View Full Version : Snow and Ice

23-12-2009, 10:41 AM
Hi Guys,
Since my house is in the "snow region" I had a lot of snow ac***ulated on my LNB yesterday night as well as the dish was covered with snow. The result I had to put on the boots and go out with a brush and clean away the snow and the signal reappeard.

IS there LNB´s that have a defroster or what. I just had a terrible feeling for what could happen if I moved the dish up to the chimmney meaning I would have to go up to the top of the ladder and the ridge of the house every time there is wet snow coming.

IS this a problem that can be handled in any way? I guess someone must have had similar experiance´s.
Whats your take on this?
Im in the lower middle of Sweden and I maybe could do with a bigger dish and a new LNB.

The one I have was part of a package from Nokia one upon a time.
just gave it a motorized set-up.

Any LNB that are particulary good?

Im thinking of changing the LNB next week and maybe also the dish if that in some way could be optimized.

Tk CAre



23-12-2009, 11:42 AM
Dish Winter Conditions (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=122869) <= click here
bad idea moving a dish to the chimney stack: wind pressure load

23-12-2009, 01:59 PM
Tnaks mate, I guess you´ve got a point there...

Sorry but the link didnt work..



23-12-2009, 03:10 PM
sorry about the bad link, replaced it with the correct link.

23-12-2009, 03:41 PM
Had to get the snow off my SKY Dish Earlier today ? Completely covered in SNOW [ NO SIGNAL ]:ack2:

23-12-2009, 10:41 PM
If it is possible anyone is better to have their dish where it is easy to get at it, there is no benefit in having a dish high up, like there is with a TV aerial. I have my 1.2 Mtr Channel master on a ground stand mounted on a concrete plinth and my 1Mtr dish is mounted on the wall about 1.2 Mtrs from the ground, it is very easy to work on either of them.

Season's Greetings Wez

23-12-2009, 10:50 PM
there is no benefit in having a dish high up, like there is with a TV aerial.

If you only have a small garden, and the neighbours have large trees and buildings in the way many people have no choice than to mount a big dish high up on a wall or roof.

Also some people are not allowed to have dishes at ground level, for example if you don't own the property.

23-12-2009, 11:23 PM
I did say if it were possible. I know that it is not in some cases, but as a piece of advice to anyone installing a dish it is very sound, providing it can be done. It is also of no benefit having a dish high, full stop, but if it is not possible then do as you must.

Season's Greetings Wez

24-12-2009, 12:07 AM
Looks like it froze up one of my motors,cause have'nt been able to move it for a few days but channels okay where it is pointing.

24-12-2009, 08:35 AM
Looks like it froze up one of my motors,cause have'nt been able to move it for a few days but channels okay where it is pointing.
think when the gears are thawing you can use the silicon oil spray to prevent these freezing over again, contact your dish motor supplier to have this confirmed or for other solution!

02-01-2010, 06:21 PM
That helped me to decide to go up to a 120 dish and a new technomate, gold edition. I will try that out first and then I will go for the chimney instead. Maybe a new cable could be a signal booster as well, the one I have has been there for at least 10 years now.



ALso I got rid of my snow and Ice by spraying alcohol denaturated on it .... worked fine

02-01-2010, 06:59 PM

I live at almost the same latitude as you.
My 120cm dish is fixed between the roof of my veranda and the railings on a 3inch ( 7.5cm ) steel scaffold pipe with brackets top and bottom, pipe length 2,5 meters.
My house veranda is in a sheltered valley open north - south, the tall trees to the north shelter the dish from northely winds, but when it blows from the south can see the dish vibrating..
The lnb height is at head level.
Atm 40 cm snow here -16c so no problem keeping everything clean..

As already pointed out by Giga think of the wind load for a chimney mount with this size dish, and how would you keep it snow free?

Hope this makes sense.


03-01-2010, 11:32 AM
found another thread with some more info: maximum dish size for chimmney stack (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=72462) <= URL

03-01-2010, 11:36 AM
I’m at 57 north so that’s probably Ok Skomedal, I’m just a bit worried about the tree tops that have grown worryingly high over the years. But with the new Technomate LNB and 120 cm dish I hope to see a decent improvement. I will see in a week or two when all has been mounted. :cheers2:

Thanks Giga, the wind is also dependent on what your local climate is like, inland, seaside, valleys, hills, tunnel effects etc. I’m in an inland forest rich countryside so heavy winds are not that frequent and my house is not that high below15 meters. But still you have a point or as they say "when the **** hits the fan" We who lives here all remeber "Gudrun" the storm hat took out half of south of Sweden. ANd also there is at least one "decent" storm every year in this weather region. ANd you dont want to repair your set-up once a year,do you?

Thanks for the great input M8´s



03-01-2010, 12:04 PM
not 100% but it should give you an idea to the required hight of your disch in relation to the height and distance to obstacle.
Kindly provided by our sometimes friends at Astra (hate them for introducing HD+ with CI+ without telling the viewers what their up to):
Astra Installation assistant:

Enter your location by latitude & longitude
Select one of their satellites
enter height of dish 1m
enter obstacle height and distance.
you should get a warning if obstacle is blocking the signal