View Full Version : divx movies no audio ?

07-01-2010, 10:36 PM
hi im using latest oozoon image most of my div x avi films are playing
fine from external hd but some of them are playing video but no audio.
when i go in to the audio via the yellow button while film is playing that i have probs with i have 2 settings coming up (mpeg 1 layer 3undetermined) and same again (mpeg 1 layer 3 undetermined) when i try to change from one to another i just get walking penguin and my remote become inoperable.
i have to switch box on and of to get it to function.

in the user manual under audio decoder it mentions audio compression mpeg1 layer 1 and layer 2 but no layer 3 is this why.
is there any way round this :cheers2: