View Full Version : Advice on Lnb

26-12-2009, 07:22 PM
I'm located in South Wales. Have a motorized off-centre dish about 107 cms diameter excluding curve. Have no idea as to make as I was given it years ago.

Picks up what is available between 30w to 42e.

Until last summer used Triax universal 0.6db but occasionally Nova sport on 1w used to break up in poor weather.

So I changed to a Diamond 01.db thinking it would be the best.

All great apart from HD on 9e. Lux comes blasting in even the dish is a bit out. But Discovery and others have a very very poor a signal then none.

What I want is a Dog's b*ll*cks of a Lnb.

Any ideas?

26-12-2009, 09:35 PM
Darkgold 0.1db universal LNB or smart titanimium 0.1db either would be a lot better than your 0.6db i think but it could be that your dish is not correctly Aligned and mite need a slight adjust to correct it ? with a motorised system occasionally you'll find it may need a slight tweak instead of splashing out on a fancy lnb ? i'd put a sat meter on your dish first b4 investing in a better lnb .

26-12-2009, 09:43 PM
Thanks never thought of sat meter. Set it up when analogue was popular, put telly under dish and played until I had good signal, used dreambox to tune in rest.

27-12-2009, 01:03 AM
Dishes are cheap nowadays: get the best and biggest, plus best LNB and chill with a proper polarmount + Vbox... ;)

27-12-2009, 08:08 AM
Thanks never thought of sat meter. Set it up when analogue was popular, put telly under dish and played until I had good signal, used dreambox to tune in rest.
as barneycarlton says re-pointing your dish could work and check if the pole mounting is still 100% in the x,y & z axises (using plumb and level) couple of mm of could produce bad results. and while pointing keep in mind the processing delay of the signal +- 2 seconds.
Did it the same way on a sunny day, TV and sat receiver outside (I'm lucky: dishes are mounted at ground level) and measuring on the weakest transponders.

27-12-2009, 12:26 PM
Well this is my first post here so please be gentle.

To the facts

Goran IS right. Dishes ARE cheap nowadays, so investing in a good dish WILL make your life easier. As for the LNBs you mentioned, here in Greece, where I live, there are 2-3 LNBs which are considered VERY good. For example

MEGA SAT Diavolo Single LNB 0.1dB

are highly recommended.

Of course the pages are in greek but you'll figure it out, I'm sure


27-12-2009, 12:34 PM
welcome to our forum mate,

one thing though,live links are not allowed.best to edit your post so they are no longer live.ian.

27-12-2009, 06:10 PM
Titanium, Sharp, Humax etc.:cheers2:

Not very expensive, either...

29-12-2009, 08:06 PM
Agree with Barneycarlton above re LNBs. I find the Darkgold better than the Titanium.
There are excellent reviews of the Inverto Black Ultra (not the Premium) but it only appears to be available on the Continent. Do a search on the web.

29-12-2009, 10:57 PM
Just ordered a yellow technomate TM-1 even though it doesn't offer great gain for £15 its worth a try. As for aligning dish, for left to right dreambox gives very accurate measurement. Pole is bolted by bloody great bolts into solid 10 foot high brick wall. and I think I got the best vertical set uo on installation (didn't have meter just used telly) Besides I can't afford the sort of meter that will tell me I'm just a little out!

Will advise if works.

30-12-2009, 11:59 PM
Hello Tim1

I changed my Smart Titanium LNB that performed very well for the Technomate Gold 0.1 LNB based on the excellent review from Tele Satellite.
I have seen improvements in signal quality.
Hope it works for you.

31-12-2009, 06:50 PM
Just arrived and installed in freezing conditions by torchlight. Works far better than the less expensive 0.1db that was there before. Hd channel on 9e are now perfect with no signal problems. £15 well spent.

01-01-2010, 06:58 PM
Good to see your sorted


15-01-2010, 05:19 PM
Also got a technomate 0.1db to fit, any hints or tips would be welcome in fitting.

15-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Hello Logout

Make sure the LNB is pushed back as far as possible in the LNB holder so the LNB is closer to the dish to achieve maximum signal quality and strength. :respect-048:
You could check this by looking at these values in the receivers menu.


15-01-2010, 09:14 PM
Replace tomorrow and see how it goes, thanks for the advice,

15-01-2010, 09:36 PM
Glad to help


09-02-2010, 10:53 PM
i got one of the technomate Gold 0.1's today and am very happy with it. i am using a triax multi lnb bracket and was having bad reception on a couple of transponders on 28.2e. fitted thenew lnb amd no BER whatsoever now and strength up 10%:)