View Full Version : Firmware 0.9.4110 @ dailyfw.azupd.com

23-12-2009, 03:17 PM
No Changelog :P



23-12-2009, 03:19 PM
thank you... I am installing this new firmware but can anobody find out the changelog??

thank you once again


23-12-2009, 03:59 PM
Here my first test... I coudn't watch the video with VLC after recording it, basically aljazeera sport ... with this new firmware the problem is resolved...

0.9.4110 firmware defenitely is better than previous one!!!

23-12-2009, 04:48 PM
can someone check if it has blind scan?

23-12-2009, 05:21 PM
yes is added new in channels search you can insert minimum frequency until top of the fre yhat you want.

steps of 5mhz and goes quickly its fine good workˇˇˇ

23-12-2009, 05:33 PM
thats great news going to update now thanks for info

23-12-2009, 05:35 PM
I can't test blind scan because I don´t use satellite engine... but I read in a spanish forum that blind scan is working with this new firmware

23-12-2009, 05:48 PM
im scanning astra 2A and when finish the search step 5mhz begins to search by transponder but i dont know if there is a bug because the dish begins to move stop the search and then move again until 2 times finally is replaced to the correct position and finish the search lets see if happen to other users

23-12-2009, 05:52 PM
just trying 10e

23-12-2009, 06:04 PM

somebody knows that the EURO EPG is working somehow in this fw?i mean is there any way to install it or if i wanna use, i have to go back to an old firmware?
thank you!

23-12-2009, 06:09 PM

somebody knows that the EURO EPG is working somehow in this fw?i mean is there any way to install it or if i wanna use, i have to go back to an old firmware?
thank you!

I've tried the origonal way and it did'nt work. If it is possible I'd be interested.

23-12-2009, 06:41 PM
screwed myn diseqc settings on vbox and lost channel data

23-12-2009, 06:50 PM
s/r needs to be entered only one scanned at a time

23-12-2009, 06:53 PM
add "Scan All Frequency" option in -Setup/TV Channel-

23-12-2009, 06:56 PM

23-12-2009, 07:01 PM

why is that?

now that we have many firmwares almost everyday..everyone is crying about it again.

just sell your azbox!

23-12-2009, 07:05 PM
screwed myn diseqc settings on vbox and lost channel data

just restore from the backup option assuming you have used it. I use vbox and have never had a problem with vbox caused by Azbox.

23-12-2009, 07:09 PM
used it restored lost again,reset limits on vbox,restored lost channel data,reset limits on azbox anyone else using vbox

23-12-2009, 07:12 PM
why is that?

now that we have many firmwares almost everyday..everyone is crying about it again.

just sell your azbox!

Yeah but the point is, we've waited AGES for these past 3updates which you indicate as being released to us "everyday".... all of which fixes issues none of us care about.

23-12-2009, 07:12 PM
have you tried this fw smudger

23-12-2009, 07:35 PM
have you tried this fw smudger

Yes I'm using it now. My Vbox settings are ok just checked to make sure. I never set limits on azbox only set positions to match vbox

23-12-2009, 07:36 PM
at the end of the day we bought a beta box with beta f/w if certain peeps wanted something with stable f/w they should have bought a different box
personely i think its a great box and getting better daily/weekly

23-12-2009, 07:43 PM
Only thing's which bug me are EPG and MultiCas not handling highter ecm times as well as cccam on dreambox.

Other then these I'm quite happy.

Not doubt once epg is around for 28.2 we will then have recording problems. But thats a later date.

23-12-2009, 07:48 PM
'Blind scan'?!? What 'blind scan?!? Let's test:

When you go for the "Scan all frequencies" it appears only to scan whatever Symbol Rate you give it. Since there can be loads of them, especially on satellite positions with plenty of feeds, if it were true, it would NOT be a proper 'blind scan' function!!! Full stop!!!:beatdeadhorse5:

But is it like that?

=================LET'S TEST====================

I gave it the lowest S/R I could find on 12/5'W, i.e. 1300 and let is search. It came up with 71 TV and 6 Radio channels. Kind of quite suddenly, as it didn't show any "new channels found" during searching, which leaves me to believe it only "found" what was already in my channels/transponder list. In other words, a gimmick! Well, let's test it again, to be more sure...

I am going through the 'blind scan' again, this time with 0000 for S/R. Let's see the results.

RESULTS: it finished without finding anything at all, as expected, but then it went for another quick scan through the transponders that were already there. Very fast but nothing new. It seems my conclusion from above seems correct. But let's do more tests...

I am now going to do a 'blind scan' with the highest S/R [22400] I could find - all on the same satellite position.

RESULTS: this time it's 69 TV and 6 Radio channels. Nothing new during the 'blind scan' search, as before, only after it did that, when it went through the TPs already in my channels list! Let's test some more, so we can be even more sure...

Now I am going to do the same with an S/R of a specific TP [11781], where ESP2 is. Nothing during the 'blind scan'!

RESULTS: 71 TV and 6 Radio channels that were already there.

One more thing: why do we not have the possibility of searching through/inspecting the newly found channels, once the search is finished, before we save them?!?

==============MY DOUBTS============

If this is not an 'error' in programming but the way it is 'supposed to be', while selling it as a 'blind scan' - it's yet another nail in the coffin!!!

In which case - bloody well done, OS/Celrun, you did it again, pi**ing yet more supporters off 'blindly', as it were... :rolleyes:


=============MY QUESTIONS===========

Can anyone teach me how to do a proper 'blind scan', please? Is it possible? Or is it really just one S/R at the time?

If so, this has gone far too far!!! Rubbish upon rubbish, let-down upon let-down....Why call it 'blind scan' if it isn't - do you not understand that this is going to be counter productive, OS?!?

-'twin tuner' became 'combo', with lies about never selling it as a 'twin'

-[B]'blind scan' became 'guided scan',

-'streaming of all sorts of formats and bit-rates' became ''curtailed streaming of some formats and some bit-rates'

-we hear that 'YouTube' is about to ban companies with devices like AZbox HD...


This project seems to be falling apart, sadly to all of us who had high hopes for it!!!


23-12-2009, 08:12 PM
also tried 7e s/r 6666 nothing

23-12-2009, 08:58 PM
Well, how is the "blind scan" functioning EXACTLY in AZbox HD Premium+ model, please?!? Anyone?

23-12-2009, 09:41 PM
Well, how is the "blind scan" functioning EXACTLY in AZbox HD Premium+ model, please?!? Anyone?

You sure its not "Blinkered Scan"

Beginning to think on the same lines as you goran.

23-12-2009, 10:07 PM
:D Oh, I believe you is a mean old fellah, sir... :D I thought I was so merciful with "guided scan"... :D but "blinkered scan"... [oh, yes missus, that's mean... sheer genius!!! :D :D :D]...

Is this sheer incompetence or what, DJ?:ack2:

Not just professionally/technologically!

Business/PR incompetence!!!:number-one-043:

Gaaawwdd... :rolleyes:

23-12-2009, 10:18 PM
As for the 'blindscan' ...I think you need the 'twin tuner' function in the non plus version to make it work. :rolleyes: :beatdeadhorse5:

23-12-2009, 10:23 PM
The whole problem was when Hugo took this on, he had the best interests at heart but has been let down by too many people down the line. Promises by Sigma and relying on programmers that have let him down.

There is a lead programmer on the case but he/she is working with hardware that isn't doing what sigma says it can.

Hugo also hasn't got a bottomless pit of cash so he needed to push the box into the domain to recoup some capital.

I think the whole process has been a huge learning curve for Hugo and he is now going the right ways with the Premium+

I will be holding out personally before purchasing any new box's as this experience has been a pain in the ass.

I hope Hugo can pull it off as he is really a genuinely nice guy and I wish him all the best for the future.

23-12-2009, 11:01 PM
Ahem... DMM has a huge support... And they [OS/Celrun] just won't learn from them...

Either that or drop the Sigma in favour of something with proper support!

Or drop the programmers and get the right guys...

Or all of the above...


23-12-2009, 11:09 PM
goran with this firmware now i can see my share :)

windows7 x64

23-12-2009, 11:19 PM
@goran mate I know you are pi**ed off as all of us. that masterpiece
of v4085 made me kinda mad too. But there should be some level
of criticism. We are all people so anyone can make a mistake or two. I should add that nevertheless opensat programmers made a nice job in this year and
hope they will be better in 2010. Wish guys all the best.
And Goran -- As they say 'Don't change horses in midstream'. This is only the first version with 'b-scan' hope we all get what we need..

23-12-2009, 11:22 PM


And these are the first fotos from my friend john78 from the greek forum

23-12-2009, 11:28 PM
Latest info from John78 says that he deleted the 22000 and put 5632 and the rest left as it is and gone to 10 Eutel and found 2 channels more 12678 and 12689 with 6666 fec .

So it works till now !!!

24-12-2009, 12:29 AM
Tx, m8: I tried and tried and tried and I kept trying, despite all the let-downs, I put a lot of effort, time, good will and best of hopes into it! I really gave it my best shot, to get the community the best possible "new start" [as much as I can, in my rather limited but hopefully, somewhat useful way] - but everybody has a limit, you know... Even me... And I know I can be patient... I have some stuff I've done for the community behind me, to prove it - not just saying it [mere words are cheap!] but actually doing it for all, for free!!!:svengo:

So, no: as DJBlue said, it's them, not "us" and deffo not me!!! From Hugo's/OS/Celrun choice of HW to their choice of programmers, strategy, then Sigma ****ty "support", to no or very, veeeeeryyy limited openness to the developers and hobbyist community, then their PR [absolutely awful NB and the lot of kiddies and some other rather nasty people:banghead: running their errands] and on and on and on...:smash:

Promises after failed promises, after failed promises, lies, innuendos, insinuations:toetap05: and on and on and on....:beatdeadhorse5:

I'm really tired of all that c*r*a*p!!!!!!:9898:

24-12-2009, 12:31 AM
goran with this firmware now i can see my share :)

windows7 x64


Thanx, I'll try but I am really at the end of my tether...:nopity:

24-12-2009, 01:17 AM
goran, thats how science develops - lost hopes, users anger, loose of interest.
I've checked some sigma source code we have here in public access. it's dated about 5 years ago. All those people who have access for information probably
focused on another more powerful hardware. remember onion news hardware upgrade?


tell you one thing. 4get it. focus on xmas presents :)

24-12-2009, 02:03 AM
does anyone test these fw,its not rocket science to know the blind scan doent work.so why pretend..its not as if its buggy it just doesnt work.as far as im concerned,its a sat box that decodes 4,2,2, and not a multimedia player/streamer/photo player or blind scan receiver and it doesnt even have a editor you can use properly with diseqc,dont tell me maz 2.3 cos even this doesnt work properly.how long can we keep saying beta..one word again PATHETIC

24-12-2009, 08:01 AM
I use my AzBoxHD Elite with Strong SRT V50 positioner and an 18" actuator. Yesterday I tried Scan All Frequency funtion of the 0.9.4110 firmware. It works, but after the first experiment, the positioner don't move correctly the actuator. Same the problem that at Iwols. I thinks it's a bug.

24-12-2009, 11:34 AM
I use my AzBoxHD Elite with Strong SRT V50 positioner and an 18" actuator. Yesterday I tried Scan All Frequency funtion of the 0.9.4110 firmware. It works, but after the first experiment, the positioner don't move correctly the actuator. Same the problem that at Iwols. I thinks it's a bug.
thank you dont they try this on a diseqc setup as well ,its not a bug its total imcompetence

24-12-2009, 02:40 PM
Nice step forward
720p playback still not fixed

so... for a month now i m installing new firmwares
and rolling back to 3911 coz of the problematic 720p playback....

so i m missing all the thin but nice improvements....

25-12-2009, 02:53 AM
thank you dont they try this on a diseqc setup as well ,its not a bug its total imcompetence

Do someone know how to fix that?I cant use my motor from 10E to East only from 10E to West.I update the firmware with old one but the problem still remain

Ok i fixed.I press from my azbox the command Go to 0 and i've found again my sats position i saved again and all now is ok.

25-12-2009, 10:46 AM
i use the v box and what this fw does is reset the east /west limit so the only way i could make it work again is reset the limits on my vbox ah well