brickwall. So thanks in advance to all those who have written guides and tutorials that I will come across and be using. No doubt, I will be asking some questions, so I lookforward to meeting you in the forum. Once I have some experience and knowledge then I will gladly help members where I can.


08-12-2009, 04:34 PM
Welcome To Satpimps Jamesb4 .
im sure you'll find what your looking for there is plenty of Rugby at the weekends via motorised sat dish it is the way forward for sure it is its just not all footie and xxx there is a lot more out there you have yet to discover :biggrin:
have fun and if your stuck dont be afraid to ask questions.

08-12-2009, 04:43 PM
Hi m8,welcome to Satpimps,hope you enjoy your stay with us.:podium-016: