View Full Version : sbox now without Azbox support ... :(

06-01-2010, 01:33 PM
Maybe you have noticed that already

The two latest sBox releases from yesterday and today
are missing the Sigma binary

With other words
the azbox support seems to be stopped (after only one release for azbox)

For all who dont't know what sbox is
Its a cardserver (and a really easy one to use)
and we all know how useful a good cardserver is (so many cards are still not working properly on az ...)
now that newcs has stopped the development,
and no one cares about az in the oscam project ...

Thats a really alarming process
that so many softcamd developers are loosing their interest

06-01-2010, 01:38 PM
Be patient, I have read that it is just a matter of time before you see sbox support.

06-01-2010, 04:16 PM
sonic m8 what does this mean?

ive been trying to get this to read a Sky UK card and connect to mbox on a 7020 for ages.

what have i done wrong?
the telnet window just stops at this point and i am unable to start mbox.

OpenDreambox 1.5.0 dm7020

dm7020 login: root
root@dm7020:~# cd /var/bin
root@dm7020:/usr/bin# killall sbox
killall: Could not kill pid '711': No such process
root@dm7020:/usr/bin# ./sbox

Viewing Pay TV without a valid subscription is illegal

Wellcome to sBox (for PowerPC)
Version: 0.0.4-6 (06/01/2010 #1)
WebPage: http://www.sboxobs.tk

Checking for /var/bin/sbox.conf... OK

root@dm7020:/usr/bin# [Info] SCI device detected
================================= =======================
[Reset] slot0
================================= =======================
ATR : 3FFD13250250000F33B00F69FF4A50D00 000535902
Hist.: 33B00F69FF4A50D00000535902
3 i J P S Y ☻
Working at 7.000Mhz (Max 5.000Mhz)
================================= =======================
================================= =======================
[Init] ID: 0x00 | Serial: xxxxxxxxxxxx | System: NDS
================================= =======================
NDS Card init

Provider 00 ID 000000 PPUA xxxxxxxxx CaID 0963
Provider 01 ID 000000 PPUA xxxxxxxxx CaID 0963

Card Init OK
================================= =======================

================================= =======================
[Info] NewCamd
Error: Connection refused
================================= =======================
[NewCamd]Server Init OK on port 2221

[Web] WebInterface Init
[Cache] Initializing cache for card n┬║ 0
[Info] Entering main loop

[Info] Mode Emu + CardServer
[HTTP]: Address already in use

06-01-2010, 04:36 PM
I have not had a chance to look yet ian but I will have a play tonight.

Have you set the ports in /var/keys/port.list ?

06-01-2010, 04:53 PM
never bothered using a port.list file before mate as ive never needed to with newcs and mbox.cant see why this would now need one to work when its never been needed before.

i only want to test this to see if it gives better returns than newcs.if it does i will continue to use it.ian.

06-01-2010, 04:54 PM
All I can do is test tonight and let you know how it goes.;)

06-01-2010, 05:06 PM
thanks m8.
speak later.ian.

06-01-2010, 07:52 PM
I am looking at this now and just getting my head around some of it.

Did you add a boxkey ?

06-01-2010, 08:29 PM
yes m8,the same one that is used in the newcs.xml when using newcs.file.

06-01-2010, 08:35 PM
#NDS Example
[09630000] # nds camid (4 bytes)
boxkey= 01020304 # nds boxkey
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath=/var/keys/port.list # path from port.list

So your sbox.conf looks something like this ?

No joy here yet also bud but the wife is hogging the TV :woot-035:

06-01-2010, 08:39 PM
this is mine.

#NDS Example
[12345678] # nds camid (4 bytes)
emm=0 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list

ive changed the emm to 0 and i dont have the provider id inserted.is that needed?as its not in the example.
my problems dont seem to be in getting the card to be read,its later when connecting to the newcamd protcol within mbox.ian.

Wellcome to sBox (for PowerPC)
Version: 0.0.4-6 (06/01/2010 #1)
WebPage: http://www.sboxobs.tk

Checking for /var/bin/sbox.conf... OK

root@dm7020:/usr/bin# [Info] SCI device detected
================================= =======================
[Reset] slot0
================================= =======================
ATR : 3FFD13250250000F33B00F69FF4A50D00 000535902
Hist.: 33B00F69FF4A50D00000535902
3 i J P S Y ☻
Working at 7.000Mhz (Max 5.000Mhz)
================================= =======================
================================= =======================
[Init] ID: 0x00 | Serial: xxxxxxxxx | System: NDS
================================= =======================
NDS Card init

Provider 00 ID 000000 PPUA xxxxxxxxx CaID 0963
Provider 01 ID 000000 PPUA xxxxxxxxx CaID 0963

Card Init OK

as you can see the card appeard to be being read ok?

06-01-2010, 08:47 PM
nds camid is needed.
I have the card working and decoding premium channels but the sound is all wrong.

Not tested the newcamd part just yet.

06-01-2010, 08:57 PM
update, sound is fine since a reboot but not all premium channels working.

next test is newcamd part.

06-01-2010, 08:58 PM
ok ive inserted the cam id.
i got confused and had put the boxkey there doh!

still not sharing with newcamd though.ian.

06-01-2010, 09:04 PM
i use sbox on my dreambox dm500 as a cardreader and CCcam als Client
this way i add a line to my Azbox,it works verry well.

i don't use port.list

if you want to set it up with newcamd,you have to use users.sbox and uncheck the wanted users.


#Example configuration file for sbox cardclient server

# [slot0] # slot to connect
# user=edk # user
# pass=edk # password
# au=1 # au on/off


#Example configuration file for sbox cardclient server

[slot0] # slot to connect
user=edk # user
pass=edk # password
au=1 # au on/off

06-01-2010, 09:10 PM
thanks m8,
already dont that though and changed the edk to my user and password.ian.

06-01-2010, 09:14 PM
Had to stop testing for tonight ian.

Post you configs and N line here but remove private data.

06-01-2010, 09:20 PM

#Example configuration file for sbox cardclient server

[slot0] # slot to connect
user=xxxxx # user
pass=xxxxx # password
au=1 # au on/off

#[slot1] # slot to connect
#user=xxxxx # user
#pass=xxxxx # password
#au=1 # au on/off

[slot1] # slot to connect
#user=xxxxx # user
#pass=xxxxx # password
#au=1 # au on/off


server_only=1 # 0=emu+newcamd server 1=only newcamd server
log=0 # 1=no log 1=log to /tmp/sbox.log //ALWAYS USE 0//
userspath=/var/bin/users.sbox # users list
webinterface=1 # 1=web interface on 0=web interface off
webport=81 # web interface port

active=1 # 0=inactive 1=active
sci=/dev/sci0 # lower
ncdserver=1 # 0=newcamd server off 1=newcamd server on
deskey=01020304050607080910111213 14 # newcamd deskey
port=2221 # newcamd port
mhz=700 # Mhz for card in this reader, ONLY WORKS ON INTERNAL CARDREADER. Example: mhz=357, mhz=368

active=0 # 0=inactive 1=active
sci=/dev/sci1 # upper
ncdserver=0 # 0=newcamd server off 1=newcamd server on
deskey=01020304050607080910111213 14 # newcamd deskey
port=2221 # newcamd port
mhz=700 # Mhz for card in this reader, ONLY WORKS ON INTERNAL CAR

#Nagra2/3 Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nagra2 camid (4 bytes)
rsa= # rsa "n" from this card (like newcs)
boxkey= # boxkey from this card
emm=0 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath=/var/keys/port.list # path from port.list

#Nagra tiger/ncmed Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nagra camid (4 bytes)
emm=2 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list

#Seca Example
[CCCCCCCC] # seca camid (4 bytes)
ok_view=0 # if ok_view=1 sbox simulates the "ok view this season" on seca smartcards
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list

#Viaccess Example
[CCCCCCCC] # via camid (4 bytes)
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list

#Irdeto Example
[CCCCCCCC] # irdeto camid (4 bytes)
camkey=0000000000000000 # CamKEY
camkeydata=0000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list

#NDS Example
[09630000] # nds camid (4 bytes)
boxkey=xxxxxxxx # nds boxkey
emm=0 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath=/var/keys/port.list # path from port.list

# How to ADD RSA for TIGER/NCMED cards
# If your card is a ROM TIGER547 Rev124 (for example)
# [TIGER547] <- this is the rom version from your card
# rsa=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# ONLY THIS, for config bloquer, portlist, etc, look at the examples above!

#Example configuration newcamd client

#server0=dummy:dummy@localhost:15 052/0102030405060708091011121314/7
#server1=dummy:dummy@localhost:15 052/0102030405060708091011121314/7
#server2=dummy:dummy@localhost:15 052/0102030405060708091011121314/7

C line as used in mbox

C: { 2221 xxxxx xxxxx 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 }

06-01-2010, 09:24 PM
Surely your n line ip needs to be that of the server ? not local ?

06-01-2010, 09:27 PM
i dont follow mate.
the card reader is on the same dreambox as what is running mbox so surely thats an ip of

06-01-2010, 09:29 PM
Are you reading the card in one box with sbox and then sharing to another box with mbox ?

or are you running sbox along side mbox on the same box ?

06-01-2010, 09:31 PM
running sbox alongside mbox on the same box m8.
just like i do with newcs.i just want to test the returns from this sbox to see if they are faster than newcs.ian.


can you post you N line? ( after removing your personal details )

06-01-2010, 09:40 PM
Sorry ian, I was wrongly assuming you where running them separately.

I have to call it a night bud but if you have a look at sbox home page there is also some good info.

No need to register to read it ;)

06-01-2010, 09:43 PM
thanks sonic i will have a look.
its my brothers box,i run his server as well as my own and he has the sky card.
i deffo think my problem lies with the configuration of the N line or in my case C line.
i think its written differently to what we are used to as the card seems to be being read,but mbox and sbox are not communicating with each other.ian

06-01-2010, 10:27 PM
ian m8 for your own good please edit your posts and remove the serial numbers of your card ....
be careful with the logs that you attach

06-01-2010, 10:33 PM
thanks snakie

still cannot get this to communicate with mbox,giving up for now as the site sonic said to go to is mostly in spanish so i think i will wait untill someone one here can translate.its doing my head in using an online translator for every post on there.ian.

06-01-2010, 10:36 PM
ian m8 for your own good please edit your posts and remove the serial numbers of your card ....
be careful with the logs that you attach


check post #3 again to make sure the card number is gone, i think it was in two places when i read it this morning

06-01-2010, 10:44 PM
thanks m8

i can be a right dork sometimes.ian.

07-01-2010, 02:20 AM
Ian, you need to do some more editing!

07-01-2010, 07:37 AM
thanks guys.

dont think i will be posting anymore logs in the future.ian.

07-01-2010, 11:09 AM
From one extreme to the other, ian...:svengo:

Wrong idea: learn and then help others understand what you just saw for yourself.:coolgleamA:

Making mistakes is a human thing. Rising above it is who we are or can be, at our best... :)

Just keep at it and you'll get better at it... ;)

I mean, look at me... :D

If I can do it...:smash:

11-01-2010, 01:27 AM
Can someone tell me the merrit in using this emu over others?

11-01-2010, 10:50 AM
running sbox alongside mbox on the same box m8.
just like i do with newcs.i just want to test the returns from this sbox to see if they are faster than newcs.ian.


can you post you N line? ( after removing your personal details )

i use these settings in sbox.conf,running from a dm500
i place all the files in



server_only=0 # 0=emu+newcamd server 1=only newcamd server
log=0 # 0=no log 1=log to /tmp/sbox.log

userspath=/var/bin/users.sbox # users list
webinterface=1 # 1=web interface on 0=web interface off
webport=82 # web interface port

active=1 # 0=inactive 1=active, we are assuming here the Nagra card will be in the lower slot.
sci=/dev/sci0 # lower
ncdserver=1 # 0=newcamd server off, 1=newcamd server on
deskey=01020304050607080910111213 14 # newcamd deskey
port=15050 # newcamd port

offcourse you have to edit your card details to get your card running.
i have a Nagra card,so i put in boxkey,rsakey and camid.


#Example configuration file for sbox cardclient server

[slot0] # slot to connect
user=dummy # user
pass=dummy # password
au=1 # au on/off

# [slot1] # slot to connect
# user=edk2 # user
# pass=edk2 # password
# au=0 # au on/off

here's my N line in CCcam.

N: localhost 15050 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

11-01-2010, 11:22 AM
Hmmm... OKI, but on AZbox HD, as a card reader/server - anyone?

11-01-2010, 05:23 PM
What is their home page? I went here, http://www.sboxobs.tk/ , but it looked like a regular CS forum, not something dedicated to SBOX only?

No tutorials in English?

11-01-2010, 06:12 PM
i cannot get it to work anyway nina.it just wont connect to mbox.ian.