View Full Version : Patching an Icecrypt S4000

19-12-2009, 04:20 PM
I am new to satellite systems, and have just purchased an S4000, which I am very please with (early days so far- day 2)! I have now upgraded it successsfully to version 1.07.81, which should iron out a couple of the early issues, but how can I now patch it to allow me to watch other channels........? Do I need to use the plug in, which sounds like I also need to purchase some more hardware?
Many thanks for any suggestions.
FC ;)

20-12-2009, 10:47 AM
you start reading a bit here on the forum, read few posts and you will see how to make use of you,r box.

If you like to see hacked channels then install MGcamd, if you use you,r card and hacked channels then Mgcamd and Newcs is a good combination

try to read a bitt , then install one of the softwares that has softcam pre-installed, you will then need to make use of some FTP and transfer few keys file to var/keys and have some free TV, everything you need is here in this forum, just use some time and read a bit before you do any thing

20-12-2009, 11:42 PM
you start reading a bit here on the forum, .................

Hi FF - thanks for your friendly reply, which is much appreciated! I will carry on my reading of the forum, which so far has helped me select my equipment after much soul searching.

Is the softcam specific to the receiver, or not? The key files I assume are not, but just to the encryption type.

I will carry on my reading which is always informative.

Thanks, FC

25-12-2009, 05:52 PM
Hi, I have bought the same satelite reciever two days ago I would like to do the please...how do I load new firmware on to my reciever or if you could point me to the right direction please!

Many Thanks

27-12-2009, 12:43 PM
I would like to know that too. Just purchased same box

27-12-2009, 06:50 PM
Easiest way is to unzip to a usb memory stick and plug it into the front of the box. Select the firmware when prompted and thats it it does it for you in about 2 minutes.

27-12-2009, 08:45 PM
Thanks but where is it downloaded from ?

28-12-2009, 09:33 AM
From the firmware section of this board :)


All the ways of patching it in detail are in the sticky at the top of this forum.

10-01-2010, 12:06 PM
...If you like to see hacked channels then install MGcamd, if you use you,r card and hacked channels then Mgcamd and Newcs is a good combination....

Hi FF,
I have read loads and managed to install the plug-in as instructed, :respect-055: but...when you say above install MGcmd and Newcs is a good combination, is MGcmd software of hardware? Likewise the Newcs? Do I need to get ones that are specific to the Icrcrypt or anyone will do? These may sound stilly Q's to the esperts, but when I don't know what I am doing I am struggling again !

10-01-2010, 02:50 PM
The Octagon files work fine - anything built for the Fortis boxes.

11-01-2010, 12:15 AM
Yes and it changes the start up to Octagon box, lol

11-01-2010, 03:33 PM
Yes and it changes the start up to Octagon box, lol

I meant the Octagon newcs/mgcamd etc files. I'm still not sure what advantages the firmware from the various other boxes might bring - I assume they are all very similar.

12-01-2010, 09:26 PM
If I am reading this right the firmware includes all you need. When you upgrade do you lose all your saved channels and is there a way of saving them and then reinstalling them.

13-01-2010, 11:11 AM
I don't think the channels go but there is a "data management" option in the menu where you can copy settings and channels to a USB drive just in case.