View Full Version : spiderbox hd

10-12-2009, 07:44 PM
anyone bought one, seen a review etc. for a new box there is nothing to find on net yet.:confused:

10-12-2009, 08:01 PM
Not yet M8

Have read the reviews on this box the spec. is tempting me to buy it. Has not been in the news/forums lately.

Most of us are waiting to see what the new diablo2 cam opens first, including me, if it opens packages on sats I can get and in a language that I can understand, will go for that, will also wait to see if it has reliable support.

Agree with you if anyone has bought it please give us some feedback.


10-12-2009, 08:03 PM
Yes got one for a play.
Its a good deal if you dont have a share. and want HD and lots of extra channel cheaply

The channel editor is not good but would expect it to be sorted as its only been out for a few days.
It now has a softcam for the public channels, and uses note pad to edit,

The extra free channels work well and for me good sport options, and add nicely to the channels i have in a private share
Tuner is not as sensitive as the TM so can only get 7w H on my 1.8m dish about the same sensitivity as my dm7020.

Picture quality equal to my tm6900 not bad as its half the price.

Worked well with my share group but that was only a test as use my TM9100 for that.

Remote is great if you had to put up with some of the TM remotes I have had the since the tm1500 they have slowly got worse.

Over all a good bit of kit for the money, but i will still be getting a linux hd machine soon to replace my TM9100 as i slowly move to all recievers to HD,
There seems to have been very regular updares at the moment at the tweaks are fixed.

Sorry almost forgot had to reboot once as locked it's self

10-12-2009, 08:19 PM
You can't put an F-line Spiderbox is a client only

so you wont be able to share

just leech/ponce off others (no good)
or pay (even worse)

so for that reason IM OUT

10-12-2009, 10:22 PM
You can't put an F-line Spiderbox is a client only

so you wont be able to share

just leech/ponce off others (no good)
or pay (even worse)

so for that reason IM OUT

You can share today even with £20 computer or even with 40 dollar copy DM...and that is Good !?

The Box has big big abilities ..

1.has Gift inside with many packages only one cost more then the money of the box it self..
2.the box has Cccam and can pick like a client from everywhere
3.box has newcamd
4.the box has home net share...You can use 1card for 9 STB
1 Server nd 8 clients no INTERNET required and no configuration need it,
5.home streaming from PC to TV .
6. Blind Search
7.C line or n lines friendly to use only be remote control don't need to be expert like Linux boxes ..
8.CCcam.cfg a part can be done by remote only can be done ven by text and upload by usb.
9.channel list again download by USB
10.Remote control is the best Mutiple.STB.VCR .DVD.TV
11.PVR 2 USB

10-12-2009, 11:39 PM
all that
and you still can't put an F-line in the Spiderbox

true or false ?????????????

whats this got to do with sharing with a Spiderbox

You can share today even with £20 computer or even with 40 dollar copy DM...and that is Good !?]

11-12-2009, 12:46 AM
all that
and you still can't put an F-line in the Spiderbox

true or false ?????????????

whats this got to do with sharing with a Spiderbox

Everyone in this world know only DM you can put F line ...No other STB boxes ...but what that have to do with the box is good or not !?/

You are not saying some think no one dont know here...:smilielol5:

Read before you unswer..

He is asking Feed back from some one who got the box not from some one don,t have it or competitors.:smash:

11-12-2009, 01:14 AM
anyone bought one, seen a review etc. for a new box there is nothing to find on net yet.:confused:

He is asking Feed back from some one who got the box not from some one don,t have it or competitors

note the bit (seen a review etc)

Read before you post

heres my review/Feed back

you can't put an F-line in the Spiderbox

Everyone in this world know only DM you can put F line ...No other STB boxes

what the hell are you on

You are not saying some think no one dont know here

i bet a few peeps here did not know that you can't put an F-line in the Spiderbox untill this thread

13-12-2009, 01:57 PM
i bet ,quite a few more dont know wtf, an f line is,.

13-12-2009, 02:13 PM
Sounds like a good 2nd box in another room if you already
have a DM800hd as the server & you can then pass on any shares you
get from the DM800 to the Spiderbox giving more HD channels to view.

13-12-2009, 02:29 PM
We'll i'm really pleased with mine. Easy to set up and use. Blind scan is great. And you are right drahcirc - I haven't got a clue what an F-line is.


13-12-2009, 04:35 PM
Gift channels No sly uk No sly italia No sly Germany
Missing out on all HD packages from them
No means of putting a F-line to share
having to Rely on Gift channels
No F-line = limited HD Viewing

13-12-2009, 05:49 PM
got mine about a week ago:respect-054:
very easy to use and setup,and for my own pleasure,it has swedish in menu lingo:respect-040:
been up and running ever since i got it without any problems.

13-12-2009, 10:43 PM
cant understand this bit. free gift. the hd version is 160.00 with free gift 189.00. ehhhhhhh. what free gift :banghead:. dont understand that bit. but the box seems ok so far no bad comments except for f line.

14-12-2009, 01:37 AM
got my spiderboxHD with gift last week thnxs to Darkman for quick reply and delivery aswell .
Dont need to be a genuis or technically minded for this box is so easy even my sisters young child could figure it out in seconds ,LOL !!
ive had it running fine and can connect very easily to my other dmboxes aswell really easy and fast i just added F line in my dmboxes and put a few c line in my spiderbox and now my spiderboxHD can connect with all my dmboxes easily without any effort at all really ,
But for noobies that are not good with linux i would suggest just load Spiderbox patch and goto menu > network then type in remote 1111 for secret menu and enable NeuvoXCaS save exit and enjoy all the gift channls available there is many and is very sweet bonus indeed ,
But very hard to believe some members do not seem to appreciate this very kind gift i for one do appreciate the gift channls over various sats .

14-12-2009, 06:51 PM
just got mine up and running....quite a few free channels....easy to set up..worth every penny

14-12-2009, 07:32 PM
more than happy with box , gift up and down .
but for the price a bargain.

14-12-2009, 08:51 PM
so u cant share with this box, and that means its not a linux , and, would i b better off getting an icecrypt box, im confused,.

14-12-2009, 08:58 PM
me too talk about gift channels but won`t say what they are

14-12-2009, 11:25 PM

so u cant share with this box, and that means its not a linux , and, would i b better off getting an icecrypt box, im confused,.

Well no, its not a linux box just read again:

I think You have noticed it from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=119424&page=2

me too talk about gift channels but won`t say what they are

By google.I do not have it.

15-12-2009, 12:25 AM
i get all of those channels and more free with a dm500 except the HD ones
now if i bought a HD box i will want to watch HD channels as well as SD

as the free HD gift channels are not to my liking
i will need to source them from others ie sharing
how long do you think you will last getting HD channels from someone
and giving nothing back cuz you cant put a f-line in

this would be a good box if you could share with just this box
not sharing via a dm800 just with spiderbox

if your all happy watching SD channels with your brand new HD boxes
thats fine by me
but i want to watch HD from a HD box
happy SD viewing

15-12-2009, 01:12 AM
Well pleased with mine, dead easy to use and set up. Don't give an F what an F line is right now. Sure, the gift won't last forever, maybe there'll be an extension.
Who knows how long their method of beating the encryptions will last, cards, patches, cams (even ones that come out with NOTHING to view), even cs, how long do you think that will be allowed to continue?
I for one am quite pleased with what I have right now.

18-12-2009, 01:06 AM

I'm thinking of getting a Spiderbox, Can anyone confrim that a direct link from router to spiderbox is ok, as many have said its from PC to Spiderbox.

And I've read elsewhere that many channels particularly on Hotbird are freezing every 30 seconds.........this would drive me mad.

Cheer for any advice


PS whats available on 1 west

18-12-2009, 01:24 AM
Cheer for any advice

yeah wait

TM linux HD coming in february

Will be available in 3 different versions

Internal SATA connections for pvr functionality, as well as USB

Bug free image, and other 'surprises'

Cost BELOW £200

18-12-2009, 01:30 AM
Better to get a protek .. as not much hd channels on spider.. the protek been running longer and the server is doing a great job at mo.. The server on spider i think is geared for mid east and how is that doing?..Plus you a get a protek cheap on flea bay i picked my second one up for 70 quid...

18-12-2009, 08:32 AM
yeah wait

TM linux HD coming in february

Will be available in 3 different versions

Internal SATA connections for pvr functionality, as well as USB

Bug free image, and other 'surprises'

Cost BELOW £200

if its anything like the tm6900, u can keep it ,pileocrap, with spy box, for extra u can get ger channels,.:respect-020:

18-12-2009, 10:47 AM
yes mate my spider box hd is connected directly to my router and runs 100%

18-12-2009, 11:23 AM
if its anything like the tm6900, u can keep it ,pileocrap, with spy box, for extra u can get ger channels,.:respect-020:

we will have to wait and see then wont we:respect-020:

when them gift channels go **** up
99 per cent who have just that box
will have to cough up again

reeled in with a gift
then your on a pay server
spiderbox pileocrap

18-12-2009, 11:43 AM
thanks for that oz, but unlike u, i have the missfortune of owning a tm6900, do u have a spybox, if not ,ur comment is valueless,.

18-12-2009, 11:49 AM
if the tm6900 is crap sell it
if you buy the spiderbox
your have more crap

18-12-2009, 11:53 AM
I think ozzsurf that you need to understand that some of us don't give a flying fook about f-lines!
Darkman has produced a box that's very reasonably priced and comes with a years worth of free viewing. Ok, maybe after the year is up there will be some sort of pay service but who cares? The 'gift' means the box will have paid for itself anyway.
You'll still be left with a very nice HD receiver!
I think lots of guys just want to have a go at Darkman on here and will find anything to attack him with. Maybe the guy deserves a bit of credit every now and again???

18-12-2009, 12:03 PM
I think lots of guys just want to have a go at Darkman on here and will find anything to attack him with. Maybe the guy deserves a bit of credit every now and again???

what ever give you that idea:drool5:

18-12-2009, 01:18 PM
i thought a gift means free, so way are they chargeing for the gift.:respect-020:

18-12-2009, 01:52 PM
i thought a gift means free, so way are they chargeing for the gift.:respect-020:

Free for a year was the way I understood it m8.

18-12-2009, 02:16 PM
Free for a year was the way I understood it m8.

is it REALY FREE ?? they charge some pound for the GIFT/EXRA server connection, how much was it was it 30 pounds, cant remeber it now
that what you can FREE ?? and is that box OEM from other makers ??? or is it Exclusivly Produced from Darkman ??

Yes we must give CREDIT to the man bihind the box, Darkman has donne a very nice work with this box.

18-12-2009, 02:16 PM
I think ozzsurf that you need to understand that some of us don't give a flying fook about f-lines!
Darkman has produced a box that's very reasonably priced and comes with a years worth of free viewing. Ok, maybe after the year is up there will be some sort of pay service but who cares? The 'gift' means the box will have paid for itself anyway.
You'll still be left with a very nice HD receiver!
I think lots of guys just want to have a go at Darkman on here and will find anything to attack him with. Maybe the guy deserves a bit of credit every now and again???

Agree totally with above Quote i don't give a **** about f-lines i'm
more than happy with my Spiderbox at least i'm getting something
from the box unlike all the unhappy Diablo cam 2 buyers.

18-12-2009, 02:19 PM
is it REALY FREE ?? they charge some pound for the GIFT/EXRA server connection, how much was it was it 30 pounds,.

Just a disguised pay server with limited channels.

May as well just pay for a good server, buy a proper receiver, and get all the channels. :cool:

18-12-2009, 04:48 PM
if the tm6900 is crap sell it
if you buy the spiderbox
your have more crap

cant sell a box ,where the cam slots, and card slots dont work, the remote is crap, u have to push the buttons up to 5 times, yes the batteries are new, when u flick up the channels and press stop , it goes on one more, i could go on,

18-12-2009, 06:08 PM
May as well just pay for a good server, buy a proper receiver, and get all the channels.

Im looking to buy a new box, and this seemed like a good option specially as D+ is available in the "gift" . How much does a decent server with D+ cost roughly? im always weary of cheap gear in the satscene and would rather pay a little more for a receiver with decent support than one that will be forgotten when ****Box 2 comes along with another gift.

18-12-2009, 07:20 PM
All this talk of FREE GIFTS LOL. Just to set the record straight, the ppl who profit from making these type of boxes and running these servers with so called free gifts will bring CS down because of profiteering and greed.
Who do you think pays for these FREE GIFTS that are supplied? Innocent peers that have payservers leeching off them, disguised as genuine peers.

PAYSERVERS SUK and will, in the end, spoil it for everyone!

18-12-2009, 07:28 PM
its just one big controlled cam :respect-047:

18-12-2009, 07:34 PM
I agree with the above statement people should just share their own card for another card there is no need for reshares or hop2 or 3. this is where payservers get what they need!

I know people are gonna say well I need reshare for my other boxes or I use proxy server.

This is an instant way to stop payservers but people are so reluctant to share with no reshares!

18-12-2009, 08:22 PM
I have to say these receivers are just another nail in the coffin for c/s.

To me this is no different from that guy cairnsy from Liverpool selling dreamboxes with cfg for sly uk.

18-12-2009, 08:51 PM
say that LOUD and CLEAR mate, somme things are meant to be said LOUD
yes i agrea with you, this is no diferent that the Guy selling DM with CS, and this idiots will distroy the sceene for everyone, i dont thing that this box or server will survive much in UK and Uncle Murdoch will eat them for Breakfast :D

At same time we must respect ppl that buy this box, maybe becouse they do not know better, or maybe they cannot have better, or cannot spend more money that that, maybe they do not have a chance to buy say D+ and this is the only way for them to see it.

I have to say these receivers are just another nail in the coffin for c/s.

To me this is no different from that guy cairnsy from Liverpool selling dreamboxes with cfg for sly uk.

18-12-2009, 08:57 PM
The Spiderbox sounds interesting to me but I think I'll wait for the new TM box in February.

19-12-2009, 02:57 AM
or cannot spend more money that that, maybe they do not have a chance to buy say D+ and this is the only way for them to see it.

Cant have D+ legit in london as far as i know, so any way i can get some spanish tv for the holidays and hopefully a bit longer is my reason for considering one of these.
Ive missed a lot on the scene since the days of titaniums and dragons and not sure how all these new boxes with internet work.
Is this box a good option, or are other boxes better in the long run?

19-12-2009, 08:00 AM
im sure the dmers will say the boxes are better, and i had one, my only moan was the awful channel list, so black and bland, for now the spybox will do just fine, lot better quality than the tms,.

terry l
20-12-2009, 06:43 AM
They crash alot m8..

20-12-2009, 08:55 AM
mine has not crashed yet, fingers crossed, and the remote works, and the cam slots are good, and it changes channels quick, and the channel list is nice,.
anyone know how to put the sky number in please, cant see a facility,.

terry l
20-12-2009, 06:53 PM
So you were not watching footy yesterday? [went down then]..

20-12-2009, 07:47 PM
no mate ,hate football, was watching the darts, do u know how to put in the sky number???????/

terry l
20-12-2009, 08:53 PM
Think i need friend then m8..lol..

10-01-2010, 02:21 AM
yeah wait

TM linux HD coming in february

Will be available in 3 different versions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Internal SATA connections for pvr functionality, as well as USB

Bug free image, and other 'surprises'

Cost BELOW £200

READ IS REVIEW for Spiderbox...not your TM batle don't be funny !!everyone undertsend you are just a turkish installier got one free box from technomate and trying to put negative post here allways.....You think i don't know who you are !? in your website you sell only technomate ..go to your "papa" and stay there...i will close the mouth even your "papa2 when he get new box ...don't wory..

to all members ....i am sory for this kind of coments, but is more then easy to udnerstend a competitor coming and ****ing other brand..That's not fear

He has no idea i can **** all Technomate in one day.Go away from this thread with your stupid "F line" and go and lear whats mean even N line ..Look's your "papa" tech you only that...But i have tech your "papa" and his Monkys whats mean "F lines"just to refresh your mind.
When your "papa" come with under £200 box HD tell your "papa" i am ready with under £100 with same functions. maybe we call "Minispiderbox" will be a nother nightmare for "papa"

Coming back to spiderbox...

if people don't relase in Gift...they allways can use Cccam and Newcamd

This box is good for many possibilities..not only for gift.....

just for your info..

all packages are include in the box costing more then 100 times more the the box cost it self.

10-01-2010, 03:09 AM
i use a bit of both in my spider box 9000HD CCcam for home network and Gift aswell i have yet to see any Bugs or any problem with this awesome spiderbox 900000HD reciever :respect-048:
If gift channls ever go down which ive not seen any major downtime thus far to be honest then Simply CCcam kicks in if need be .
i mean really for the money Spider 9000HD with gift is really the most decent and reliable thing ive seen in the sat world this past few years its very nice to see a big effort made with this reciever to improve things in these very quiet times i am very glad i bought this reciever and not any Card or Cam which probably would have been a huge dissapointment and unable to deliever Unlike the spider 900HD & gift that already has delivered in many ways aready .
Thats my opinions as a satisfied Spiderbox owner all i can say now is Thank you Darkman yet again you have delivered the goods yet again . :respect-048: :respect-058::respect-058:

10-01-2010, 03:16 PM
are there any files for spiderbox, id like one to make my spy card work in it,.

10-01-2010, 03:45 PM
im not turkish and i am not a installer
i have no website
i dont sell sat stuff
and you dont know who i am

10-01-2010, 04:20 PM
I don't know who deals what equipment, and who may have a vested interest to rubbish other boxes, but I think it would be more appropriate to report any posts that may be in violation of the forum rules, rather than post your grievances in the open forum.

The only dealer that the forum supports is the sponsor (Goldwafers).

Also, admins have made it clear that they do not want any forum wars, so keep it friendly guys :)

10-01-2010, 04:37 PM
im not turkish and i am not a installer
i have no website
i dont sell sat stuff
and you dont know who i am

fraid u leave urself open to attack, this is a spybox thread not a tm crap thread, think dman also meant, tm owner is toikish,. attacking spybox is not very sensible, if u dont like this box, just dont comment on it, end of sermon,.:respect-011:

10-01-2010, 04:50 PM
if i wanner put my 2pence worth in on a thread i will
end of

10-01-2010, 06:07 PM
thanks benny, but posted where?? i cant find it, do u mean on this forum?

10-01-2010, 06:23 PM
here you are. tested seem to be slowly getting better.

New S/w

Sky italia card working..

Add new option about s/w douwload from the Net.

and more stable as well.

10-01-2010, 06:32 PM
I don't know who deals what equipment, and who may have a vested interest to rubbish other boxes, but I think it would be more appropriate to report any posts that may be in violation of the forum rules, rather than post your grievances in the open forum.

The only dealer that the forum supports is the sponsor (Goldwafers).

Also, admins have made it clear that they do not want any forum wars, so keep it friendly guys :)

This is No wars on the forums m8 .this forum is pacefull forum and i respect this.
Goldwafer is Free to sell what they like is their decission to sell or not one product... i allways respect that.

I allways respect Members but i can not respect who really don't deserve like some one coming around only for truble.

Anyway you are right m8.

17-01-2010, 06:16 PM
anyone got an external hard drive to work with this box yet, got a new verbatim 1,5tb,today, works fine on tm, cant get it to work on spy,

19-01-2010, 01:34 AM
anyone got an external hard drive to work with this box yet, got a new verbatim 1,5tb,today, works fine on tm, cant get it to work on spy,
mate you have to format you Harddrive again ...to work from one box to other.

on my one works perfect and recording HD channels ..

19-01-2010, 01:38 AM
i have a 500 gb external hard drive,
The HDD must be formatted in FAT32
and mine works great :respect-055:

19-01-2010, 07:32 AM
thanks, working brill now,:respect-023:

19-01-2010, 10:29 AM
Have you seen the good news.
The gift is going to be adding cannal+ sweden at 1w very soon ( conax)
thats good news

19-01-2010, 11:10 AM
its not that good news, iv got next doors tree blocking my view,.

19-01-2010, 11:45 AM
id like to b able to buy next door, shes just sold it for, 550,000, JUST SLIGHTLY OUT OF MY PRICE RANGE,.:smilielol5:

terry l
20-01-2010, 01:47 AM
It would be a nice bit of kit [if it did not keep breaking up]..
could be just me but i dont think so..m8's doing the same..
shame realy but still beating the diablo cam..[wonder if they can improve]..

20-01-2010, 08:06 AM
in the menu, mine sats initializing all the time, whats that all about, doesnt recognise my card either,.

20-01-2010, 11:49 AM
do a reebot ,,turn off power at back a couple of minutes.
if that´s not working ,,check your dish setup.

20-01-2010, 12:10 PM
got a fixed dish, and tried turning box off still says same, doesnt want to know g card,
just tried my sky card in ,and it recs that as nds, so it must b a g card problem,.

20-01-2010, 12:25 PM
:iagree: gold or g*mm* card ??? cause g*mm* card is an issue,
use cam for that:cheers2:

20-01-2010, 12:40 PM
gam card, used it with dragon , keeps going off, with enet cable out,.

20-01-2010, 12:45 PM
also diablo cam has issue with this card and stb combination.
you dont have an irdetocam, reported to work great.

20-01-2010, 03:31 PM
just ordered one of these. Some very positive feedback on it


20-01-2010, 10:59 PM
its not that good news, iv got next doors tree blocking my view,.

i can send some mates to cut the tree off for you to be good news .lol:smash:

will be another suprise i hope tomorrow too..

20-01-2010, 11:42 PM
What options have you got to connect it to your home hub? I don't wanna 25ft cable between the two.

21-01-2010, 12:09 AM
What options have you got to connect it to your home hub? I don't wanna 25ft cable between the two.

theres so called network homeplugs u can use :king-042:

21-01-2010, 12:38 AM
Thanks mate!! How many do you need to buy? Is it one for the box and one to connect to the home hub?

21-01-2010, 12:41 AM
i can send some mates to cut the tree off for you to be good news .lol:smash:

will be another suprise i hope tomorrow too..

well i´m up early:respect-057:
suprise us all

21-01-2010, 12:44 AM
Thanks mate!! How many do you need to buy? Is it one for the box and one to connect to the home hub?

yep thats right you need a pair one for box and one for router sending it thru power connections,you can then add more for other pc-s or stb-s,,,,btw: you can buy these both stb and homeplugs in a package ,,i wont say any more as it might seems i´m advertising for this one ,but i´m only a satisfied owner:lurk5:

21-01-2010, 12:46 AM
Thanks dude!! So how you finding the spiderbox?? Was it easy to set up and get the gift working?? Is it easy to set up using USALS on a motorised dish??

21-01-2010, 12:56 AM
Thanks dude!! So how you finding the spiderbox?? Was it easy to set up and get the gift working?? Is it easy to set up using USALS on a motorised dish??

most userfriendly stb i had at least,,i was up and running on both usals (i have a motor yes)and gift worked ok within 10 minutes:cup-006:one issue i can find out is when i put stb in standby and start it again i have to reboot stb to get gift working again,,,they made it easy with reboot stb thru menu but there should be a way to only reset the server connection:bow-004: but its only normal with a few issues at beginning ,,team gives great support.

21-01-2010, 06:28 PM
Just a couple of last minute queries re the Spiderbox:
1. Are they legal?
2. Are you gonna get in to any trouble with your ISP for using one?
3. Is the box connecting to a pay server?


21-01-2010, 06:55 PM
Just a couple of last minute queries re the Spiderbox:
1. Are they legal?
2. Are you gonna get in to any trouble with your ISP for using one?
3. Is the box connecting to a pay server?


Are all the STB with Patch Legal !?
Are all kinds of cards OS with files legal !?
are all Cams with files Legal !?
is This Forum and other Forums with all this files Legal !?

if you looking to get some profit in this forum and others to get some more channels better don't do this kind of questions.

21-01-2010, 06:58 PM
well i´m up early:respect-057:
suprise us all

all ready one of the Spiders has done Viacces and biss channels by patch


art - Hotbird
alajazera -Hotbird
absat - Hotbird-Astra
NileSat 7°W -
7°W (Pelha & ART) -
Atlantic Bird 5°W (BisTV)

in Hotbird and Astra.

this is not with Gift by patch no internet request...we trying to legal now:D

21-01-2010, 07:48 PM
Darkman, I have the upmost respect for you and what you have done over the years. I wasn't asking the questions to make trouble. I've decided to go for Spiderbox as I've read up a bit on the AZBox and it looks a bit too much to take in for me at this stage.

21-01-2010, 07:51 PM
Darkman, I have the upmost respect for you and what you have done over the years. I wasn't asking the questions to make trouble. I've decided to go for Spiderbox as I've read up a bit on the AZBox and it looks a bit too much to take in for me at this stage.

have a nice day M8.

21-01-2010, 07:55 PM
have a nice day M8.

You too mate!! Any news yet on the little Swedish gift??

21-01-2010, 07:57 PM
You too mate!! Any news yet on the little Swedish gift??

coming M8... really sory if i gone litle hard before . ( I have edit my post )

21-01-2010, 08:03 PM
No worries mate!! All good!!

22-01-2010, 12:11 AM
all ready one of the Spiders has done Viacces and biss channels by patch


art - Hotbird
alajazera -Hotbird
absat - Hotbird-Astra
NileSat 7°W -
7°W (Pelha & ART) -
Atlantic Bird 5°W (BisTV)

in Hotbird and Astra.

this is not with Gift by patch no internet request...we trying to legal now:D

you keep suprising us :cheers2:

22-01-2010, 01:35 AM
I must say, I'm really interested in this box. Seems a very reasonable HD receiver with good all round functions and price.

I would like to ask the following questions though (sorry if this is repeated questions!)

1. How compatible is the box with Diablo WiFi Cam?

2. How many 'c lines' can the cfg handle?

3. Does the box tend to get hot when in use, or is running temp ok?

4. Are SD pictures upscaled when in 1080i mode?



22-01-2010, 05:58 AM
I must say, I'm really interested in this box. Seems a very reasonable HD receiver with good all round functions and price.

I would like to ask the following questions though (sorry if this is repeated questions!)

1. How compatible is the box with Diablo WiFi Cam? don't need it chek my last patch and all gift channels.. Works
2. How many 'c lines' can the cfg handle? is very easy by usb or by remote controll
3. Does the box tend to get hot when in use, or is running temp ok? no is no linux machine usually they get very hot l.ol
4. Are SD pictures upscaled when in 1080i mode? no, works perfect



last answer is this

New Generation S P I D E R B O X ROCKS

VIAccess and Biss channels by Patch
Vaiccess - Biss channels Open Hotbird -Astra

This patch has
all france channels
and more , NileSat 7°W -
These are the channels that run on NileSat 7°W (Pelha & ART) -
Atlantic Bird 5°W (BisTV)

NO need Internet request for those channels.

I Have ADD even ....SR transponder info when you press OK.

Press Menu-Accessory-KeyEdit ,please turn all Ucas ON.====================

22-01-2010, 11:21 AM
Thx DM
new patch works as a treat:respect-055:

22-01-2010, 11:57 AM
just seems to b getting better and better, thanks,.

22-01-2010, 07:22 PM
Darkman, thanks for your reply.

I'd like to know if the spiderbox 9000HD receiver has been tested with, or is compatible with the Diablo WiFi Cam, as I have an existing server, which has a couple of packages that's not in the 'Free Gift', but would give me quite a few extra HD channels if I was able to use my existing server via my Diablo, as well as the 'Free Gift' ;)

Also, with my Diablo WiFi Cam, I can only use one c-line in my config (that's all it allows!). How many C-lines will this receiver accept?

Keep up the good work dude :respect-054:


Midnight R
01-02-2010, 04:26 PM
Darkman, thanks for your reply.

I'd like to know if the spiderbox 9000HD receiver has been tested with, or is compatible with the Diablo WiFi Cam, as I have an existing server, which has a couple of packages that's not in the 'Free Gift', but would give me quite a few extra HD channels if I was able to use my existing server via my Diablo, as well as the 'Free Gift' ;)

Also, with my Diablo WiFi Cam, I can only use one c-line in my config (that's all it allows!). How many C-lines will this receiver accept?

Keep up the good work dude :respect-054:


Why don't you just put the cline in the spiderbox, seems pointless using the Diablo.

01-02-2010, 05:04 PM
Not sure how many c-lines the spiderbox can handle, also not sure how many c-lines the 'gift' contains, to allow me to add any extra lines.

Would also like to know if the receiver is compatible with the Diablo, just incase spiderbox support dries up in the future!

02-02-2010, 12:21 AM
it handles 8 lines with gift.:D

terry l
11-02-2010, 05:41 PM
Anyone heard anymore on the subject of thor?..[just a thought]..

16-02-2010, 04:36 PM
Thor 1W is under test at the moment

The results so far are encouraging apparently

16-02-2010, 07:57 PM
Am in the sat scene for about twenty years. Delighted with my Spiderbox( But then I would be after spending 600 Euro on a Humax iCord that is just a heap of junk). I do not have a clue what a c-line or f-line or indeed what cccam means. Could any member point me to a learners guide on these things. Asked on another forum and was completely ignored. TMULL

terry l
16-02-2010, 11:39 PM
Err,not quite sure wot your answer mean's m8 [perhap's you could enlighten me]..
Trying to find out on other forum's can be quite difficult..[or so i find]..

Looking foward to your reply!!..

17-02-2010, 11:29 AM
Terry-I, Thank you for your interest. What I mean is really what I said. I have a new Spiderbox as well as aTecnomate 6900 combi and a Humax iCord. I just use them to watch sport and films mainly and never got into the various things that these boxes do.Like on reading posts I see people referring to cccams and c-lines.I have looked at the stickies on various forums but got nowhere really. I feel that these things are slightly taboo and wonder is this activity illigal? Is there a learners guide anywhere that I could read?Not too interested in engaging in this but would love an explaination what it is all about. Back to the Spiderbox for a minute. When the Gift opens it is brilliantbut you cannot depend on it being there. Still a lot of instability at the moment but great support for this box. I am sure the bugs will be ironed out. One thing I find upsetting is the number of adult channels that it clears. I spoke to a fellow member of the forum for this box who told me of a channel list without these channels. Just before I loaded this I discovered that when I thought that the gift channels were gone I found that on checking an adult channel that that almost always clears.Proberly these channels are getting priority. Finally what is cccam or c-lines? TMULL

22-02-2010, 12:51 PM
Finally what is cccam or c-lines?

cccam is a piece of software that runs on some boxes that allows your box to 'talk' to a server.

A C line is just a line of text information that you 'put into' cccam that tells cccam who you want your box to connect to (also what port to connect to, and also your username and password).

For more (a lot more) info, do google for cccam

One thing I find upsetting is the number of adult channels that it clears

But seriously though... you can edit your channel list and remove any channel that you don't want to watch.

22-02-2010, 02:26 PM

22-02-2010, 03:12 PM
HI, HALFAX, have you got your dish sorted now hope so regards docsquires...

24-02-2010, 01:39 PM
Thor 1W is under test at the moment

The results so far are encouraging apparently

1W C' ANAL +



24-02-2010, 02:46 PM
looking good m8 cheers DARKMAN.

24-02-2010, 03:20 PM
When will the other Swedish channels e.g TV3,SVT1,2 etc. be added??

24-02-2010, 03:23 PM
Does there always have to be more?

24-02-2010, 03:26 PM

I do not have it but these should be new channels working on it now...and
TV4 Sport should be there...


24-02-2010, 03:37 PM
I'm still to buy the box as I'm finishing off an official Sweden card first.
From the info posted by others, it's only the HD pack and Canal+ Sport/Film and a couple of others and not the full pack minus the PPV/Season Ticket bits..

25-02-2010, 11:58 AM

I do not have it but these should be new channels working on it now...and
TV4 Sport should be there...


Today work even National Geografic HD in the package..mean 26 channels 12 of them HD channels.

25-02-2010, 12:49 PM
Good news indeed i'll check it out today ^^^Darkman^^^ :respect-048:

25-02-2010, 03:09 PM
I had a great night on last Monday. Gift package came on and stayed on whole evening. I even managed to record two gift channel films. This was my first success in recording in the four weeks I have had the box. Tuesday no gift channels and the box kept disconnecting from server. Rebooted over a dozen times and had only partial success in that the box would connect for a few minutes and start searching for the server but would disconnect again. Learned from another forum that there was a problem with server and all ok by Wed.morning. My box still would not connect to server so yesterday no gift channels. Learned this morning that 1W was open so tried there.Eventually managed to open a Nordic film channel. It stayed open for about ten seconds,froze,scrambled bar appeared,unfroze.worked for about eight seconds and then scrambled and stayed scrambles. Tried a channel on hotbird but after waiting for about a minute on each channel and it not opening I managed to open Hallmark but it too lasted only about ten seconds. Already this morning I have rebooted the box about six times as it had disconnected. Is it a problem with the server or a problem with my box.I am deeply disapointed with the poor preformance since I got the box. Fortunetly I have two other boxes in my system to fool around with. Any help greatly received.TMULL

25-02-2010, 04:37 PM
I had a great night on last Monday. Gift package came on and stayed on whole evening. I even managed to record two gift channel films. This was my first success in recording in the four weeks I have had the box. Tuesday no gift channels and the box kept disconnecting from server. Rebooted over a dozen times and had only partial success in that the box would connect for a few minutes and start searching for the server but would disconnect again. Learned from another forum that there was a problem with server and all ok by Wed.morning. My box still would not connect to server so yesterday no gift channels. Learned this morning that 1W was open so tried there.Eventually managed to open a Nordic film channel. It stayed open for about ten seconds,froze,scrambled bar appeared,unfroze.worked for about eight seconds and then scrambled and stayed scrambles. Tried a channel on hotbird but after waiting for about a minute on each channel and it not opening I managed to open Hallmark but it too lasted only about ten seconds. Already this morning I have rebooted the box about six times as it had disconnected. Is it a problem with the server or a problem with my box.I am deeply disapointed with the poor preformance since I got the box. Fortunetly I have two other boxes in my system to fool around with. Any help greatly received.TMULL

M8 ...Thorn was in test utilln 10 am this mornig now working perfect and that could be confirm anyone has a spiderbox..

About you have problem with disconecting check even the internet conections .....

All working Ok m8 for me and a lot of people..
In end of the day are all Bonus..

05-04-2010, 02:06 PM
Very interesting readiing here, now we know who is who and whois doing what....
By the way we are in April now, Feb is gone and can't see any so called 'magic' stb on the market, lol...Sorry just me being sarcastic...shoot me (if you can...)

terry l
07-04-2010, 10:01 AM
Had my spider since december, must say it has improved a great deal since it first come out
[still some glitches but get's sorted out quite quickly]..
After using cam's and card's etc for year's i dont think i could go down that road again..
Overall with the spider you've got something to watch all the time,picture quality is good,easy to use and set up so you could say i'm a happy bunny at the moment..LOL.

07-04-2010, 10:14 AM
I too am happy.After a load of cams and cards over the years that were of dubious value I at last got great value for money in my Spiderbox 900HD. I would strongly recommend it.TMULL

07-04-2010, 11:31 AM
Did you try the home streaming feature? absolutely brilliant, now i can play all my video downloaded from the net straight on the big screen wireless...and the quality of the pictures...1st class. I would also strongly recommend it to everybody. So much to watch. every single foot game is available, **** (the best on the market, lol...), HD ppv movies and do***entary etc... Simple the best box by far imho

10-04-2010, 10:12 PM
we will have to wait and see then wont we:respect-020:

when them gift channels go **** up
99 per cent who have just that box
will have to cough up again

reeled in with a gift
then your on a pay server
spiderbox pileocrap

fook me man all the other fooking boxes on the market have they got a crystal ball telling you in 12 months what it can do, all the cams when you buy them do they say you get 12 months then the partys over, DM got fooking guts to say this about gift no other stb give you jack **** man when you buy dreambox do they say this will last you longer than 12 months when I have bought stb in the past no one says will this last that longer and will this cam last longer than 12 months so why everyone hitting on this 12 months the fooking dreambox could be **** up in 12 months time who knows, so I go buy a dreambox and ask the guy I buy it off will it be still ok in 12 months drop the 12 months **** the Spiderbox is a fooking bargain if I get banned for this then I take it on the chin just watching Madrid Barca it beens rock solid

in 12 months (fook me)

11-04-2010, 06:41 AM
Better to get a protek .. as not much hd channels on spider.. the protek been running longer and the server is doing a great job at mo.. The server on spider i think is geared for mid east and how is that doing?..Plus you a get a protek cheap on flea bay i picked my second one up for 70 quid...

fook me you ain't mentioned in 12 months time (protek) what this box will be doing cheers why not m8 Miracle

tell you if a mush came to me and said I have a _line and he was good I would go way out of my way to see him OK, I dont expect anything for nothing all the time .. like my mate up the road with cline I will see him right drop him a few ££ and thats a life long friend take him a crate of Guinness, buy the family something as a kind gesture.

I want a gift for 10 years free free free free free free free free, fooking pathetic some people in this game

12-04-2010, 04:15 PM
Bought one 2 weeks ago and it is brilliant. I don't understand c line ccam and intend to keep well away from it and it is extremely easy to patch.I can get more channels with the tuner sensitivity than I had with my technomate 1500.I odno't care what happens in one year time but I am enyoing it right now as lots of channels clear

12-04-2010, 05:22 PM
the best little box you could ever get and exellent value for money , and the hd quality on this little box is astonishing a :cheers2:real good buy and 2 of my m8tes have just ordrerd as well regards skem4LFC