View Full Version : Humax and ITV HD

21-12-2009, 11:26 PM
Trying to get my Humax HDCI 2000 to get itv hd on eurobird at 28deg,using formulaforhd,copied from channel list from last year and pasted in my list but it will not load back to Humax,if I remove my pastes then it will load,any one got a recent channel list,using usals and working approx 28 deg east to 30 deg west,with Diablo2.
Can anyone help or advise please.

22-12-2009, 12:23 AM
hi this thread post 149 may be of help this was how i edited itvhd.

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=527041#post52704 1


tinto de verano
22-12-2009, 01:32 AM
Hi maud,
Nice to see you again.
Let's hope your post helps us all getting a recent up to date channel list.
Not easy since laurals stopped producing them. What a shame.
Anyway, I do not have a recent one as I have to admit that since laural's posted his latest one... long, long ago... I have just added and removed directly in th HDCI2000.
I deleted loads of channels I was not interested in or could not get... and kept on adding... 4000 channels limit looked huge on the first day... boy I do need to make a backup!
To make matters worse, my TV packed up: "that must be the tube gone, it's gonna be expensive"... so I'm waiting for boxing day/January offers...
But I am still interested to hear/share info help someone with any knowledge I gatehered some time ago when trying to use formula and exchanging info with laurals and bigfoot and a few others... thank you all!
Although I also confess that I have been thinking for a long time about replacing the HDCI200... it will have to wait now that I first need to replace the dead telly... it would be great if we could give some more life/an update to the HDCI2000... so promising when it foirst appeared!
Maybe the moderators could create a thread just for the HDCI2000... like for other receivers... even if it might be a bit too late now...
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
22-12-2009, 01:41 AM
Hello again, maud.
Could this text rescued from 29 October 2007 be of any help for the issue you have trying to copy and paste ITV HD:

"Hello again Bbigfoot.
I think I found out how to avoid empty Transponder and Provider fields when copying and pasting fields from one list to another.
For the purpose of this exercise, let's say we want to copy and paste the 7 BBCi channels from my Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf into a new empty channels list.
As we found out, when pasting, the Transponder and Provider fields remain empty/blank. Very annoying.
Here is how to avoid it:
1) Open Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf.
2) Open a new empty file (and save it with, lets say, My Brand New List.fdf).
3) Wait, do not copy and paste the 7 BBCi channels yet.
4) In Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf, click on the Provider Info tab. Select all and copy.
5) In My Brand New List.fdf, click on the Provider Info tab and paste.
6) In Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf, click on the TS Info tab. Select all and copy.
7) In My Brand New List.fdf, click on the TS Info tab and paste.
8) In Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf, click on the Channel Info tab. Select all and copy.
9) In My Brand New List.fdf, click on the Channel Info tab and paste. Everything gets pasted now! Including Transponder and Provider!
I am assuming that when you tried to copy and paste from Humax2000_TDV_04_BBCi ONLY_27Oct07.fdf into your existing channel list (not empty), the BBCi Transponder Info or Provider Info (or maybe both) was missing (in your existing list) and that is why those fields remained empty, maybe. Nothing seems very straightforward with Formula.
Good luck.
tinto de verano"

Good luck.
tinto de verano

22-12-2009, 12:46 PM
Many thanks will look at it,looked like it was all pasted just would not load back to Humax.

tinto de verano
22-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Hi maud,
Did you by any chance exceed the 4000 channel limit when you pasted?
Try deleting some useless channels if that is the case before pasting the new ones.
Just a thought.
tinto de verano

22-12-2009, 01:55 PM
Hi m8,nope just 1400.so going to look and see if all info got pasted over,can not be much wrong if I can reload my original list okay,at least I can have a play without losing every thing just keep backups,what a way to learn how to use formula.
Good idea about thread as might be more using Humax with new Diablo2.box is much better than GDS 7000,reckon I will sell that.

12-01-2010, 01:25 PM
Still no joy getting ITV HD to work tried methods but no luck,they are supposed to be changing their transmissions early this year so I will wait and see what happens,many thanks folks.:respect-049:

12-01-2010, 05:19 PM
I am doing a new channel list this week for Humax 2000 will post in Humax section :party:

12-01-2010, 06:12 PM
thanks sat paul look forward to it

12-01-2010, 06:57 PM
cheers sat paul its about time my humax got some attention again
many thx jonny

12-01-2010, 07:05 PM
Managed to get it onto my channel list,I think,at present it says channel scrambled or not available,then changes to reference 13,this channel/broadcast is not sending,so dont know what I got

tinto de verano
12-01-2010, 08:38 PM
Hi maud,
It should not be saying channel scrambled nor Ref 13...
It should show normal, open, although with the usual ITD message (not an HDCI 2000 message) saying not transmitting or something similar ((This programme is not available on ITV HD1)).
Hopefully SatPaul's list will help us all.
tinto de verano

tinto de verano
12-01-2010, 08:41 PM
I am doing a new channel list this week for Humax 2000 will post in Humax section :party:

Hi satpaul,
Thank you very much.

May I ask what FW you are using and what FW your channel list is based on?

Some of us are not using the latest FW (16? 17?), and went back to FW 11 (I just checked, sorry) to be able to watch HD channels with 30000 frequency.

Thanks in advance.

tinto de verano

12-01-2010, 10:14 PM
That's what I thought,so it did'nt work.my set up is usals system ID3002.0000 software HDXSI 1.00.16
So well have to wait for Satpaul's list I reckon:respect-067:

tinto de verano
13-01-2010, 12:32 AM
Hello again, maud,

Here is some info I have just rescued, I posted it in varios forums (around November 2008!):

Hi there,
Finally found the time, will, patience, cable... to downgrade from FW 16 to FW 11.
I know most of you did it ages ago.
Just to confirm everything is OK (Thor HD channels, SR 30000 clearing with Diablo...).
In fact, I still haven't used Laurals latest list based on FW 11 (sorry Laurals), and I am still using/testing the list I have been using and customizing so far (laural's previous channel list, which was based on FW 15, I think).
I can confirm, as reported some time ago by herst ... that everything seems OK with the previous channel list: Thor SR 30000 clear OK and there does not seem to be any inconsistency in the satellites database/positions/channels as it happened long ago with channels lists based on FW 7 and FW 11, I think it was).
So thank you all, especially laurals for his lists.

Hope this is useful in one way or another, while we wait for satpausl's brand new list.
Can't wait. I'll have to rescue the old lapto with XP where I had formula installed long ago...

tinto de verano

13-01-2010, 02:19 PM
where can I find fw11 m8

13-01-2010, 03:22 PM
hi post 6 in this link has firmware.

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=580860#post58086 0


13-01-2010, 04:33 PM
Looks like I got it working,got correct screen now,but looks like Brits short that you us in some of the methods is not there anymore so I used one of the radio channels on that frequency.:hurray::hurray:

Unable to get BBC streams though cause nothing else on that frequency so unable to store

tinto de verano
13-01-2010, 05:23 PM
Hi maud

Please go to https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=689328#post68932 8

I have uploaded a partial old list for you. It contains ONLY the BBCi channels. There is also a readme with some info.

Can you try to copy them from this minilist into your latest list in formula?

Always backup just in case.

You will notice it goes back to 2007! So, be careful.

This is a backup I had somewhere. I still haven't rescued the old laptop with XP and formula... I do not have any recent backups of channel lists, sorry.

Good luck.

Mods, admin, we would really appreciate a Humax HDCI 2000 section to keep things tidy in one place... please... Thanks.

tinto de verano

tinto de verano
13-01-2010, 05:46 PM
And here is an old list, OUTDATED, sorry, but includes ITV HD, based on FW 15, sorry, try and copy and paste ITV HD into your channel list.

Backup first.

Good luck.

All credit goes, of course, to laurals previous lists. I only did some minor modifications.

Oh, sorry about the previous file: I thought I could only upload in the public section. But I can do it here straightaway.
tinto de verano

14-01-2010, 04:08 PM
Got ITV HD working now folks,will now try to get BBC ci to work,not quite as easy as that transponder will not store as no other channels are using it.

tinto de verano
14-01-2010, 09:04 PM
Hi maud,
Glad you got ITV HD working.
Regarding the BBCi channels, try copying them from the minilist I uploaded or from the bigger one uploaded here. It also contains the BBCI channels.

Or use skomedals hard way described in https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=124204&highlight=HDCI+2000:

"... did it the hard way in february to get these and other channels not in the channel list for this receiver...
Opened the advanced search mode,,,, fed in the freq. pol. sr and fec from a sat. directory site...
Then entered vid, aud and pcr pids,, for each channel at a time, they scanned as user channel but just used the channel name option to put in the correct names for these channels.
Ie. user channel renamed to BBCi1 and so on..."

Good luck.

tinto de verano

14-01-2010, 10:43 PM
Going to that method,Tinto,as problem seemsto be how do you transfer transponder,looked in my tp list for frequency found frequency entered it and channels appeared but were on Astra 1 listing,strange!!

tinto de verano
15-01-2010, 12:05 AM
Hi maud,

maybe you could also make copies and pastes of the BBC HD channel, for example, which should have Astra 2 data and modify according to the data for the differen BBCi streams. Info should be of course in the complete though outdated list. Oh, and also in a readme file.

Good luck.

I really hope you get it all working.

And hopefully satpaul will provide us all with a brand new list soon...


tinto de verano

16-01-2010, 03:12 PM
Hi folks just to let you know that I have now got BBCci streams working,
Just put frequency pids for stream 0 and done adv.search,came up with one channel marked user,down load to computer then pasted all streams from another list then put in TP from my list which was last one of that frequency as it was from user channel, then put provider as BSKYB,deleted
user channel and hey presto now working.:respect-050:

tinto de verano
16-01-2010, 04:18 PM


tinto de verano