View Full Version : Telesat's tools for AZbox HD...

23-12-2009, 01:54 PM
Dunno what happened to his ACC, so here it is again, just in case...

A "slightly" improved "Readme"... by yours truly... :D

ACC - AZBox Control Center


As the name says, all or almost all of the tools needed for AzBox HD are now unified in one application.
The application [App in further text] is divided into few logical units/"tabs", so let's explain them a
little, one by one...


This is the last Tab in my App, but the first one to pop-up, when one starts the ACC App.

Here you can create various "Profiles" (just in case you own more than one AZbox HD receiver). Each can have
a different name, IP address or a different DynDNS, its own password etc. You can also edit the Telnet and
FTP connection ports, as well as the method of connection (active or passive). Also, a method of File transfer:
Binary or ASCII. One also has "Command prompt" function.

On the right hand-side one can choose one's language, which is associated with a country flag. Currently
the App supports English, Serbo-Croat, Portuguese and Spanish language.

(If You want to translate the Language file to another language, please contact me.)


I implemented it fully. Moreover, below it you will find a set of pre-defined, most commonly used commands.


File Transfer Protocol Client, more or less the same as any other FTP client. From a drop-down menu one can
enable or disable a toolbar and the settings will be saved, next time you want to use it.

Additional commands, like Chanel Attributes for CHMOD permissions etc. are available when one uses the mouse
"right click" function. One also has the file editor included.

*Mini RC

A small remote control unit [RCU] for AZbox HD, with all the most basic commands present.

Each command takes a second or two, in order to get the AZbox HD OSD on your PC screen.

Available commands: "Get OSD", "Get Scr", under which there are also SD and HD versions [they are the same but
it takes longer to save the HD photo, which one can save to one's PC by right clicking on them].

Depending on the channel provider, one can save the image in a format one sees on the screen or in its original

"Get Scr" button functions only if one has a USB HDD or USB memory stick plugged into AZbox HD, because these
images are saved to the external device, so if one is not present - AZbox HD cannot save them.

*Photo tool

AZBox HD supports images up to 1080, i.e. ~2MPixels. If one tries to read a bigger image it won't work.

"Photo Tool" will make those images visible more or less automatically.

"Drag'n'Drop Here!" Simply D'n'D the images you want adjusted. Typically, open them via the Add File(s) function.

To delete an image double click on it and it will be erased. To erase the whole list use the CLEAR function.

"Convert": before you start converting, from the left side choose whether you want...
-the ratio 4:3 respected or
-if you want to add dark space around, if it is converted to the 16:9 size/format [the sizes available are:
1080, 720 ili 576]
-if you want to name an image, check the "Watermark" function and below the image write whatever you want

-choose a location where to save the edited images [click on Refresh List of Devices and below it you will
see possible locations to save them to, like a list of USB devices, where an ACC_PhotoResized folder will
be created].

As you convert them, they will be added automatically to the right side list, below "Converted Pictures".

Having clicked on Get AZBox Status one gets the information about the AZbox HD model, which tuner[s] are
installed in it and how much free space is left in your partitions.

If you click on "Update list" you will get the latest official and unofficial FW. I am planning to
flash/programme AZbox HD automatically, by a single click.

In "Download & Install: PLUGINS & CAMD" one needs to click on a support server, on your left. You get
the information as to what this server holds for you. Choose whatever you want to install to your AZBox HD
by a single click on it, confirm it, if you are sure, then [provided you are connected to your AZbox HD]
simply wait a few moments for the installation to finish. :)


"Backup/Restore": a single click backup of your AZBox HD is performed. One can return them to AZbox HD,
individually, of course, whatever one needs, i.e. Plugins, a Ch. List, RSS feeds and a Browser file.

"Front Panel" - switching LED on/off and sending text messages to the display is performed.

"Startup Scripts": pre-defined 5 scripts are available, in case you have an HDD or USB memory stick connected
to your AZbox HD, so one would easily find them, as they [movies, music, pictures] will now be tied to
the folders with those names.

"Samba - Auto start": activates "samba", a few seconds after the AZbox HD reboots. Before that, one needs
to add username and password in the AZBox HD Menu, of course.

Fifth Script is predefined for linking ACC_PhotoResized folder from USB to "local".

There are 4 boxes to insert your own scripts, as you need them. Once you write and select them, click on
"Generate Script" and a startup script will be generated and installed into your AZbox HD. After a reboot
they will be automatically executed.

"Change Link for Update": having chosen "Official FW" or "Daily FW", after clicking on "Update" one can
edit the link from which to update them.

"MMP - MMP rw": this will make the MMP partition writeable.

"MMP ro": returns it to "read only mode".

"Boot Logo": one can edit the Boot Logo to whatever you find interesting...


At the moment one can manage the "iRadio" and "Mailee" plugins.

For "iRadio" one can edit the icon [the programme auto-resizes it to the necessary format], as well as
the radio station data.

"Mailee": it says it all - it's a mail client, so one can manage the data necessary for it to function.


Currently supporting only MultiCas/CCCam: ecm info, a server list, with a number of cards and a card list.

================================= ================

How to translate this programme to other languages:

Having installed the ACC, find its main folder and search for the following file: DefaultLng.ini

Open it up and on the left side one can see the English original text and then 3 signs "///".

Your translation should go behind those 3 signs.

Once done, save it and rename it to the following format: Lng_YourLang.

An example: for French = Lng_France, then ad the French flag and rename it to 'France'.

Supported image formats are: jpg, bmp, gif, png.

Copy both files [Lng_France.ini and France.gif (if that is the format of your flag image)] to the main folder.

Once you start the App, the new language ought to appear there, as well!

Translated/interpreted by gorski... ;) :) who didn't have a heart to go into Serbo-Croat version of the text... :D

23-12-2009, 01:59 PM

WEB IF Ver.1.2 © 2009 - Telesat Team
FIX : Compatibility with older FW , 0.92880 or lower.

WEB IF Ver.1.1 © 2009 - Telesat Team
FIX : screen shot capture error , when you use 2 usb device.

WEB IF Ver.1.0 © 2009 - Telesat Team

This is the first version of Web If by me :)
My idea is that AzBox gets respectable Web Interface, and this is
just fundament which will be ( I hope ) upgraded more.

Short Tutorial for Installation :

Run the application, and choose location for install, default is /MMP,
If You dont know what Are You doing - just let it as it stay by default :)
Set-up parameters : IP address of AzBox, Username, Password
Press Next, wait that application verify if entered data is correct
If everything is ok, process of Installation will start and it will take
about 40 seconds. After installation process is finished, Your AzBox will
reboot itself and then Web Interface is ready for use :)

In Your favourite Browser ( IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera ), enter
IP address of AzBox, and It will aks from You username and password which
are default in this case :

username = root
password = azbox

How to change password ( just for Web Interface ) :

connect on Your device by telnet and ssh and type this command :

hpasswd and press enter on keyboard
It will ask from You to enter new Password, enter it and press on keyboard Enter
It will ask You to enter same password for second time, to check if it is same as first entered
If Everything is ok, You will get message that Password is successifully changed :)


I would like to express big gratitude to NeotionBox ( iPod ) for support with Ideas ( which he has more
and which will be implemented in future releases of Web IF by me :) ).

Also gratitude to sofrenic for testing and all others which contribute in making of this Web Interface for AzBox HD.

Best regards,

23-12-2009, 02:11 PM
And yet more...;)


- NewCamd & CR ( in Spliter & CCcam TAB )


23-12-2009, 02:16 PM
More still...

0.9.2880a AZBoxEdit
Updated TPs for selected Satellite from k*i*n*g*o*f*s*a*t
All Ch.Group - now you can move Ch.
Genre Group - you can add and remove from selected group and add,remove,rename Genre Group
Country Group - you can add and remove from selected Country group

Remember: One Ch. can be added only to one genre group and only to one Country Group !

Import from satellites.xml (from http://satellites-xml.eu/ or E2) - OK
Improt from k*i*n*g*o*f*s*a*t - OK
Del Sat - OK
Add Sat - OK
Update Sat - OK


Update for all those with their DVB-C lists had problems
(Please 0.9.2880a in the top post is not clear)

The package is just the new Exe
simply against the previous version (0.9.2880a) exchange

In case one needs saving all three settings files with this...:respect-051:

23-12-2009, 02:32 PM
AzBox CAM Wizar.d v.1.0

This application is created for beginners and for well skilled users which want's to setup all needed CAM's faster in new AzBox HD.
After installation of this application, CAM's are ready to be installed in AzBox, but to be sure that You have newest versions of CAM's, from time to time it is recommended to make an OnLine Update ( if you have internet connection ).

New Versions of CAM's will be saved on Your PC, and will be accessible on every next startup of application.

In application there is attached few localizations ( language files ), but also You can store translation by this way:

In Folder where AzBox Cam Wizar.d is installed, You will find file with name: Lng_Default.ini. You can change word default with name of Your language.

Now, Edit that File, You will see default messages showed on English language. If You want to translate, on each end of message on English You should add /// ( 3 slash ),
and after that Add your translation of that message, so do not delete messages on English, just add /// and put after that Your translation.

So it should looks like this :

Original message /// Translated message

I would like to say thanks with help of testing and creation of this Application to :

iPod ( NeotionBox ), Roger Rabbit, and all others who helped me to make this application.

This application dont contain any kind of Key's and nothing which is connected with illegal watching of Pay TV Channels.
This is just Cam Wizar.d which should help all beginners or normal users ( technicians, sellers in shops ) to set-up new AzBox HD without any problem.

It is up to you, end users, will You cross the legislative and Use this Installer in illegal operations.


The latest version I could find is below...:cheers2:

Dig Deep
17-01-2010, 09:59 PM
This has never worked for me. Never passed the user test.
Hangs with a BIG login box :respect-069: