View Full Version : Update fileCAIDS.XML>

28-12-2009, 06:09 PM
I've been using a programmed Diablo 2.3 cam in a Topfield TF7700CI receiver for some time now. mainly with the Digi 1 degree W keys installed. However this box has developed a fault in that it won't move my motorised dish.
I have used a Technomate TM-5000CI, which I,ve had for some time, to position my dish and then switched back to my Topfield to view. This works ok, but I understand that my cam shoud also work in the Technomate. I've tried it but the initialisation fails with a message (No signal PMT not found. Update file CAIDS.XML.). Can anyone assist?

28-12-2009, 07:15 PM
when you get this message press select and then reboot the TM....if you got latest key bin and underworld 187 it should work...good luck

28-12-2009, 07:18 PM
sorry m8 underworld 187 is for tm1500...i miss read your post...

28-12-2009, 07:42 PM
(No signal PMT not found. Update file CAIDS.XML.)
go on configuration and see if auto pmt is on