View Full Version : AZBox Premium+, first impressions

14-12-2009, 06:40 PM
In german some users now have the premium+.
Blindscan is going. And you are able, to record a channel and looke during recording a channel on another trandponder. But you can not record two channe!

14-12-2009, 07:23 PM
..and the bad thing...the premium+ have a fan inside.

14-12-2009, 07:36 PM
They are to be congratulated for getting it right now... of course...:respect-051:[If they have...]

[But they are... ahem... not responsible for their choices [and advertisements] in the "first stage" of development up until now... :rolleyes: :smash: Whoever heard of a "Dutch deal" elsewhere?!?]

14-12-2009, 07:40 PM
..and the bad thing...the premium+ have a fan inside.

When my colleague Bebi measured the temperature inside the Elite model [with the PSU inside] I was attacked for reporting it, as if it was "raising panic where there is no grounds for it".

All he said is that it's approaching the level at which it is clever to have a fan inside, so the parts sensitive to drying up in those conditions would last longer... But oh, no... Why not try to kill the messenger and never admit to anything, never give an inch...:ack2:

14-12-2009, 08:09 PM
Doesn t know were people place their boxes...
I have never had heat problems,also in summer with over 30°C in my rooms.
This is the chip for handling the tuners and their ts streams.


14-12-2009, 08:40 PM
Pictures : http://www.myazbox.de/forum/index.php?page=Thread&postID=17310#post17310

14-12-2009, 09:27 PM
Rarely one has these problems immediately [unless you bought Dream800 when it came out... :rolleyes: Yeah, what a great box that was... :D].

The problems appear gradually, as we have seen in the case of Samsung DSR 9500 VIACI, for instance, but they are definitely well known. Capacitors at certain temperatures do not last as long as they should, had the temperature been lower. Hence the fan. Indirectly admitting to the fact of life! But one needs to know this and think ahead!

The problem is nowhere near to what Dream800 had! It's just prudent to put a fan in, in this regard. But better safe than sorry. Your rec lasts longer in that case, and you pay less money to repairmen!

This is just good practice, common sense and all that...

Actually, the cost to manufacturer is small but benefits are great - it can sell better, I think, when properly advertised to a customer.

Elite's temperature can go up, because it has PSU inside the box. Ergo... ;)

Dunno about Premium+: its PSU is outside the box, like with Premium? So, the temperature would be from HDD and the rest? Not sure how high it would go in that model but they were wise, I think! And it should be advertised as a wise move!:cool:

15-12-2009, 12:38 PM
When my colleague Bebi measured the temperature inside the Elite model [with the PSU inside] I was attacked for reporting it, as if it was "raising panic where there is no grounds for it".

I have AzBox in closed cabinet, and temperature control is set on 38C. I can see that cabinet temperature easily reach 38C when box is turned On, and then fans kick in...

Is there way to read SMART information from internal HDD in AzBox? I am wondering is 38C little bit too hot for AzBox now when + model had fan in it? Should I lower this to 35? On the another hand I don't want to have fans working all the time ;)

15-12-2009, 02:01 PM
Tried the HTTPD info?

No sure but... There are 3 different HTTPDs for AZbox HD, if memory serves, and at least one of them may have the info required.

But even if it does - how to route it to the fan?!?

15-12-2009, 03:54 PM
Didn't play with HTTPD... I have NAS storage which displays HDD SMART info, so I can know what is temperature inside without putting temperature probe inside.

My cabinet has temperature probe which is positioned right above AzBox upper vent grille. I don't have problem with fans which will fire up when 38C is reached... I was just wanted to compare SMART HDD temperature with cabinet one, so I cam make adjustments if needed.

15-12-2009, 06:32 PM
sorry, but how did you set up your Samrt NAS storage- i have a netgear readynas duo ready to go on the network..any help appreciated.

15-12-2009, 06:34 PM
We talked about it aplenty here already, just use the SEARCH button in the upper part of the forum...:cool:

15-12-2009, 11:43 PM
sorry, but how did you set up your Samrt NAS storage- i have a netgear readynas duo ready to go on the network..any help appreciated.

Not sure what are you asking... You can see temperatures of HDD's in readynas in Status/Health menu... Temperatures are displayed in descriptions. And by clicking button "Smart+" nexto to it, you can get all SMART Data...

Regarding connection between ReadyNAS and AzBox i have mounted volume using NFS... Here is script:

sleep 10
echo "Mounting ReadyNAS Movies"
mount -t nfs xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/media/Videos /DATA/movie/ReadyNAS -o nolock,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192

which should be saved in:

in order to be accessible after reboot

All this require to have NFS service started on Readynas...

Hope this helps...

16-12-2009, 10:27 AM
It seems Opensat tries to screw over their customers twice.

According to Ponny who runs a serious ******* in Germany have this to say after trying out the new Premium Plus for a few days.


ich habe seit 3 Tagen eine zum testen. Blindscan funktioniert nicht 100%ìg. V-H Scannen funktioniert nicht. Vertikal scannen geht nur bis zu einer bestimmten Frequenz. Horizontal geht 0%. Aber ich werde das weiter untersuchen und Euch mitteilen.

Translated it means he tried it for 3 days and Blindscan function is not working 100% and V-H function is not working at all, he will continue exploring the receiver and give more verdict later on.

Shame on you Opensat!

16-12-2009, 10:34 AM
No wonder , as they can't fix over 2 months old optical output dropout issue .

Cheers ,
Val .

16-12-2009, 11:28 AM
Oh, sugar....:smash: :smash: :smash:

16-12-2009, 02:08 PM
Translated it means he tried it for 3 days and Blindscan function is not working 100% and V-H function is not working at all, he will continue exploring the receiver and give more verdict later on.

Shame on you Opensat!

I think he has 1 satcable and 2nd tuner via loop!

17-12-2009, 08:26 PM
meanwhile the first premium+ go back from the customers to the german distributor impex - hardwareproblems / wrong hardware

bravo opensat :respect-046:

i do not want a premium+ anymore!!!

17-12-2009, 08:51 PM
Oh, my... [to quote William Shatner... AKA Captain of the starship Enterprise...] :beatdeadhorse5: :beatdeadhorse5: :beatdeadhorse5:

17-12-2009, 09:07 PM
With firmware now is available, you must make a scan for both tuners. So, if you have the same satellites at a-tuner and b-tuner, all channel are two since in your mainlist. e.g. you record at channel from tuner a, you must take a channel from tuner b for looking TV. I hope this will be soon improved in firmware.

20-12-2009, 11:16 AM
I hope this will be soon improved in firmware.

This sounds familiar? :ack2: