View Full Version : Azbox not connecting to network-router

13-12-2009, 10:15 PM
Hi, awesome forum, i have been a lurker for a while now and the knowledge is vast :)

So of course, i already failed in my attempt to connect my Azbox to the router.

I have read in several places that you can simply get an ip through the DHCP, or in worst case plug in the nummber for a ip.

Well, in both cases my azbox says that the connection failed.

I have normal twisted pair to he basement, and from there connect to a router, which also has built in modem for ADSL.

On the back of the azbox i get a yellow and orange lamp, as soon as plug in the ethernet cable. So i thought that it would work.

Furthermore, the box doesnt seem to want to save my settings (when i enter ip, hdmi, resolutions etc.) at times it "reverts" back or forgets parts.

Could anyone plese direct me in the right direction, I am ashamed to be lost so soon :(

Thanks soo much.

13-12-2009, 10:52 PM
try to reboot your router and switch off and on azbox. if it does connect after that - there is a problem with azbox fw. I would recommend to setup static ip on azbox in that case. Also check the settings on the router side.

14-12-2009, 01:10 AM
I have te same problem with this Az-fcuk-box :o10:

Gets on my nerves once or twice a month when loosing net connection.
It's enough if I unplug it from mains or unplug my DSL modem for a second.

For some weird reason it just cannot link with the router/AP no matter what ! When it happens I loose half of the day trying to re-establish connection !

> fixed IP
> clear WiFi or LAN
> it takes dozens of soft/hard reboots and a few router/gateway restarts to get it working again.
> the best FW was 3501 (the only firmware which was "connecting-checking" FREE) but also without YouTube :(


14-12-2009, 07:56 AM
It's better to ignore the message "connection failed", it is sometimes even shown althoug the box is connected.
Look at the network symbol in the display or on the first screen in the settings if thers's shown "connected".
Network works well here with 0.9.3877.

14-12-2009, 02:10 PM
My Azbox never lies - I can trust "him".
If "connecting/checking" then "no connection" on the INFO page, "no internet" on the TEST page, no YouTube, no CheopsCAMD channels...

Tried 3877 installed from USB after format and so on.
The worst FW ever in terms of establishing network connection.

14-12-2009, 09:08 PM
Ok, i noticed I had a very old firmware, as soon as I upgraded to the latest beta, its working very well.

I can have DHCP and all that.

How on earth they can ship this box without proper support..

oh well, i even had a very old conax cam which didnt work very well with most HD channels... now it somehow works!!

So i guess if i get a newer cam (its only ver. 3,3) I can have even faster zapping times.

27-12-2009, 08:22 PM
So it happened again ! :(
WiFi screwed-up day before Xmas. All of a sudden "connecting/checking" after a random reboot.
At least NOW the reason is obvious. For the 3rd time on FW 3877 Azbox lost all fixed IP settings. All just went to
F.. ing amazing.

27-12-2009, 08:38 PM
Apparently they wrote a new driver on one of the latter FWs, so try that...

29-12-2009, 12:49 PM
I've heard about that Goran, but still waiting for an official beta release (available from Azbox RC) - not beta-beta-beta.

Shame they didnn't come fwd with a new FW for XMas...

29-12-2009, 01:34 PM
I've heard about that Goran, but still waiting for an official beta release (available from Azbox RC) - not beta-beta-beta.

Shame they didnn't come fwd with a new FW for XMas...

It's all official release nothing to do with beta-beta.
Just fixes/addons are too small to release (as you call it ) RC

Just load 4110

29-12-2009, 11:00 PM
As long as particular FW is not available to install via Azbox RC I don't consider it "ready for release to Customers"
These "daily releases" done by some underpaid student & published here
are for beta-testers NOT AVERAGE "MR SMITH - the Customer" ! :-/

30-12-2009, 01:44 PM
Had the same problem with the router. It was driving me nuts. This is how I cured the problem. I use Static IP settings as follows on my AZBOX.
IP Address =
Subnet =
Gateway =
DNS1 =

I logged into the router and reserved that IP address for the AZBox. You need the MAC address from the Azbox settings to complete the information.

If you have a sly router you use the following procedure
Login to the router using Internet Explorer.
Username = admin
Password = sky
Use LAN IP Setup to reserve your IP address for the AZBOX. It doesnt matter what name you use.

It has been rock solid since then. Absolutely no problems.

31-12-2009, 01:20 PM
Just load 4110

I did and.. WOW ! Big improvement in terms of WiFi connection stability.
Connection establishment takes now seconds instead of 15 minutes.
This impacts mgcamd as well so channels open faster (2 sec.).
24 hours and no freezes so far.

01-01-2010, 05:04 PM
I am so bored with this box. It is taking up way too much of my time.

My latest issue is taht my box sees my router wirelessly, i ad dthe WEP key but just does not connect
I have tried other encryptions aswell incl WPA but no joy

It connects straight away with Wired but that is not what i want.

It is a Netgear WRG614

My PS3, Iphone, Laptop all connect with no issues, so it is a Azbox issue for sure.

I have tried 3 different FW's including the latest 2

Any ideas please


01-01-2010, 06:50 PM
I also have the same router. And here it's all ok. But why do you have wep-encryption. It's very easy to crack this. Give WPA2 a chance.

01-01-2010, 08:49 PM
I also have the same router. And here it's all ok. But why do you have wep-encryption. It's very easy to crack this. Give WPA2 a chance.
I would give anything a chance if it worked ;-(

I just wont connect to the router.

If i restart the Azbox, the wep key defaults back to "Netgear"
Its almost as if it is not saving any settings.

Strange as I said earlier, wired is perfect

01-01-2010, 10:54 PM
Which version of WGR614 do you have? I have WGR614 v7.

01-01-2010, 11:04 PM
I did and.. WOW ! Big improvement in terms of WiFi connection stability.

Premature joy... :(
As of 01.01.2010 WiFi connection lost again. And keep loosing it every few hours.
This machine is seriously wrong - I better send it over to Portugal.

02-01-2010, 12:05 AM
Which version of WGR614 do you have? I have WGR614 v7.
i also have V7
I have updated FW on router and Azbox an dthe Az is the only box in my house that cannot connect.

The box is flawed, and that is being kind

02-01-2010, 06:30 PM
I've noticed Azbox' WLAN behaviour is rather odd.
Tx Rate (Mbps) is usually 5,5-11 while my other WiFi equipment works at full speed. Signal level as seen by my Ovislink gateway/router constantly jumps/drops from 3-4, 5 to 35-50 ! And Azbox is only 8m away. My Web Radio in garage (15m away) gives me 60-80 signal all the time.

Opensat QUIET when asked whether they tried to save money by installing dodgy WiFi cards in some boxes...

05-01-2010, 05:48 PM
Hi geezerpl, i have the same problem on my azbox. Wifi signal is jumps up and down. Very often lose connection to my router. I tested with 3 routers, I changed the location of the router but still the same problem. I guess my AzBox Advertise. I describe the problem here http://www.azbox.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=710 no answers.

A po polskiemu wypierdole tego azboxa za niedługo. Zdrówko

07-01-2010, 03:10 PM
I downgraded my WiFi router/AP to 802.11b and now it seems OK (Azbox has been connecting/collaborating flawlessly for 3 days - wow!).
Seems like Azbox cannot handle 802.11g properly...

I'm still on FW 4110

07-01-2010, 03:44 PM
So there is a hope:) I will try do it today.

08-01-2010, 05:26 PM
So there is a hope:) I will try do it today.

did it work scalpel?

08-01-2010, 06:02 PM
no, same problem. It make me crazy:o16:

08-01-2010, 06:37 PM
My box says it has "connected" but theres no connection at all, not even local area, i ping it (when i try with fixed ips) and theres no response.

I couldn't get it to connect to the internet at all since I bought it (a few days ago), already tried different versions of firmware but nothing..

09-01-2010, 10:16 AM
check that do you have good dns1 and 2. I need to have dns1 same like gateway. Dns2 i have

09-01-2010, 11:21 AM
Go to the internet menu under settings and click setup. This fixed it for me.


09-01-2010, 12:43 PM
Could you be a bit more specific please ?

09-01-2010, 12:54 PM

PS. I have an Elite box.

09-01-2010, 01:44 PM

PS. I have an Elite box.

I think wired connection is OK. It is the wireless connection on the Premier which is causing grief

20-01-2010, 04:38 PM
After turning the WiFi ON it's good to switch off the power for a moment - not just reboot the Azbox. In fact frequent rebooting via RC seems to kill WiFi connection.

With the latest FW things have calmed down (fingers crossed!)

22-01-2010, 09:26 PM
Wifi is a damn torture on this box. Cable works like a charm, but the wifi is just utter crap. I missed the second whole match because it decided not to connect today.

lol, it decided to connect after I renamed the connection. How do they manage to create these impossible problems with azbox.

22-01-2010, 09:36 PM
I changed the router TP-Link td-w8960n and it looks very promising. For several days I have a stable connection to the network on the AzBox but now my router disconnects from the internet: /

23-01-2010, 06:55 PM
1 more thing to try...

Open the box and swap MiniPCI WLAN card antenna cables (white and black) and/or make sure the connectors fit properly.
I did that several weeks ago and it seems way better.

23-01-2010, 10:07 PM
My box has never been opened:) I will check.