View Full Version : MultiCAS Version 1.61C-A08

09-12-2009, 10:50 PM
MultiCAS Version 1.61C-A08


-Multicas + newcs + cccamd/dvbapi combination is working fine
-Disconnect cardreader now possible

... just found it on another forum...

10-12-2009, 12:16 AM
does this mean it accepts nlines and clines all on multicas now?

10-12-2009, 01:17 AM
Now we have a possibility to put in the newcamd server details, too!

It is possible to sort it all out via remote:

Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> Camd Setup -> MultiCAS -> Smartcard Interface -> SC Splitter and CS -> roll the options to Client CCcam or Client NewCamd and add as required...

The relevant config files to discuss:


###### Disable or Enable option for cardreader of MultiCAS
###### Disable_CardReader = 1 -> Disable-Internel CardReader / Disable_CardReader = 0 -> Enable-Internel CardReader
Disable_CardReader = 0

Sorry, I do not yet have a smartcard, so can't help too much...


## MAX Support the 12 of Serverlist by this CFG file
## N: Hostname port username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14priocaid.cfg

### 0100 : SECA
### 0500 : VIACESS
### 06xx : IRDETO
### 0dxx : CRYPTOWORKS
### 0bxx : CONAX
### 09xx : NDS
### 17xx : BETACRYPT
### 18xx : NAGRA
### max 8 of caid 0100 0500 0600 0900 1800 0d00 0b00 1700
### CASE OLD #1 0600 0d00 1700 1800 0900 0b00 0100 0500
### CASE OLD #2 0100 1800 0500 0600 0d00 1700 0b00 0900
0100 1800 0500 0600 0d00 1700 0b00 0900============================= ==================

One way of editing it all is using telesat's MultiCAS Edit.

================================= ===============

Here is the "how to" for 2 more options, from how to install it to how to edit it - easily:

0) Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> no more Manual Install option, guys! It is now DOWNLOAD EXECUTABLE -> you will see the links of support servers to get your plug-ins there, guys... [ get it from http://azboxworld.com ]

1) Download and install: MultiCAS 160... well, the latest - always!

2) Get the configuration files for EMUs/CS SW from DOWNLOAD CONFIG. So, one must download MultiCAS CCcam config files. But not needed for this one, if you had the previous version of MultiCAS already installed and it was all functioning.

At this point it is good to reboot your AZbox HD!

3) So, off we go to Home -> Plug-ins -> [as described above...] -> MultiCAS -> using your remote control -> Smart Card Splitter and CS.

4) Change the following, using your REMOTE:

-change the Mode to Client CCcam [if, like me, you have no smartcard to play with and share] - you can connect to other people's servers

-choose Server No. 1 [when done with the first one, move this one to 2, then 3 etc. - as many as you need, up to 16, I think...]

-choose Host Name Use - write something like: something.dyndns.org [whatever the data you get from your server/peer is, like gorski.dyndns.org or whatever your server is called like - I DO NOT HAVE A SERVER, THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE!!!],

-choose the Port - 12000 or whatever it is that your peer tells you to use

-User Name - whatever it is [you must have a username that normally your peer gives you and put in his server to allow you access to his server]

-Password - whatever it is [like above]

-Server - Enable

-Connect - test it

It should say "login success"...

Repeat for all the servers you have, to check...

Red Button = Save.

5) But still: as soon as I wanted to get out of there using the Exit button on my remote, it first asked me, in a little pop-up window, if I want to login to all my servers now. Press OK, of course. It will connect to your peers aaaaaand....

...once in a TV channels list, the connection was fast!!! Let's just leave it at that. Pink/Total TV [Irdeto/N*D*S]: vroom, vrooooommmm!!! :sifone: If not, change the channel and then it should connect! If not - reboot and check again...

================================= ==============

[B]Here is how to install it from a file you get on a forum like this one:

FileZilla -> into AZbox HD -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> MultiCAS -> delete all "example" files, openxcas.conf and multicas emu_module.

Put in openxcas and emu_module files from a file one gets from a forum like this one.

Give emu_module CHMOD to 755.


The right version should be showing in AZbox HD MultiCAS menu. All servers should be preserved, if you put them in before!

Server details are in MultiCAS in /tmp file: ccc_serverstatus.info

Good luck!:sifone:

10-12-2009, 01:58 AM
Btw, I suppose that if we disable the MultiCAS card reader [using the cardreader.cfg file], we can activate NewCS alongside MultiCAS and use the 2 together.

So, if we activate NewCS 1.20 RC13 to use the internal card reader and we are servers to our peers, using Newcamd protocol, then we can have a full Newcamd package in NewCS + MultiCAS' Client NewCamd mode?

<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

Would it be good enough for whatever it is we need...???

10-12-2009, 09:07 AM
Hi goran,

if we have no local card and want to use both newcamd and cccam as client and both at the same time, should we edit the file "cardreader.cfg" and set "Disable_CardReader = 1"?

I hope that with this version, N lines and C lines are possible simultenously.


10-12-2009, 10:09 AM
Have just tested this and can't get C-lines and N-lines to work at the same time.

10-12-2009, 11:24 AM
Have just tested this and can't get C-lines and N-lines to work at the same time.


Is this that complex to get both running at the same time?

My opinion:
They dont want to spend time for this now and have other priorities.

I use currently multicas for C lines and if I want to use the N lines, I switch off multicas and activate mgcamd.

10-12-2009, 11:55 AM
guys, one thing....

why would we want to use dvbapi for native cccam with multicas?

i just use cccam 2.1.1 + multicas connected.

cccam dvbapi deactivated...why would i want to use dvapi at same time?

10-12-2009, 12:31 PM
guys, one thing....

why would we want to use dvbapi for native cccam with multicas?

i just use cccam 2.1.1 + multicas connected.

cccam dvbapi deactivated...why would i want to use dvapi at same time?

Are you sure that you can use Native CCCAm without load DVBAPI?

I think that you cannot use cccam without dvbapi.....

10-12-2009, 12:42 PM
You can use CCcam without DVBAPI, but will not open channels by itself.
CCcam will work just as a server (connects to all your peers in server and client mode) and then connects to MultiCAS running in the same azbox to open channels.

10-12-2009, 12:48 PM
guys, one thing....

why would we want to use dvbapi for native cccam with multicas?

i just use cccam 2.1.1 + multicas connected.

cccam dvbapi deactivated...why would i want to use dvapi at same time?

Hi hfmls,

thanks for your reply, but this is not what I meant.

I dont use dvbapi for cccam, i use multicas.

Multicas has now both newcamd client and cccam client support.
But they donīt work together (newcamd client and cccam client).
This is my problem.

I expect that if multicas has both newcamd client and cccam client interfaces, so they should also run at the same time (from within multicas, not separately without a need of dvbapi).

They are both there.
Why dont they get both run at the same time?

10-12-2009, 01:04 PM
i think multicas onyl uses clines if only u dont have the channel in your newcamd line. i know what i said is not what you asked lol :P

i have cccam server without dvapi in azbox hd.
then multicas to connect to cccam server.

but, why would i want dvbapi from native cccam + multicas at same time?
i don't understand that in changelog.

10-12-2009, 01:16 PM
im wondering the same what means in changelog dvbapi, it would be better if dvbapi could open or connect to a server with hop lower than multicas if this one connects to a upper hop. no?

10-12-2009, 01:28 PM
Maybe the dvapi_module is nog intergrated within multicas :)

But i don't know

10-12-2009, 01:31 PM
well i would love if dvbapi would be as stable as multicas.

maybe multicas guys could work on it? :)

10-12-2009, 02:41 PM
Hi hfmls,

thanks for your reply, but this is not what I meant.

I dont use dvbapi for cccam, i use multicas.

Multicas has now both newcamd client and cccam client support.
But they donīt work together (newcamd client and cccam client).
This is my problem.

I expect that if multicas has both newcamd client and cccam client interfaces, so they should also run at the same time (from within multicas, not separately without a need of dvbapi).

They are both there.
Why dont they get both run at the same time?

You don't need multicas to run newcamd & cccam clients at the same time . Now you can share your card with newcs connected to cccamd if multicas cardreader feature is deactivated ; it has no importance if dvbapi exists or not if u give muticas a higher priority than cccamd in emu list from menu .
All you have to do is to start all 3 (multicas , newcs and cccamd) , connect newcs to cccamd (nline in cccamd.cfg) and internal share your card to multicas (fline in cccamd and cline in multicas) . You can also share your card to external peers either by cccamd(fline) or by newcs (add more users in newcs.xml) .

Cheers ,
Val .

10-12-2009, 02:58 PM
Can we use (dvbapi and cccamd) for client
like on the first native cccam releases for azbox?

I can t test right now...
This changelog is a bit confusing..

10-12-2009, 03:03 PM
Never mind the CCcam, as it's too buggy and unstable, freezes quickly when zapping.

What if we want to do it only with NewCS + MultiCAS? How would you see it working, Val?

Newcamd protocol for internal reader [via NewCS to read the card and be a server to your peers] + MultiCAS as CCcam client to your peer's CCcam servers. In that case you lose your own card opening the package you're subscribed to?

Have you tried it, please? What would be needed in terms of settings/config files/lines?


10-12-2009, 03:03 PM
you can!

the doubt that change log generates is this:

cccam native + dvbapi = server and watches channels

cccam native + multicas = server and watch channels

cccam native + multicas + dvbapi = server and watch channels, but what will azbox hd use to watch channels?!? dvbapi or multicas? and what is the benefict to have both?!

10-12-2009, 03:10 PM
You don't need multicas to run newcamd & cccam clients at the same time . Now you can share your card with newcs connected to cccamd if multicas cardreader feature is deactivated ; it has no importance if dvbapi exists or not if u give muticas a higher priority than cccamd in emu list from menu .
All you have to do is to start all 3 (multicas , newcs and cccamd) , connect newcs to cccamd (nline in cccamd.cfg) and internal share your card to multicas (fline in cccamd and cline in multicas) . You can also share your card to external peers either by cccamd(fline) or by newcs (add more users in newcs.xml) .

Cheers ,
Val .

Hi valerica, thanks for detailed answer.

I donīt have any local card.
What I have: 2x cccam server and 2x newcamd server to connect

In a native cccam on DMM, I can connect to both via cccam config which includes both C lines and N lines.

But since native cccam on Azbox is not stable, I use multicas.
Multicas does not achieve the same or is there a solution to this?

10-12-2009, 03:12 PM
there is.

put ccam native and all those newcamd and clines in cccam native cccam.cfg
then create a F: line for multicas.

put C: in multicas and that's it.


cccam native + multicas.

10-12-2009, 03:34 PM
It's about local card ; if u want external share use multicas+newcs+cccamd ; if u want internal share , no need for newcs.

Cheers ,
Val .

10-12-2009, 03:41 PM
there is.

put ccam native and all those newcamd and clines in cccam native cccam.cfg
then create a F: line for multicas.

put C: in multicas and that's it.


cccam native + multicas.

Shouldnt I need re-share in this case?
I dont think that I can re-share the C and N lines (altough locally)?

Must the owner of the server enable this option for me?

10-12-2009, 03:42 PM
There seem to be plenty of possible combinations now, using NewCS and MultiCAS.

It would be good to test them all and "map them", as it were... ;)

Hfmls has tested now if we can have both Newcamd and CCcam clients working at the same time. He says it's working.

In which case it looks promising... ;)

10-12-2009, 03:51 PM
One more question :-)

What is the benefit of using the combination cccam native + multicas compared to using only cccam native, if newcs and cccam are concerned?

cccam native supports already both as client, but is buggy.

As far as I know, cccam native is not running stable on Azbox, multicas will be supported better.

cccam native + multicas:
cccam native communicates with the servers and saves the infos locally so that multicas can use them.

Do I understand correctly?

if so, is this a stable combination?
Because cccam native is somehow buggy on Azbox.

10-12-2009, 03:56 PM
Never mind the CCcam, as it's too buggy and unstable, freezes quickly when zapping.

What if we want to do it only with NewCS + MultiCAS? How would you see it working, Val?

Newcamd protocol for internal reader [via NewCS to read the card and be a server to your peers] + MultiCAS as CCcam client to your peer's CCcam servers. In that case you lose your own card opening the package you're subscribed to?

Have you tried it, please? What would be needed in terms of settings/config files/lines?


Newcs + multicas is ok , but only if the card doesn't work directly with multicas with cardreader on . You can't use your clines (multicas doesn't work at the same time as nline & cline client) .
You will not loose your own card 'cos it's connected to multicas via newcs and cccamd . Shortly it looks like this : local card->newcs->cccamd->multicas .
You need in settings :
- newcs.xml with local card conn ( ;
- cccamd with :
a)local nline in cccamd.cfg -> connects to newcs
b)fline for multicas (user , pass)
- multicas with local ip (192....) cline and same user & pass like the ones 1 fline .

Cheers ,
Val .

10-12-2009, 04:07 PM
One more question :-)

What is the benefit of using the combination cccam native + multicas compared to using only cccam native, if newcs and cccam are concerned?

cccam native supports already both as client, but is buggy.

As far as I know, cccam native is not running stable on Azbox, multicas will be supported better.

cccam native + multicas:
cccam native communicates with the servers and saves the infos locally so that multicas can use them.

Do I understand correctly?

if so, is this a stable combination?
Because cccam native is somehow buggy on Azbox.

Yes , it works ; i have in cccamd.cfg 3 external nlines and 1 internal nline(local card via newcs) and multicas conn. internal to cccamd .

Cheers ,
Val .

10-12-2009, 04:18 PM
Val, how about:

-not using CCcamd but just
-disable MultiCAS card reader, then
-use NewCS 1.20RC13 for internal card reader?

From then on,
-can MultiCAS Newcamd Client connect to NewCS [and how], while at the same time
-having the CCcam Client active?

Hfmls says it works... ;)

In other words, we do not have to use dvbapi at all, as it's unstable anyhow. I mean, it's a layer too many, as CCcam for AZbox HD is a hack, so... :)


10-12-2009, 04:29 PM

at the moment i have user multicas in my newcs connected with some ECM's received.

and user multicas in cccam connected with some ECM's received.

so...they both work together!

just do this:

go to PLUGINS, and Multicas setup.
go to the area where you setup manually clines and newcamd line

confirm if all is connected and active then press exit, and YES.

you should now BE WATCHING channels with NEWCAMD LINE, and when u go to a channel you don't have in your card, in your newcamd line....multicas will start using CLINES from cccam, because u don't have it in your newcamd line :)

all clear? :)

10-12-2009, 04:52 PM
Sorry it doesn't work for me : once Client NewCamd feature selected , all clines go to red/off -> checked with Multicas Editor v.1.4 ; no descramble.

Cheers ,
Val .

10-12-2009, 05:45 PM
here is working :S


10-12-2009, 07:27 PM
OK, hfmls, when you exit MultiCAS you have:

-activated CCcam Client
-activated Newcamd Client
-NewCS is reading your local card [I presume Nagra3 for Hispasat, Cabo package]

So, what do the config files look like exactly?

You have deactivated the card reader function in MultiCAS, I presume, so NewCS can take over and read the card?

And what of the cccam and newcamd cfg files, please?

NewCS is connected with MutliCAS how exactly? I mean, can we see your config xml file, please?

Or are you still not using your AZbox HD as a server/card reader and for that you're using your Dream or...?


P.S. The trick is to show it in such a way so that everybody can repeat it [provided they can sort out their card in NewCS, of course...]... ;) How? Well, do NOT presume anything. Do NOT presume that reader knows what you are talking about. Then, you'll be a good "how to" writer! :) Half-measures are frequently wasted time, as they can even confuse more than enlighten...:frown:

10-12-2009, 07:44 PM
i have newcs in dm500. normal configuration, just created a user for multicas.

cccam native (without dvbapi) and multicas in azbox hd.

multicas reader deactivated in file:

Disable_CardReader = 1

10-12-2009, 07:51 PM
But hfmls: we are talking about AZbox HD and its capacities... You know, how to do it with AZbox HD, not AZbox HD + Dream...:smash:

10-12-2009, 07:53 PM
lol, that's not important.
just put newcs in azbox hd. then it's the same steps, deactivate card reader in multicas like i told.

same thing.

10-12-2009, 08:23 PM

Have you tried?

I told you I can't, as I haven't the card...

10-12-2009, 08:28 PM
i've not tried newcs in azbox hd.

but i tried multicas with card disabled and put the card in azbox hd. "reading card" didn't show up.

so disable card it's working.

10-12-2009, 08:29 PM
Humour me, please and just do it - test and report back... ;)

We need to REALLY know, not guess... :)

10-12-2009, 08:32 PM
lol i have to install it man!!

ok, just a few minutes.

10-12-2009, 08:35 PM

[Aren't you interested if it can do it all? :D]

Btw, can you also write down what you're doing? Or you can use my "how to" as a template and then add a few things for those config files etc.:cool:


13-12-2009, 02:13 PM
I can't understand why when I try to edit "Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> Camd Setup -> MultiCAS -> Smartcard Interface -> SC Splitter and CS" I see everytime a message in the window "Data loading.", but it doesn't load nothing!!!
I have in "/PLUGINS/OpenXCAS/MultiCAS" :


###### Disable or Enable option for cardreader of MultiCAS
###### Disable_CardReader = 1 -> Disable-Internel CardReader / Disable_CardReader = 0 -> Enable-Internel CardReader
Disable_CardReader = 1

### CCcam Client Version x.x.x and Build
## Default 2.0.11 2892
2.0.11 2892

## MAX Support the 36 of Serverlist by this CFG file
## example C: hostname port username password
C: 12000 MaxAzBox MaxAzBox


## MAX Support the 12 of Serverlist by this CFG file
## N: Hostname port username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: 34000 MaxAzBox MaxAzBox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.61C-A08


### 0100 : SECA
### 0500 : VIACESS
### 06xx : IRDETO
### 0dxx : CRYPTOWORKS
### 0bxx : CONAX
### 09xx : NDS
### 17xx : BETACRYPT
### 18xx : NAGRA
### max 8 of caid 0100 0500 0600 0900 1800 0d00 0b00 1700
### CASE OLD #1 0600 0d00 1700 1800 0900 0b00 0100 0500
### CASE OLD #2 0100 1800 0500 0600 0d00 1700 0b00 0900
0919 0100 1800 0500 0600 0d00 1700 0b00
splitterdata.bin (an old one )
splitterdata.txt (default file never modified)

IP =
PORT = 3000
DN = Test.dyndns.tst

================================= ==============

One way of editing it all is using telesat's MultiCAS Edit.

================================= ===============

Are you sure MultiCAS Edit 1.0 is compatible with last MultiCAS version?

13-12-2009, 02:17 PM
1) stop all other emus and activate ONLY MultiCAS [the # thing, using the blue button on your remote, as you may have read in my "Alternative Guide"...]

2) telesat's MultiCASedit v.1.4, I think, is the latest...

13-12-2009, 02:52 PM
1) stop all other emus and activate ONLY MultiCAS [the # thing, using the blue button on your remote, as you may have read in my "Alternative Guide"...]

2) telesat's MultiCASedit v.1.4, I think, is the latest...

I've installed MultiCASedit v.1.4, but I can't edit newcamd data and other new future...

After I have edited data with MultiCASedit v.1.4 and sent it to AzBox, I'm able to see cccam data client with embended multicas editor.
Instead I can't see newcamd data (that I tried many time to load from file), but I've tried to leave only newcamd client (without data in embende editor but with right data in files) and confirmed to connect to server and with my great surprise, MultiCAS really connect to newcamd server and I'm able to see channel :eek::confused::confused:

I hope telesat will public a new updated MultiCASedit ...

13-12-2009, 04:46 PM
I really like the remote capability... ;)

And the fact that once you download the new executable it keeps you previous data.. You just login and voila... :respect-051:

13-12-2009, 06:29 PM
Just for information
dvbapi is an instruction set for images with CA device using it.
azbox doesn;t use dvbapi,but openxcas,a different instruction set.

The idea around dvbapi for multicas,might just be the porting of openxcas instrucions into dvbapi on the fly,for the emulator to use them and understand them,as if it were running into a dvbapi environment.
Is just an assumption of mine,of course,without asking the developers.

14-12-2009, 02:09 AM

please somebody help me!I installed CCCam 2.1.1 server and Multicas as a client connect to CCCam.Everything is working fine except the Canal Nordic channels?With my dm500 working fine. Multicas does not support the Canal Nordic encryption?:S
Any idea?

14-12-2009, 06:46 AM
Of course it does! HD included!!!

Something is not quite right there. Must re-do it. Follow my instructions and it will!

Be careful with Linux, it's case sensitive, so every space and sign has to be done PRECISELY!!!

Good luck!

14-12-2009, 07:22 AM
Once again... :rolleyes:

If one already had MultiCAS installed, one just downloads and installs the new MultiCAS "executable" from the net straight into the AZbox HD. No need for a "config" file.

Use, for instance, FileZilla to go into the MultiCAS folder -> delete all the "example" files, if you wish - but no need even for that.

Using your remote, make sure the CCcam client is turned ON, as described by me.

Get out by pressing the Exit remote button -> say "yes" to the Q to login.

Go to any TV channel. Change a channel.

If you have a [virtual] card that should open the channel - you should be able to watch it now.

All you peers and settings should have been preserved.

Moreover, now you can ALSO connect to a Newcamd server directly!!!

Configure it the same way as CCcam Client, using your remote, for instance.

If you do not want MultiCAS to read your smartcard inserted in the built-in AZbox HD card reader, you can disable the MultiCAS access to it and it will not read it, as you may have seen it in one of my posts above, where I showed the file that does it.

In that case, you can read your card using NewCS' [v. 1.20 RC13] Newcamd protocol, if you install, activate and configure it properly [and NewCS supports it].

You can even connect to your NewCS card reader using MultiCAS Newcamd protocol.

Hfmls tested it with Nagra3 Cabo card [I bothered him:p] and he says it works. Buggy. But it works.;)

We await further improvements.:sifone:


14-12-2009, 12:40 PM

thanks for the information, now is working:)
I have an another question.Is this possible if the Multicas get the code from one e.g Softcam.key file,like Digi tv(Nagra2) and another keys from CCCam server.Because Digi tv is hacked so don't need to connect to the CCCam server to watch.
Or can i use e.g MGcam for DigiTv an Multicas for other.There are working at the same time?

14-12-2009, 02:04 PM
Why don't you read a little bit, guys?!?:smash: :smash: :smash:

It's mostly already answered in my "Alternative guide" thread....:cool:

MultiCAS has an emulator. The latest one is AU for DigiTV and TV Globo, for instance.:respect-051:

15-12-2009, 01:38 AM
hi mate,

thanks for the info i understand,but my multicas using my cccam server instead of the local key for Digitv and the picture freeze many times because i have Digitv in hop4 only:( is there any solution,tha use local key always for digitv an cccam server for others?

15-12-2009, 02:01 AM
I have the Digi cards closer but it is still using the Emu/keys, not CS!

Read the new MultiCAS thread and do as described...

27-01-2010, 08:27 AM

at the moment i have user multicas in my newcs connected with some ECM's received.

and user multicas in cccam connected with some ECM's received.

so...they both work together!

just do this:

go to PLUGINS, and Multicas setup.
go to the area where you setup manually clines and newcamd line

confirm if all is connected and active then press exit, and YES.

you should now BE WATCHING channels with NEWCAMD LINE, and when u go to a channel you don't have in your card, in your newcamd line....multicas will start using CLINES from cccam, because u don't have it in your newcamd line :)

all clear? :)

I can't get it to work here too! :(

Multicas internal cardreader is disabled and c line and n line are ok.
C line works fine but when I load config and activate connection to newcs too then only my local card is working. :o15:

Which MultiCAS version did you use? Any special versions needed?!

27-01-2010, 09:33 AM
download latest version 162A via server , and test it

27-01-2010, 11:19 AM
A clarification would be good.

Some reported not being able to get it to work together - both CCcam and Newcamd Clients at once...

So, a definitive yes or no would be good...

27-01-2010, 01:02 PM
A clarification would be good.

Some reported not being able to get it to work together - both CCcam and Newcamd Clients at once...

So, a definitive yes or no would be good...

In my last tests, it worked (both CCcam and Newcamd Clients at once)

I used only CCCam client (from within multicas) and cccam.cfg
And in the cccam.cfg, I used both C lines and N lines.

It worked in this manner.

27-01-2010, 04:50 PM
So, you activated both

-CCcam Client, went out and then
-activated Newcamd Client, too - went out...

...and it all worked?

You did not use CCcam Native in any capacity? Just the MultiCAS's 2 Clients?

Or have I misunderstood: where exactly did you put the N line? It should be in Newcamd Client... not in cccam...


27-01-2010, 10:29 PM
So, you activated both

-CCcam Client, went out and then
-activated Newcamd Client, too - went out...

...and it all worked?

You did not use CCcam Native in any capacity? Just the MultiCAS's 2 Clients?

Or have I misunderstood: where exactly did you put the N line? It should be in Newcamd Client... not in cccam...


I did not use CCcam Native, just multicas
I just activated CCCam Client from within multicas
But my cccam.cfg file contained both C lines and N lines

27-01-2010, 11:41 PM
In my last tests, it worked (both CCcam and Newcamd Clients at once)

I used only CCCam client (from within multicas) and cccam.cfg
And in the cccam.cfg, I used both C lines and N lines.

It worked in this manner.

You're right. It works that way.

Deleted the newcamd.cfg and put the n line in cccam.cfg too.

BUT: I've got many freezers with my local card that way! :rolleyes:

So it seems that's not the perfect solution too.

I'm using MultiCAS 1.62 and newcs.

28-01-2010, 01:59 AM
Interesting... Bugs reported, I hope...??:respect-050:

29-01-2010, 09:14 PM
CCcam running smooth over here :)

29-01-2010, 10:09 PM
Interesting... Bugs reported, I hope...??:respect-050:

Reported? To who?

I don't know if it's a bug anyway. Normally we should use for n line newcamd.cfg and not cccam.cfg.

29-01-2010, 11:14 PM

BUT: I've got many freezers with my local card that way!

They should know...